How to measure a roof and calculate square feet. | 01/2020

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Measuring a roof is pretty simple, if you know what you're doing.

To measure this roof we used a 25 foot tape measure and sketched the roof out.

You want to break the roof into simple shapes like squares and rectangles. This is the simplest ways we found to measure a roof by hand.

After doing so, measure the length and width of each shape, if the sqft comes out to lets say 636 sqtf, we round up to 640 sqft. We do this to keep numbers even and simple to add up. 1 or two sqft is not going to make a huge difference in the cost.

Record you sf ft on paper, add them all up and wallah', you have your total sqft of the roof.

I miss spoke in the video, but the roof sqft is always going to be bigger than the actual livable sqft. (ROOF IS ALWAYS GREATER THAN FOUNDATION SQFT)

In the roofing industry there's a rule of thumb, lets say your total sq ft of roof is 2,020, to calculate your waste factor, starter and ridges, one would multiply it by 10% or 15%, these are general rules. if the roof is cut up, have lots of valley or hips, the 10% / 15% rule goes out the window and a manual accurate measurement count would be best.

[2,020 x 15% = 303 sq ft or-- total 2,323 sq ft ]

that's it.


Rox Roofing & Exteriors
1999 Gulfmart St. #517
San Antonio, TX 78217
(210) 900-0977
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You actually take the time to answer questions and comments! Looking to start my own roofing company and will definitely be coming back for more tips!


Very informative thank you! Literally omw to do this for the first time. You explained every thing w all the details that matter and didn't fill up the vid w you talking about alot of extra stuff that doesn't matter. That's good for somebody in my situation, I don't have time rn to skip all thru a vid n try n find the parts that matter (but I do have enough time to leave a comment n say thanks lol just to encourage you to keep making helpful videos). Quick, straight to the point, and precise. As well as easy to understand. I'ma go measure this roof now


Thank you, straight to the point very clear. One of the best explanations on how to measure a roof on YT. I'm getting ready to do my roof and not sure if I will hire someone or do it myself. This will come in handy.


Thank you so much...I have learned!! I'm learning claims adjusting!


Well chimeney crickets, that was a great video!!!


I really appreciate you explaining this. I couldn't find any answers anywhere, and when I would ask a Roofer what they charged, they wouldn't explain. Thanks again. And it is weird that theres a "Roof Square".


Thank you for this video. I hope you are having a busy summer bro. Stay safe and hydrated brother!! God bless you.


its been so long sent, s i did roofing im glad to watch this becouse i have to put new roof on the front of my double wide moble home i live in and its 6 sqwear in the front and 6 sqwear in the back so thank you for this video it woke my little brain up thank you robert lay


I know how to do it, but why don't you do a video showing people how to figure out the pitch of the roof are in non roofer terms the steepness. I take the 1 foot level and a tape measure, and put the level anywhere on the roof and doesn't have to be at the Pekin doesn't have to be at the edge just put it on the roof and then pick it up until it's level and measure from the end of it on the bottom of the level and from that point down to where it hits the roof however many inches that roof is away from the end of the one foot level say it's eight inches that means you would have a 8-12 pitch


Another idea would be the importance of tar paper, ice and water shield in the valleys and hips, anywhere that's heated, most people use it all over the whole roof in Vermont, which I really don't understand but it's not necessary oh, I did a garage roof on a brand-new build 22 years ago the only place I used tire paper was on the edge, and that wasn't because of me it was the garage owner didn't have the money to do it so we'd only put a strip on the bottom and I strip on the rake and the rest of shingles and it has not leaked yet! I'm going to figure out what state you live in and do you might have a new application in your mailbox, depending on what state you live in I'll show you how to run a roofing crew I used to rip and tear 10 square of roofing shingles a day, not all the time but I could do it if I had to and I have done it! You only Roofing I will not do and have not ever done and will never do is slate oh, that's a different practice I can't I won't do it I just refuse I will never ever do slate


Man, I feel educated now. Good stuff.


You explained it very well and simple thank you sir.


Arre !!! amigo great an simple example easy to understand. Para toda la paisanada que se dedican a pegar roofing.. 🍻


I love ❤️ your teaching thanks so much sir.


So easy! *grabs calculator* lol. all joking aside, thanks for the great vid man


Thank you so much for explaining this. As a woman not really knowing how to measure a roof, this hands down was the best. It was easy to understand and straight to the point.


great video! maybe you can show how to get the linear feet for a fascia roof


Video: How to measure a roof
@0:44 "I already measured everything.

Oh thanks


Hey man. Thank you for the video. I was wondering if we are not supposed to remove the 160 SF of the chimney and then add the 15% for waste


You're very precise sir because I wouldn't have bothered with that chimney in the measurements I mean you got to have shingles for capping and all that so oh, I would have just been the straight measurement but that shows I'm not as professional as you and you are professional I appreciate it, but to me it's not necessary
