When Wakizashi (Short Katana) are Way Better Than the Katana

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❷ Every lesson will be RECORDED and will be available to rewatch anytime
❸ You can ask Seki Sensei questions about the techniques and samurai culture/history
❹ You can join even if you belong to another Ryuha style
❺ You can receive OFFICIAL DAN RANKS by taking exams online (and opening a DOJO in the future)

🧐Frequently Asked Questions About Our Online Lessons:
Q❓: I have no experience with katana. Will I still be able to catch up?
A💡: You don’t need any previous katana martial arts experience to participate in our lessons.

Seki Sensei, the instructor of the online lessons, will carefully give you instructions on how to handle the katana regardless of your level. You will also be able to access all the videos of the past lessons, so you can watch what every other student has learned in the past. You can also send us videos of your progress, and Seki Sensei will be happy to give you feedback.

Q❓: What is the right length of the Iaito (zinc alloy training katana) I should use?
A💡: Please purchase an Iaitō that is at least two blocks longer than the standard length.

The standard length for Seki Sensei is about 177cm, so he should use a 2.45 Shaku long katana. However, he uses a 2.6 Shaku-long katana that is supposed to be used by someone 190cm tall. If the katana is too short, it becomes too easy to draw, which is not good for training.

Q❓: Can I join even if I belong to a different Ryuha style?
A💡: Yes, it’s not a problem at all.

The Seki Sensei himself has trained in more than five styles and various other weapons. If you don’t want others to know that you are participating, you can join the online lessons with your camera off. To have the Sensei check your progress, you can send us a video of you practicing.

🗡️Join the Online Iaido Training with Seki Sensei🗡️

Interested in taking Iaido lessons directly from the 8th Dan Iaido Master with 40 years of experience in Musō Shinden Ryu, Seki sensei? Sign up to learn authentic samurai skills with perfect English interpretation from Let’s ask Shogo.
❶ No previous martial arts experience is required; you can catch up anytime
❷ Every lesson will be RECORDED and will be available to rewatch anytime
❸ You can ask Seki Sensei questions about the techniques and samurai culture/history
❹ You can join even if you belong to another Ryuha style

💻Seki Sensei's Official Website💻

🎵Original Opening Theme Song "Hyakuren"🎵
Performance: Hanafugetsu (Singer/Suzuhana Yuko, Shakuhachi/Kaminaga Daisuke, Koto/Ibukuro Kiyoshi)
Compositions & Arrangements: Suzuhana Yuko
Mixing & Mastering: Watabiki Yuta

❓What is Asayama Ichiden Ryu? / Who is Seki sensei?❓

*Please ask us questions through the DM here


#katana #iaido #kenjutsu #kobudo #asayamaichidenryu
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⚔Join the Online Kobudo Training with Seki Sensei⚔

❶ No previous martial arts experience is required; you can catch up anytime
❷ Every lesson will be RECORDED and will be available to rewatch anytime
❸ You can ask Seki Sensei questions about the techniques and samurai culture/history
❹ You can join even if you belong to another Ryuha style
❺ You can receive OFFICIAL DAN RANKS by taking exams online (and opening a DOJO in the future)

🧐Frequently Asked Questions About Our Online Lessons:
Q❓: I have no experience with katana. Will I still be able to catch up?
A💡: You don’t need any previous katana martial arts experience to participate in our lessons.

Seki Sensei, the instructor of the online lessons, will carefully give you instructions on how to handle the katana regardless of your level. You will also be able to access all the videos of the past lessons, so you can watch what every other student has learned in the past. You can also send us videos of your progress, and Seki Sensei will be happy to give you feedback.

Q❓: What is the right length of the Iaito (zinc alloy training katana) I should use?
A💡: Please purchase an Iaitō that is at least two blocks longer than the standard length.

The standard length for Seki Sensei is about 177cm, so he should use a 2.45 Shaku long katana. However, he uses a 2.6 Shaku-long katana that is supposed to be used by someone 190cm tall. If the katana is too short, it becomes too easy to draw, which is not good for training.

Q❓: Can I join even if I belong to a different Ryuha style?
A💡: Yes, it’s not a problem at all.

The Seki Sensei himself has trained in more than five styles and various other weapons. If you don’t want others to know that you are participating, you can join the online lessons with your camera off. To have the Sensei check your progress, you can send us a video of you practicing.

🗡Join the Online Iaido Training with Seki Sensei🗡

Interested in taking Iaido lessons directly from the 8th Dan Iaido Master with 40 years of experience in Musō Shinden Ryu, Seki sensei? Sign up to learn authentic samurai skills with perfect English interpretation from Let’s ask Shogo.
❶ No previous martial arts experience is required; you can catch up anytime
❷ Every lesson will be RECORDED and will be available to rewatch anytime
❸ You can ask Seki Sensei questions about the techniques and samurai culture/history
❹ You can join even if you belong to another Ryuha style

💻Seki Sensei's Official Website💻

🎵Original Opening Theme Song "Hyakuren"🎵
Performance: Hanafugetsu (Singer/Suzuhana Yuko, Shakuhachi/Kaminaga Daisuke, Koto/Ibukuro Kiyoshi)
Compositions & Arrangements: Suzuhana Yuko
Mixing & Mastering: Watabiki Yuta

❓What is Asayama Ichiden Ryu? / Who is Seki sensei?❓

*Please ask us questions through the DM here


#katana #iaido #kenjutsu #kobudo #asayamaichidenryu


What is important with kata (called drills in European fencing) is that repeating the same movements down to perfection imprints them into your muscle memory. In a real fight you have to act faster than you think, and though you wouldn't execute the technique exactly like in training, all those trained moves could save your life. Another thing is that each of these practices gives you insight into body mechanics, things like controlling your opponent's weapon, psychology, using their own movement and body weight against them, or lock them in place where they can do nothing. Again, you might not perform them exactly the same way, but if you examine them carefully you can learn rules of combat and that understanding is essential to survivng fights. Lastly, each of the kata in these videos has a specific context tied to it. Being attacked in a castle, being attacked when walking against the sun. This was the everyday life of a samurai, and sparing in controlled environment alone wouldn't be enough to prepare them for these situations.


It's good that Sensei was patient enough to explain kata. In today's martial arts world, especially in the west, there is the pervading idea of proving a technique's worth "in real life" and if it isn't "real" then it has no value. While I don't disagree with the value of pressure testing and un-choreographed sparring, I think there is also a lot of value that would be missed in the kata of it's overlooked. Especially in an art like this that has kept its roots from actual combat and hasn't been watered down by the peaceful eras or by the modern martial sports. I still value martial arts for survival purposes in a dangerous world and not just for sport or fun, and I greatly value arts that have managed to keep their combat heritage through to modern times. They are becoming more and more rare, so I am glad to find this dojo is still alive and expanding. どもうありがとうございました


The details in Kata's instruction are an art in itself. I am moved by the privilege of being allowed to see the incredible art unfold.


The bits of lore and strategy inside the kata are very nice to see. The blade reflecting the sunlight was especially nice, with the other hand as a sunshield. Very cool.


Thanks for pointing out what the purpose of Kata for western audiences - there is so much misunderstanding about the topic.


Great explanation of the concept of Kata. A lot of people don’t get the fact that kata teach principles more than technique


i think it would be very good to have actual sparring sessions where these fixed kata are shown in real time and realistic fighting. where one of the partners doesn't know which nor when the technique will be used on him. That will be a great way to showcase that an experienced sword fighter that knows all these tech/ues has the advantage on the less experienced even when they are clearly fighting back, resisting. :)


I am a big fan of the wakizashi. Thank you for more information on this amazing sword.


3:45 why would he block? the wakizashi can't even touch him? if the answer is :"It's part of the kata" I'm ok with that :D


As much as we love the katana it is great to see the focus on the wakizashi for a change :)

Shogo-san do you think it's a western thing to misunderstand kata as a step by step instruction to fighting, rather than a way to train your body to move in certain ways so you can adapt to the situation?

I've heard this often, and seems quite common to encounter the "what if..." student, ie. The one who is constantly saying "what if I do this instead of that attack" or "but I would just do this and your technique would not work".
I always explain that there is always a "what if", always a counter, but in that moment you are training the form and so should focus on what you can learn from it, henka comes later!


Mike Tyson summed up fighting and battle and war best "everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the mouth" 🤣 true words


Thank you for working so hard and sharing these pieces of history and battlefield techniques with us. I live in a very rural area and there is a TKD school near me but I would like to learn other martial arts too. I really hope Seki Sensei can start online classes. I would love to join.


Verry nice video shogo and seki sensei so interesting.i woud like to see if posible some techniques about how to fight whit one arm or how to kyu gunto swords where used.thanks for those videos...


Zatoichi's Cane Sword techniques, please! :)


You often mention that the uchi-katana is sacred. Is the wakizashi treated the same, or is there a hierarchy of blades?


Thank you for highlighting the concept of "budo logic."
Likewise the theoretical nature of Kata - it's a concept my Naginata students struggle with (I have also seen & experienced it in other arts as well - iaido, battodo, jodo & kenjutsu).
Finally, that overhead, 2-hand block with the wak reminds we of a similar waza in Tendo Ryu Tanto-jutsu - surprisingly effective against a daito using the proper tai- & ashi-sabaki.


I wish I could study this ryuha in America!


reminds me of having, ime, a bastard sword and a long dagger as side weapon... it is far away from this example you masters are showing, and single side blade to double side blade fighting is different, but i see some comparsion to what i learned in european medieval fighting... btw. great addition to karate

anyway, great showing of skill and strategy, i like the distraction of the opponet with the wielding weapon, we do such stuff also

and btw. abo is for sure


Thank you so much for putting these together, as short sword has been particularly intriguing to me lately. Can you please talk about using the term "wakizashi" vs. "kodachi", which I believe I'm hearing instead?
