Explaining One Of My Multi-7-Figure Belief Systems

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Anyway, on with the video…


I’ve been studying stoicism for about 5 years. It’s not long enough for me to even consider myself a ‘stoic’. But if I can get even a shred of the character, wisdom and resilience of the original stoics before I die, I’ll be proud.

Today’s video breaks down one of the key stoic beliefs I’ve adopted to help deal with the stresses and pains of building and growing an agency. This belief system has been by my side to support me throughout my lowest points as an entrepreneur, and I hope that by recording this video, it helps you, too.

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Profound video… taking up the paradigm of stoicism is life changing. BTW here In the US we say “ knock on wood” lol


💙 a few months ago my father fell from a 5-meter height and he end up in a hospital for a full month, and then another 3 months is the rehabilitation centre. He isn’t able to walk and God knows if he ever will. From a day one I just decided to adapt to it and don’t look it's like a huge tragedy. It is what it is. While everyone was panicking about that I was accepting this as a new normal and I stayed pretty calm about it. This is what I usually do in my life. I just accept things. When the Corona thing hit I was calm. This war right now isn’t influencing me at all. I just do the same stuff as before. This doesn’t mean that IDGAF about people. In fact I’m actually a HUGE empath. It’s just that I choose not to think about it as a bad thing and let it paralyze me.


Thats a very nice shirt, but the beliefs are good too
