The Doctrine Of Salvation - Justification (Romans 5:1-10, Romans 3:20-26, Galatians 3:20-28)

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Justification is God’s declaration about the sinner, not any change within the sinner. That is, justification, per se, does not make any of us holy; it simply declares us to be not guilty before God and therefore treated as holy. The actual change toward holiness in us, occurs with sanctification, which is related to justification. Justification is a deliverance from the penalty of sin and is a past action for all believers, accomplished by Jesus at the cross.

Now that we have received Salvation through Jesus on the Cross. We've been justified (become workman for Christ). This act of love, regenerates the believer and empowers us to now work out our salvation, through our appreciation, and strive to be sanctified. Sanctified for whatever services the Father ask of us.

Sanctification is the deliverance from the power of sin and is a present and continuous process of believers becoming Christlike, accomplished by the Holy Spirit’s power and presence. Sanctification represents a believer’s victory over the flesh.

Justification comes apart from the law; that is, we cannot earn justification through rule-keeping or our own good works.

Justification is made possible in the sacrificial death of Christ; it is based on the shed blood of Christ.

Justification is the free and gracious gift of God bestowed on those who receive by faith the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Justification demonstrates the righteousness of God.

We are justified, declared righteous, at the moment of our salvation and have peace with the Father. Jesus Christ finished the work required for our justification on the cross. Let us work within the WORK.

We have been justified, no longer guilty, no longer shackled, the burden of guilt, shame and eternal damnation are in the rearview. Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Let's make the best of it. Glory To The Father for His Mercy and Grace. HalleluYah!!!!
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