Why The Jewish People REJECT Jesus AS Messiah.

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Hello everyone, In The new video of today, we unravel Why The Jewish People REJECT Jesus AS Messiah.

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They were looking for an earthly kingdom. When He said “My kingdom is not of this world.” In their view, purely material, He could not possibly be the Messiah.


The messianic prophecies didn’t say the Messiah would be killed and be resurrected. The prophecies didn’t say the Messiah would be god and do miracles. Christians don’t read the scriptures.


Gotta put that Allegedly* before all that, don’t state it as though it is fact when it’s not


When we say God is ONE We think that means just that. That he is only ONE. Invisible and indivisible meaning he cannot be divided into these other beings. It’s not possible.


Oooo I know! Because some self proclaimed “Christians” say Yeshua is God and God and his Son tell u from their own words who he is. Some will fight w Jews over this. However, that’s NOT what the Bible says. God called him his SON, Yeshua called himself his SON, disciples called him Son/Messiah, even the legions (once resides inHeaven w him) called him Son Of God, yet todays “Christians” say, he’s God and they don’t have to keep the commandments which God gave and Yeshua tells us to KEEP! Only difference between the Jews and Christians would be, our messiah has come and they await theirs! Those are people that haven’t read the Bible, pray, fast and kept the commandments. They will remain in deceit bc they were told to do these things but, disobey God 🌹


1: They were narrow minded by observing the strict letter of the Old Testament. 2: They thought the messiah was ONLY for them. 3: That the messiah would defeat Rome and they could control the world. 4: Jesus said many new things that did not understand and thought blasphemous. 5:: Jesus seemed to have broken their laws, thus rejecting him, murdering him. God prepared them for 4, 000 years to accept the messiah, yet they killed him. That is why Jerusalem was destroyed. The Jews scattered. And the blessing by God taken away from them. "For if they had known, they would NOT have killed the Lord of Glory."


Because the Hebrew Bible is not having any deliberate translation mistakes and so many things related with Jesus is pagan, blasphemous to Father's name and his Torah.


think it was tough for Jesus.... imagine trying to be an Asian messiah.


I sort of get it and even sympathize with it in a sense: Paul describes it best in 1 Corinthians 1:23 : "We preach a Christ crucified (which must have seemed to the Jews a horrendous fate totally unbefitting a Messiah, since to be hung on a cross was thought a curse) .... as stumbling block to the Jews (who seek signs) and foolishness to the Gentiles (who seek wisdom)." Along with that, a Judean and Pharisic/Sadducean sense of superiority against Galilee and Galileans - even Nathan says it in John 1:46 "can anything good can ever come out of Nazareth?" etc. -- Jesus and Mary were very poor, and there were doubts regarding both Mary and Jesus's paternity. Jesus dined with sinners, taxpayers, and prostitutes. He forgave sins, he healed (ON THE SABBATH)... basically everything Jesus did went against the (overt) Torah/Mosaic laws which Jesus sought to supplement or even outright supplant with the (subtle and hidden) message of God from Scripture.


not the first or the last prophet jews ignored or killed


Who cares? Jews are not the only ones who reject Jesus. Christians also reject Jesus. Why do I say Christians also reject Jesus? I say that because they do not follow his example. Jesus did not come here to be worshiped. He came as an example to follow. How can we follow Jesus's example? By letting that mind be in us which also was in Christ Jesus. How can we attain that mindset? By implementing the teachings that he gave us.

Here are a couple examples.
Turn the other cheek rather than seeking revenge
Do unto others as you want them to do unto you rather than exploiting, forcing or deceiving the
Here's a third example: Love thy enemy rather than hating them as they hate you, for when you hate them, you're putting on the mind of your enemy rather than putting on the mind of Jesus.

Here's an observation. Jesus said: he that believeth in me shall do the works I do and even greater works. How man Christians can do the works that Jesus did? *Zip / Zero* That means they do not believe what he said because if they did, they would be able to do the works he did. It's that simple. As we can see from the above examples, Christians have also rejected Jesus because they have rejected his teachings and refuse to follow his example, so why look at the splinter in the eyes of another when you refuse to look at the beam in your own eye? Jesus called that *Hypocrisy* .


Tell you why Jews don't believe in Jesus? Sure. There are actually many many reasons I could give you but let's start with the obvious (actually they are all obvious).
The bible describes in great detail what will happen when the actual Messiah comes.
Each of these events will be verifiable. Each is repeated all over the bible. And each prophecy is clear to everyone with no ambiguity. Among these are world peace, worldwide knowledge of God, rebuilding of the temple, no more sin etc. They will all be tangible, easily noticeable changes to this world that will turn this world into a utopian world. Obviously none of this has happened yet. This is the first reason how we know he was a fraud. If you want more, I could go on and on


😢Yeshua may have actually intended to return after resurrection. At Stephen's execution he saw Yeshua STANDING not sitting at the right hand of the father. At this the Pharisees and Sadducees became intensely scared.


Hi. That Jesus also contradicted three of Moses' ten commandments would lead to his rejection.

1/ "Thou shalt have no other Gods but me" is contradicted by Jesus' "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God, that which is God's". (Caesar considered himself a god, which Jesus knew.)

2/ "Thou shalt not steal" is contradicted by Jesus saying that if a thief takes your goods, you are to offer more and not use law to seek them back. (Matt 5:39-41). Jesus lets thieves keep their stolen goods.

3/ "Honour thy father and mother" is contradicted by Jesus saying that only those who hate their parents can be his disciples. (Luke 14:26)

It's obvious why the Jews rejected him, especially when miracles prove nothing because devils can do them too. (Rev 16:14). Cheers, P.R.


Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you, since you have given him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him. And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed".


The real reason why the Jews don't believe in Jesus is because he told people that his new testament cancels the old testament. That's simply unacceptable to them for they believe no one can change the Torah.


Their Sage Rabban Gamaliel said if his movement known as Netzarim came to nothing then he was not the Messiah. They disappeared from history in 333ce making him a false Messiah like the others mentioned in Acts chapter 5 34-39.


The Jews believe that their Messiah will be a descendant of King David, he would be a normal man born from a mother and a father. Jesus claims to be the son of God. These two ideas do not match. To me Jesus was not the Jew's Messiah because he did not bring peace in his time but brought hundreds of years of Jewish persecution. Why would he have to come a second time after thousands of years to do what he was supposed to do in the first place? It simply does not make any sense. At best Jesus was a prophet of some kind, at worst he was a charlatan.


The time will come when the whole world will recognize Jesus as the Messiah. We will know on the last judgement. Keep your faith in Jesus.


The reason he is rejected is because Christians cannot show conclusively that Mary was anything other than a Levite. There is no definitive genealogy for her in the Bible (without using eisegesis). The Messiah must come from the bowels of David (1 Chr 17:11; 2 Sam 7:12).
