The Surprising Truth Behind Why Vets Push Kibble

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02:02 Guest Welcome
06:32 How do you start your day?
09:38 Rodney’s viral moment
14:16 Karen’s viral moment
17:26 Failing in content creation
23:10 What is the business side of Rodney & Karen like?
27:28 What do you disagree on?
29:49 Carna 4 Ad
31:35 Why do vets advocate for ultra-processed foods?
36:47 Meet people where they are
39:08 Any new research/advancements that have you excited?
43:54 Fear-mongering
48:08 The world’s oldest dog controversy
59:07 What’s next?
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I work at a vet clinic and I try to be vocal about food, but I fear I will lose my job too.
I have a 5 year old Siberian Husky who (when I adopted her) was told she would go 4-5 days straight without eating her kibble. When I got her, I started raw on day 1 and now she dances and howls for food every day. She had skin issues as well, which are no more.
I have coworkers that recommend vet prescription food all the time and I slap that bag down and tell them to read me the ingredients. Literally for a Purina Pro Plan Dermatology prescription food, first ingredients are: Whole grain corn, corn protein meal, soybean hulls, soybean germ meal, soybean meal, pea fiber, wheat gluten, Poultry by-products (which is probably feathers), glycerin, Natural Flavors (this probably causes cancer), powdered cellulose (sawdust), and it goes on with a bunch of unsafe shit in the food. How the hell is this a prescription skin food? Why is this even allowed on the shelves? The urinary food, GI food, kidney food, etc. are all equally as bad. It really makes me sad. Being a tech in this industry is something I do not want to do anymore. Its so sad how I feel like I am contributing to the fall of animal health and I am not allowed to truly speak up without losing my job.


I am what used to be a typical pet mom. I fed kibble and did what ever the vet told me to do. In about 2010 I began to become more aware of the role of nutrient-rich whole foods in both dogs and people. I read Earl Mindells book on what is really in kibble and I was in shock....dead and diseased animals sugar beets and other left over agricultural by products....OMG! Then I found Dr. Judy Morgan and Dr. Karen Becker and I began to educate myself on how to feed both my dog and myself better. When I rescued Lab/Staffy in 2021 I started her out right away on lightly cooked whole foods; meat, some vegetables, highly quality oils, sardines and some blueberries (phydo-nutrients.) And I began to question what my old-fashioned vet recommended I do. Now I question everything!! Thank you for everything you do!!


Informative video. Cats and snakes are obligate carnivores. No one questions feeding whole prey to a snake. Somehow, it is ok to feed cereal and other non-meat food to a cat. Most commercial pet food is too high in calcium and phosphorus for adult and senior pets. The main ingredient of prescription diet food is corn. When one of my cats got sick, I fed her nothing but raw ground beef for about 5 weeks. She is fine now and both cats are fed a homemade diet. Happy Caturday!


When I went keto, my dog did also. I make her food: lightly cooked ground beef, turkey, liver, sweet potato, greens & hb eggs. Adding to her bowl 1/4 tsp ground egg shell & 1 tsp Missing Link for senior dogs. My beagle is 13 and has no health issues at all.


When my dog got diagnosed with cancer i immediately stopped kibble. Started making her food. Within a few months her fatty tumors were disappearing.


I have been an animal massage therapist for over 5 years. I remember when I first started massaging at k9 agility shows. I started working on this mix breed dog that looked primarily boston terrier, which did very well among several other dogs of varying ages. I'm looking at this dog, noting its amazing traits. She had a great coat, physically peak, mentally sharp, etc. I truly thought this dog was about 4 or 5 off appearance alone. The kicker came when I asked how old she was.... The owner said the dog was about 13 years old. I about fell over. That's when I started asking owners "OK what are you doing that I obviously am not doing?" A very large majority said they read The Forever Dog and switched their dog to raw. So I dug deeper. It has greatly changed the lives of not only my pets but the lives of my clients' pets. Just my dog alone she is physically peak for being a boxer that is a couch potato. Especially after her mass cell cancer at the age of 3. Since switching to raw she has been almost 3 years cancer free. Physically, she is extremely peak for the majority of Boxers I see. Mentally, she is sharp. I see her living well beyond the typical lifespan of boxers, which is 8 to 13 years. She is showing 0 signs of slowing down. And this dog travels with me, goes for regular walks, etc. Psychology she was a very anxious dog prior to switching to raw. I remember one time prior to switching to raw, I took her to a vet and asked about her anxiety issues. Vet ran some tests but instead of teaching me about alternative treatments, she immediately wanted to medicate her. I am so glad I didn't listen. After switching to raw, she is so chill.

As for my clients, the dogs that have kept with regular massage and raw diet have seen HUGE improvement. Quite a few of my clients that had serious aggression issues with switching to raw have seen huge improments in behaviors. My middle age to senior clients have seen far less inflammation and joint issues. Cognitively, they are very more alert. Way less aloof. I could go on and on. I am so happy I switched to raw. I love Dr. Becker so much.


We are ALL beginning to wake up to what we are feeding our well as our families! The most important thing you can do for your health is directly related to what you put in your body! This makes sense for our pets as well. Glad to see that people are becoming much more aware, this can only lead to GOOD THINGS!!


I did not think it was possible to love you more but Dr. Karen Becker when I was listening to this video and her that you live in a tiny house community. My love for you just exploded! This is my dream!


My rescue girl was fat, flabby and unhealthy as a 2 year old. I knew that her diet before i got her was cheap supermarket junk. I slowly introduced her to raw. It was hard as she didnt understand that real meat was food and would throw it out of her bowl. Once she got the taste there was no stopping her and now at 6 she is fit weight, muscle bound and the healthiest she has ever been. I still get some vets who gasp in shock when told that she is mainly raw fed.( sometimes its mixed with lightly cooked). They try to get me to feed her kibble, i just shake my head in utter exasperation. My girls condition speaks for itself, bloods perfect, joints perfect, gut health perfect. Honestly some vets need to educate themselves on animal nutrition.


Wow you two are a Breath of fresh air in the animal community, I’m a retired Vet nurse with extra training in Animal food Studies & Dietetics for animals & here in Queensland Australia 🇦🇺 and also I use to have my own Herbal Dogwash & clip service . So I got to see over a 16 year Service and 2 years as a vet assistant and Nurse 👩‍⚕️ . I was so frustrated & still frustrated pet owner, 😣 as to how many Crap dog and Cat and even Reptile foods really lack in proper Nutrition without all the crap fillers that cause skin allergies & actually can grow tumours from all the synthetic crap that is added to our pet foods here in Australia 🇦🇺


Animals are changing this world just by being animals. They are the most impactful teachers. Truly heroic.


I feel like cooked and raw people should really be together on all this...fresh food is fresh food. And some dogs do better on raw while some do better on cooked. My Husky mix likes raw but my papillon mix's tummy wasn't handling it very well. He "requested" that I cook his.


Thank you for all you're doing. I started this journey because my dogs stopped eating their kibble. Now I joke around that they are going to mug me for their meals. (They are very well behaved.)


The last 4-5 years has taught us alot about trust. I measure everything by how we took care of our pets on the farm. At rabies shot. At least no visit to the vet unless some emergency. I consider how my parents/grandparents ate etc

We had started to kennel our 8 lb Havanese when we traveled. She had to have certain inoculations to be allowed. Soon after, the seizures began. Rabies jab caused short term paralysis. She no longer is receiving any. She might have 1 seizure a year but skips years as well. I believe there was a direct correlation. She was becoming 1 sick pup. So happy I recognized it.


Whenever I mention at my vet's office that I cook my dog's food and feed him a well-balanced whole food diet, I always get the eye roll from the technicians. The Vet said, "I see you love your dog" when she reviewed the recipe, and then she raved about how healthy he is when she reviewed his test results. I am hoping to find a wholistic vet for long term care.


About 7 years ago my dog was diagnosed with cushing disease. I found vet a holistic vet in my area. She recommended a homemade diet, and one medication. Within 3 months of doing a homemade diet of protein and fruits and veggies and one med, my dog was like a puppy again! More energy, her fur grew back and it was amazing to see! Now, with all the dogs I rescue, I only give them homemade food and they heal 2x as fast. I will never go back to feeding any of my animals kibble.


I’m just taking my dog off raw diet as she is getting older senior dog and isn’t dealing with it to good now! Will cook her food from now on not buying kibble ever❤


I have a new puppy and I want to give her the best life I can, I think this video is so important, keep making more content on such a important topic, people need this important information to make better decisions on their dogs health. Thank you.


I’ve worked at a vet office as a vet tech for 40 years. We do not even mark up the kibble by more than $1 at our clinic. It’s not a money maker. We do have prescription kibble for dogs and cats that need it because the average owner doesn’t take the time to research and cook food. If you cook and feed raw, we don’t care, but we always want people to do research/make sure their dog gets all nutrients. We’ve had dogs with heart problems because the owners only fed raw meat because that’s what they saw on TikTok. The dogs were deficient and died young. Pancreatitis is something to watch out for. If we see a dog on a raw diet recover/improve with a health issue, we mention it to other clients as something to try. The vet here is very non judgmental and open. But it’s hard to recommend anything without a ton of peer reviewed, solid research. We cannot as medical professionals recommend things based on social media. My dogs have always lived long healthy lives on kibble. I supplement with raw or cooked meals too. But so many people see vets as out to get them.
Also shelters fix animals early because like it or not, people adopt, then breed and contribute to the issue. We see it all the time. Our vet pushes state required vaccinations.
If your dog bites someone and doesn’t have an up-to-date rabies vaccine, the state can euthanize. It’s not that we agree with the law, it’s just the law, and it does happen unfortunately.


I went down the rabbit hole in regards to our human Healthcare system and education regarding how nutrition effects our health. As a GP in Canada (5 years ago) the highest requirement was at UofT at 20hrs. I was blown away! I feel no surprise at this point that the veterinarian education is equally disappointing. Thank you so much for going down rabbit holes on our behalf!
