What If Time Travel Already Exists? | Unveiled XL Documentary

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DOES TIME TRAVEL ALREADY EXIST?? Join us... and find out!

In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at all the BIG questions surrounding TIME TRAVEL!

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I'm a simple man. I see "Time Travel" mentioned, I click. 💯


If I could go back, I'd go back to 1986 to see all my loved ones who have sadly passed away. If I could, I'd try to prevent a few accidental deaths, too. I would love to go back in time 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I want to go back in time and live my life differently. ☮️💟


First off, we are all time travelers. Traveling forward and backwards in time, it happens within the soul, or when when your physically dead. The problem is we are unaware due to the veil of forgetfulness. It happens in within our selves and occasionally we get deja vu from it as well, it’s a repetitive, and repeated process of your mind wandering back and forth, between life and death and life again, or between living consciously and subconsciously, all these things tie into one in other and if you are super focused and have enough will, you can repeat such life. Now, can you change things within your time, and it’s a yes and no. Small things maybe, but any sudden changes can drastically alter said time line.


Id like to go back in time and see Elvis, James Brown, the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, and Led Zeppelin live in concert.


This is the first video I’ve seen where they mention that the Mandela Effect could be the result of time travelers changing something. Furthermore, it’s always mentioned that the answer to time travel paradoxes is alternate universes which is fine but no one ever adds what if it’s OUR universe that’s already been changed because of a traveler from another universe. Who’s to say everything in our history was supposed to happen.


"What If Time Travel Already Exists?"

In shadows of secrets, a paradox gleams,
A question that lingers, in whispers it streams,
What if time travel, concealed from our eyes,
Already exists, a cosmic surprise?

A machine in a basement, a secret affair,
Concealed 'neath the cover of temporal air,
Whirring and humming in a clandestine lair,
Through portals of ages, it dares to declare.

A traveler's journey to days long past,
Or into the future, forever to last,
A ripple in history, a step through the veil,
Where timelines intertwine, where history's frail.

Perhaps in the future, they've mastered the art,
Of bending the continuum, a delicate part,
Invisible travelers, observers in time,
Witnessing the moments, weaving a rhyme.

They tread with caution, avoiding the fray,
Changing the course of events, they say,
Or merely as observers, they quietly pass,
Through the corridors of time's mirrored glass.

But as we ponder this enigmatic lore,
We question what time travel's purpose is for,
To alter our past or glimpse what's ahead,
Or learn from the ages, where wisdom is spread?

In this speculative notion, we dare to dream,
That time is not linear, as it may seem,
What if time travel's hidden from view,
A secret known to just a fortunate few?

So, let us wonder, let our minds roam,
In the vast expanse of the temporal zone,
What if time travel's already here,
A mystery shrouded in future and yesteryear?


Just in case there are any time travelers out there reading the comments, the Powrball is $1.55 Billion tonight, please come back and give me the winning numbers.


Hawkings first mistake was that he sent the invitation to the cool time travelers, when he should've sent them to the nerds.


If time travel ever exists in the future, and it is not restricted to one-way travel, then it already exists and has always existed.


If you can time travel, why would you give a damn about winning the lottery🤣


"One of the great lessons of time travel is that many things cannot. Time wants to happen." -- Rip Hunter


If you could time travel to just one place... WHEN would you go? back to the 80's for me


Here's a theory, time travellers do travel to our timeline to observe us, but we can't see them, as they're 'future ghosts' this way they can't possibly interfere with a timeline from their past.


If we could travel back in time, most of us would try to correct all the errors and bad decisions we made. What a mess that would be.


If a person were to time travel they would divert into their own timeline which would affect them in that timeline but nobody else in the world. We live in our own world that we chose when we were first born. We have people we meet, but specific to our instructions to when we first came here. We choose everything, and except for probably ten or twenty percent, there are few things that happen that we didn't choose.


But if time travel can only happen in a universe where every possibility exists on one of an infinity of earths and to prevent paradox the time traveler simply moves from the universe he is in to the one in which the events required already exist, would that really be time travel, or just traveling between universes??


If I discovered time travel, I definitely wouldn't waste it going to Steven Hawking's party, so his theory proves nothing. 😂


I do it every day when I travel between states and countries 😂


Hawkings test to see if time travelers would go to his party is dumb. 1. Time travelers wouldn’t want to get caught 2. Maybe they didn’t like hawking 😂
