COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 18 - Intro to Shaders

Показать описание
00:00 - Intro + Resources
00:40 - CPU vs GPU (Mythbusters)
02:34 - What are Shaders / GLSL?
08:29 - The Book of Shaders Tutorial
23:29 - Shader Toy Tutorial / Live Coding
23:59 - Coordinates / Resolution
24:30 - Defining Output Colors
27:05 - Using Textures
28:23 - Converting to Grayscale
30:05 - Image Masking
31:43 - Time Based Effects
35:01 - Green Screen Effect
43:23 - Drawing a Circle
54:16 - Spotlight Effect
57:26 - Complex Examples
58:50 - Using Shaders in SFML
1:07:03 - Outdated Project Information
1:08:24 - Shader Packs / Examples

Memorial University - Computer Science 4300 - Fall 2024
Intro to Game Programming

This is a course for students interested in learning the fundamentals of game programming and game engine architecture. Topics include an introduction to: vector math for games, rendering, animation, and artificial intelligence, collision detection, game physics, and user-interfaces. Students will be writing fully functional games using an ECS (Entities, Components, Systems) architecture, using the C++ programming language and the SFML graphics library.

Course Assignments / Files will not be released publicly
Рекомендации по теме

Note: I couldn't give this lecture live in class, so this is from a previous year. Please disregard any dates or project information from this lecture as it is now outdated


19:17 That Fragcoord method of calculating hue, in principal, reminds me of relativistic em units in CSS .


55:00 Spotlight or James Bond opening credits effect.
