Meet the melee specialist

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Meet the melee specialist in Rimworld. Pair this with the nimble trait and you will dodge most melee attacks coming your way.

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#veequeue #rimworld
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"Incapable of hunting" fine I'll do this the hard way *drafts pawn*


Been playing rimworld ideology and i have never seen these specialist.
You truly learn something new everyday


If you really want melee pawns to actually be good and not just meatshields, or hallway blockers during infestations that just keep the bugs from getting to all the shooters behind the melee guys, you just have to get the Supreme Melee mod (allows parrying and blocking based on melee skill and manipulation) and the Hand to Hand mod. (allows pawns to instantly down someone if they have high enough melee skill, among other things)

The Immortals mod is also really useful since it makes them way tankier and vastly reduces the risks of deploying them, but still requires you to put in a lot of effort before you have a truly unstoppable pawn.


I am really enjoying the Made in Abyss soundtrack that’s been popping up recently


this specialist for the giants race is just unbeatable, holy shit :^V


Melee specialist is very good for taming dangerous animals, they can still use animals skill and if the warg or megasloth you failed to tame goes berserk your pawn can usually win the fight. Also fun for RP more primitve games


Lotta people in the comments mentioning how bad the specialist is. With the right support its surprisingly good. If you beserk trance and have it melee block it can block the door for way longer than a normal melee fighter. You can also use skip to put them where you want them during beserk. They have a low mortality rate? Well all melee fighters already have this problem. If they die simply cycle out a new pawn and now you have a decent combat viable pawn as long as someone is still breathing.


And this is the worst specialist in the game. You should pretty much never use their berserk ability. Losing control of a colonist is never a bonus. Heck, if you want melee pawns you don't directly control, just unleash attack animals. They are a lot more disposable. You get much better results just by having your melee inject some go-juice. So the only real bonus you get from melee specialists are their base +8 Melee Hit Chance and
Melee Dodge Chance. Unfortunately, both hit chance and dodge chances give diminishing returns, so having very high levels doesn't make that big of a difference. So all in all, you should pretty much always pick any other specialist over melee for your base ideology. Really, the only time you should have any melee in your colony is if a pawn has a NPC ideoligion that has it AND you have easy ways to manage their mood without having to convert them to your main ideoligion AND you are ok with making them into full-time janitors.


This is the dude you call when you need to 1v1 a centipede


I want to know if you play the normal game or the DLC game.


So de best vanilla wepon is the lonh sword and the best material uranium? Or plasteel?


@veequeue did you watch nurse? i see that every type of these videos contain "Meet the like nurse does with occupations in project zomboid. i would be happy to see you answer to my question


Honestly the worst specialist in my opinion. You usually have 1-2 melee guys designed more as a tanks rather than damage unless you pack uranium spears (excellent or more) or monoswords, plus with mods from expanded you can create ultimate melee machine with traits. Take into account that pawn cant do almost anything.

Only great thing about it is the berserker rage as its great alternative to go juice.


It is arguably the worst specialist.
Melee stats - hit chance and dodge are pretty severely capped and you can get them high enough easily without this speciality, and the berserk stance means it can turn against you, so there is a problem.
That said... It is a MASSIVE combat boost for early game pawns, when ranged is far less reliable. It may have some reasonable use with fluid ideology, perhaps.


The melee specialist (aka meat shield, or cannon fodder, or.punching bag) are great early game when you lack good quality equipment. It is essentially raises your pawn's Melee when you use the skill, therefore it is as if the pawn is days ahead of the curve. BUT, that's it, a pawn only meant to fighr at close quarters.


make perferct melee fighters in late game but never use them. thats my style.
