The climate crisis: The time to act is now

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The speed at which our climate is reacting to man-made carbon emissions is happening much faster than we thought possible. Academy Award-winning director Adam McKay, whose recent satire "Don't Look Up" attacked complacency in the face of apocalyptic danger, says there are actions we must take now to deal with this existential threat.
#climatechange #climateemergency #adammckay

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It is too late now. The time to act was 10-30 years ago.

"Only when the last tree has been cut down.
Only when the last river has been poisoned.
Only when the last fish has been caught.
Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten."
-- Cree Native American proverb


My heart breaks for the animals and insects that are along for the ride that humans created. They suffer at our disregard.


Actually, the time to act was 40 or 50 years ago. Now it’s essentially too late.


Stop fossil fuel use ASAP . I felt sad laying up my two motorcycles but i can do 80 mile trips on my homemade ebike and trailer so all good .


An area bigger than Rhode Island has already burned in New Mexico. Texas is on fire. California is on fire. Alaska is on fire.

If you graphed all of the climate related disasters, the curve is getting steeper and steeper and more disasters are happening every year! Folks, if this year was bad, next year will be twice as bad!


I already feel the impact quite a lot. I have noticed that I see bees less and less every year. The summer is way hotter than the last year as well. I can’t imagine what will happen in the future. That is why I made an animation about it. I hope taking action now will stop or at least slow down the process.


Our gov't has pushed this down the road since the 1950'S!!!! The Paley Comm told us this would all


For all the so called Christians denying this, the Bible says “ I will destroy those who destroy the earth” revelation 11:18


Thank God Al Gore has such a huge mansion with a huge carbon footprint. And Trudeau is flying the world non stop. Thank God we have such wonderful leaders showing us how it’s done


Well said, Adam McKay. I didn't like "Don't Look Up" for a lot of reasons, but I'm not a climate change denier. Something has to be done.


Tell that to the big corporations, not the people


Omg that quote from Don't look up the movie fits perfectly on current climate situation


It’s too late to “act now”. Enjoy your time while you’re here because the end is near.


Thank you for labeling this the climate crisis and not that squishy word "change, " because change is good and natural but what we're facing is a crisis about to become a catastrophe. Language matters.

Also, "Don't Look Up' is a brilliant, brilliant darkly funny movie that everybody should see.


There is no climate crisis. Globally the ACE index (accumulated cyclone energy) 1980-2021 shows no increasing trend. Global Hurricane Landfalls 1970-2021 (updated from Weinkle et al, 2012) shows no trend. Satellite data since 1980 shows a slight downward global trend for total hurricaine numbers with 2021 being a record low year. The IPCC reports in AR6, chapter 11, "The total global frequency of TC [tropical cyclone] formation will decrease or remain unchanged with increasing global warming (medium confidence)." Multidecadal variability in Atlantic hurricaines is most probably related to the AMO (Vecchi et al, 2021). NOAA data 1851-2021 shows no trend in number of hurricaine landfalls with the record high being 1886. What the data from NOAA SPC shows about tornados: EF1-EF5 (1954-2022) no trend; EF3-EF5 (most destructive) (1954-2022) 50% decline. No EF5s in US since 2013 (a record absence).
The Global Land Precipitation Anomaly from AR5 will disappoint with deviations from the average increasing by 0.2% per decade, but if you look at the actual data, it's just very variable over the decades.
Drought appears to be decreasing (Watts et al, 2018) measured by SPI 1901-2017.
Deaths from natural disasters are about 0.6% of what they were a century ago.
What else? Oh, deserts like the Sahara have shrunk considerably and the Earth has greened by 15% or more in a human lifetime (NASA).
On extinction the rate is very low: 900 known lost species for 2.1 million known species in 500 years. At that frequency it will take nearly 190, 000 years to reach 15% extinction i.e. a mass extinction.
There is no climate crisis.


The most recent science on the climate crisis only gives us TEN years.


We're all going to die, but at least the World will be fine, especially once we're toast.


My fear is that this was probably the least likely viewed segment on YouTube and probably the most important segment on YouTube.


Where I live 20 to 30 years ago certain plants and fruit trees would not grow to cold now they can ...


John Kerry in 2015: “The fact is that even if every American citizen biked to work, carpooled to school, used only solar panels to power their homes, if we each planted a dozen trees, if we somehow eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions, guess what – that still wouldn’t be enough to offset the carbon pollution coming from the rest of the world.

If all the industrial nations went down to zero emissions –- remember what I just said, all the industrial emissions went down to zero emissions -– it wouldn’t be enough, not when more than 65% of the world’s carbon pollution comes from the developing world.”
