Girl, are you ok?! 😂

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This Mass Effect 1 playthrough provided more laughs than I anticipated...mostly at my own expense, of course! 😭😂
Welcome to let’s play Mass Effect 1 (Legendary Edition)! This is my very first time playing the Mass Effect series, so it will be completely spoiler-free and vanilla (no mods). Mass Effect is a sci-fi BioWare game that was first released in 2007. Mass Effect Legendary Edition was released in 2021, and it's a remaster of all 3 original games in the trilogy. Meet Aayla Shepard, a 29-year-old marine who cares about getting the job done and protecting people, no matter the personal cost. I have a feeling she has the adventure of a lifetime awaiting her…
Welcome, traveler. I'm Rey (she/her), proprietor and head bard of the Drunken Druid Tavern, a nerdy, friendly, chaotic, and thirsty corner of the internet. What can I get you to drink tonight? Come say hi during one of my livestreams on Twitch - I'd love to meet you! 😍
#shorts #masseffect #gaming #letsplay #masseffect1 #firstplaythrough #bioware
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