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Welcome to My First Playthrough of KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords (spoiler free) || Introduction and Chat

Swoop racing in KOTOR for the first time was 10/10 #kotor #bioware #swoop #oldgames

Well this is awkward now... #visualnovel #gaming #horrorgaming #scarlethollow

I wish I could start KOTOR for the first time again 🥰 #kotor #bioware #starwars #rpg

Commander Shepard's small talk could use some work... #masseffect #commandershepard #bioware

Honey, where's the car?? #masseffect #liara #commandershepard #improvcomedy #gaming

The best thing Mass Effect EVER did #masseffect #bioware #rpg #gamingshorts

Mass Effect Thane Country Song || #masseffect #music #singing #comedymusic

Thane Therapy || #masseffect #shepard #femshep #thane

Reaction to Mordin singing in Mass Effect 2 (first time)

When you're in love with a video game character #masseffect #rpg #femshep

Countless aliens for you to romance...I mean PRONOUNCE....🤣 #masseffect #bioware

Girl, are you ok?! 😂

Nobody saw Revan die?! Very suspicious... | KOTOR 1 Episode 16 | First Playthrough, Spoiler-Free

The 2003 graphics just hit different...😍

The stages of solving a video game puzzle

Stop flinging your THINGS at me, Carth!

When your party members don't listen to you 🤦🏻‍♀️

A Star Map, you say? | KOTOR 1 Episode 14 | First Playthrough, Spoiler-Free

We have a problem... | KOTOR 1 Episode 10 | First Playthrough, Spoiler-Free

Let’s Play Baldur’s Gate || Chapter 1, Part 1 || Original 1998 Gameplay, Voice Acting