Please Stop Using These Linux Distros..

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We need to stop using Linux distributions like these.. we're talking LinuxFX and Wubuntu. Linux is not Windows and doesn't have the capability of helping users transition from one to another. Let's discuss why.
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My Linux Cheat Sheet and 25 Page Checklist here:
Share this free tool and support Small YouTubers
(I made this tool to help creators)
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#linux #windows #pc
Please Stop Using These Linux Distros..
If you do these 5 things... You should NOT use Linux
Please Stop Using Titan Linux...
Please. Stop Using Git. - Matthew McCullough
You Should Stop Using Windows On Your Computer...
I Forced Myself to Use Linux For ANOTHER 30 Days (Linux Challenge Part 2)
STOP LYING about Linux!
What Happens When You Quit Your Phone
How to use the watch command
Why You Should Stop Using Manjaro Linux
Stop using windows style. Now that's how linux users share file.
This is What GTA V Looked Like in 2009
“Linux Is Hard To Use” – It’s 2022 Stop The BS Already
PLEASE Stop Buying These RIP OFF Gaming PCs
Stop Pretending '/bin/sh' Is A Real Shell #shorts
you need to stop using print debugging (do THIS instead)
Stop Hating On Linux Mint!
Stop Installing Linux On Other Peoples Computer
Hey Linux Community! Grow up & Stop Acting Like Children!
Linux FX - Please Just Stop | $35 For Open Source Software
A few reasons why I use Linux | Linux
PLEASE STOP: Committing and Releasing your source project with your RANDOM PERSONAL -W and -Werror=!
STOP Using Desktop Icons On Windows, Mac & Linux
They want you to LEAVE GITHUB! #SHORTS