How to use the watch command

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In this Linux tip, we will try out the watch command. It’s a command that will run repeatedly, overwriting its previous output until you stop it with a ^c (Ctrl + “c”) command. It can be used to sit and wait for some change in the output that you’re waiting to see.
By default, a command that is run through watch will run two seconds. You can change the time with the -t option. If you, for example, use the command “watch who”, the output will not change except for the date/time in the upper right corner – at least not until someone logs in or out of the system.
Every 2.0s: who fedora: Sat May 25 15:11:22 2024

fedora seat0 2024-05-25 14:24 (login screen)
fedora tty2 2024-05-25 14:24 (tty2)
shs pts/1 2024-05-25 14:25 (
Once another person logs in or someone logs out, a line will be added or removed from the list of logged in users.
Closing: Well, that’s your Linux tip for the watch command. It can be useful when you’re waiting for some change to happen on your Linux system.
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