Goldman Sachs is at the Epicenter of the Next Subprime Crisis and Why It's Going to Get Worse

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This endorsement was provided for compensation, this included a formal agreement between Steven Van Metre and Lifewater Media for a one-time fee of $25,000 for one placement to provide coverage on 1/17/2023 for Siyata Mobile (SYTA). AFA is independent of, unaffiliated with, and holds no endorsements for Siyata Mobile.

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Atlas Financial Advisors, Inc. (AFA) is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Sponsorship does not influence AFA to recommend products or services issued by Siyata Mobile. to current or prospective clients.

Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

This endorsement was provided for compensation, this included a formal agreement between Steven Van Metre and Lifewater Media for a one-time fee of $25, 000 for one placement to provide coverage on 1/17/2023 for Siyata Mobile (SYTA). AFA is independent of, unaffiliated with, and holds no endorsements for Siyata Mobile.


Looking for a new truck in June 2022, the dealer had 3 on the lot and they were sold to customers out of state, being shipped to them. Now the same dealer has an estimated 60 day supply on the lot. I realize production is picking up, but there's a lot more going on. I've waited this long, I will wait a while longer for a better deal.


You wont hear it from Bloomberg or read it in the WSJ, but you'll get it right here from the Bond King. PAY OFF YOUR DEBTS folks, while you still can! 😐


Historically, the car payment is one of the last a consumer will neglect.. even more than a mortgage.. without their car, there is no possibility of income..


Thank you for your work. I trust your information. I was at the Chevrolet dealer yesterday . They had zero customers. I was at the service department. I walked around and looked at new truck . They had about 6 salesmen. No one bothered to say hello. The trucks had $10, 000 markup over MSRP


Who gets bonuses for not making their quarterly profit goals? Oh yeah, Bankers.


Telus communications network in Canada offered this walkie-talkie type service over 15 years ago. It was a convenient way to talk to other people that used the same network. I still hear the beeping in my mind from the paging system incorporated into the phone when you try and get a hold of someone. I think there were a few times I wanted to smash that phone so the paging beep would stop.... I haven't used that paging, walkie-talkie type system and communication provider for years now and I don't miss it. We have texting now... Sounds like a pump and dump stock.


Thank you Steve! Take care everybody!


Didn't Nextel have a push to talk network a few decades ago? I seem to recall having heard stories about how Motorola walkie talkies worked better and didn't require an expensive monthly fee. I'm not saying that it won't be better and work this time, but for me I can't invest in a product that has had similar type of product fail.


Does anyone actually think this is going to happen? It’s like every day, the recession isn’t going to happen, then next day it is, then next day it isn’t. Starting to think all these opposing views are just people preaching to their own choir.


Is that your castle in the background, Steve?
I owned some Goldman Sachs shares, but bailed completely after the stock dropped $24 on all the bad news. I made a small profit, and of course the stock went up a couple dollars the next day, but now it’s down four dollars below what my cost was. I’m very disappointed in the company.

Siyata Mobile sounds like the old Nextel phones. Old technology.


Steve Van Metre -- has been spot-on regarding the Banks.... thank you


very, very good. He really seems to get what is going down- and it is going to be bad!


Laying off bank personal is a good thing I need a computer to tell me I’m broke. 😂


Easy money policy caused inflation, even Stevie Wonder could see what would happen. From the year 2010 .. In an interview with 60 Minutes this weekend, Ben Bernanke said that he feels that the fear of inflation is overstated.


The last stock that he promoted Vuzix, almost doubled in price a few days later when the gov agreed to buy millions in the technology. Might be worth paying attention to his sponsors...


Not again 🥺

America, the last one was painful !!!

Economist everwhere says this one is far worse🥺?


Will you make a video explaining SLABS (student loan asset backed securities) and how that ties into whats going on in the economy?


Nextel was the first to bring push to talk to the market back in 2006


every week you keep saying there is going to be an epic crisis and nothing happens
