The PRO Pentatonic TRICK -- Works EVERYWHERE On The Neck

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Thanks to people like Tim I keep playing and I’m the best soloist in my bedroom 😆👍


I started this guitar trip at 70, four years ago, so have some catching up to do :) ..Love it. Thanks for all your work Tim.


Tim is a very humble man. He has wonderful skills yet he lifts everyone around him up with good words. Thanks for sharing your abilities, knowledge and TIME with guitar plebes like me.


Tim Pierce is like the Bob Ross of electric guitar, and I mean that as an absolute complement. He's so unassuming and soft-spoken, laying down killer riffs with ease and a laugh, just like when Bob painted happy little trees. Thank you for your music, inspiration, and generosity with your time and knowledge, Tim! 🤘


Great video. After fumbling around for 40 years, it is videos like this that is making me get out of the intermediate stage.


I can honestly say to you people is, playing guitar myself for 30 odd years, in what tim is showing is probably the best thing you can learn on the guitar, it changed my playing when i learnt it years ago, and once you have it under your fingers its really great how you can play up and down the neck and really opens up your playing far more than just learng single scale shapes..great teacher Tim ive learnt lots from you a personal thank you...


Thank you for an inspiring lesson Tim! I moved to Nashville in my late 20's and focused more on the singer/songwriter thing than expanding my playing. I'm switching back now at 66 and you are really inspiring me! Thank you so much! I'm going to sign up for your masterclass! Your teaching is clear and makes so much sense, and your playing is very melodic and filled with emotion! Your joy comes through your playing and I love it! Thanks!


Finally, someone teaching lead guitar the way I learned 48 years ago. Way to go, Tim.


Anybody else get a Green Grass And High Tides vibe from Tim's first play along? Tim is the guru of making the guitar simple!!!! Thanks for sharing sir🙏


I gotta say Tim, you're about the only teacher/youtuber who always makes me feel like I'm actually pretty good, instead of everything flying miles over my head. Thank you


I love your slow playing so much. Like Gilmour, so much feeling and emotion.


Youre one of the best guitarists I know . Most versatile


I stumbled upon this years ago and it has served well, it works great. I have taught guitar classes for years and now I’m in my late sixties no longer teaching but still playing daily and with worship band every Sunday. This is the best way to learn how to get around the fretboard.


For the first time ever I got chills listening to that phrase at 12:30... from a LESSON.

Top notch stuff here man, thank you for sharing your wisdom coming from decades of experience, all while being so humble.


You are definitely my favorite guitarist on YouTube, Tim.. you play like me, everything you play is melodic and has a good feel to it. You play with everything in your being .. and it's very noticable.. such a joy to listen to you do what you love.
It's no wonder at all that you got and still get a lot of work, playing the good stuff! Love to you and your family my friend 👍


Tim, Your face just beams with such soulful joy when you play. Thank you for sharing your body of knowledge!


I appreciate the story telling as much your playing. It's never a brag. Thanks for the tip. I'm a pentatonic / dorian guy for 30 years. Never thought of this technique.


I sooo enjoy watching you play TP! So effortless and jovial at the same time. Dude I could’ve had a rough day, crappy mood and then I watch your videos and BAM 💥 relaxed and smiling 😂
Thanks so much!
Cheers 🍻


Thank you Tim for videos like this. Simple things you say like “I don’t talk about the boxes but I still see them” makes me realise that even though I am not and will never be at your professional level, it shows that the line of thought still there on similar approach trying to make music as a bedroom player or as a professional guitarist 🎸


Just really good advice here Tim. I'm 61, been playing on and off for over 40 years, and I feel like I might be starting to get it thanks to videos like yours.
