Every Single Difference Between the Half-Blood Prince Book & Movie (Harry Potter Explained)

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Biggest difference:
Book: Great mystery, investigation kinda thriller, Ginny is cool
Movie: Cringy teen drama, Ginny has never even heard of personality


I think every Romione shipper will agree that Ron and Hermione’s big fight in this book was the lowest point of their relationship but the movie should have kept these scenes in:
•Ron absent-mindedly saying “I love you” to Hermione when she corrects his homework and she blushes cutely.
•Hermione smiling when Lavender confronts Ron about “spending” a lot of time with Hermione.
•Ron and Hermione in tears hugging each other for comfort at Dumbledore’s funeral.


"But there's alot that happens in between these two scenes."-MovieFlame, 2021


There is another VERY crucial difference between book and movie:
During the final battle in front of Hagrids cabin Harry tries to curse Snape several times and Snape manages to block them all very easily.
THEN Snape says: "Blocked again and again and again until you learn to keep your mouth shut and your mind closed, Potter!”

This is an amazing and crucial Snape moment! Where he actually teaches Harry something very important!


I always love when McGonagall says "Dumbledore would have been happy to know there was a little more love in the world"


80% comparing book and movie
20% roasting the movie’s decision
can’t complain


I love how Harry in this book was acting like James

- He used Langlock twice on Filch
- He used a toe-nail growing hex on Crabbe
- He used Levicorpus on Ron to testing it
and Ron found it funny,
- He was in the detention most of the year

*his sarcastic smart mouth against Snape ("There's no need to call me "sir" Professor)*
- both father and his son used the spells that Snape invented against him

it’s like rowling reminds us that Harry is still James's son
also it gets harder and harder for Snape because Harry gradually turns into James and yet he protects him lol


Movie Hermione is the perfection Book Hermione wishes she could be.
Movie Ron is the failure Book Ron fears he could be.
Movie Ginny is to Book Ginny what the Peter Johnson films are to the Percy Jackson books.


I must confess that I love the scene of Lavander and Hermione's argument in the hospital wing. The way Dumbledore breaks the tension is possibly the closest we see Gambon get to book Dumbledore.


Justice for Ron! Hermione is book smart Ron street/ wizarding word smart. This made it soooo painfully obvious how badly Ron’s character is diminished only to press Hermione’s “brilliance” “smartest witch of her age”. It’s actually more interesting that she is so naïve in a lot of ways and try as she might to read everything she doesn’t know everything that’s the whole point of her being friends with Ron and Harry they all need each other to be better. Also …. Gahhh you can’t teleport in any form on the grounds of hog warts .


I love these videos so much dude. These are stellar.


31:27 - that detail from the book is very important, because it made Ron realize that what helped him in the match wasn't luck, but rather his own talent and his confidence. That helped solidify his confidence, which I think is fantastic writing on Rowling's part.


Biggest difference: the book isn't some dumb fail teen romantic comedy that's trying to go Twilight but is filled with intrigue, conflict, and struggle as Voldermort rise from the shadows. Damn, I hate this movie.


I was really disappointed on how emotionless they made the scene with Narcissa and Snape. The scene in the last film where she lies about Harry's death to protect Draco would have made a lot more sense if they had shown how much Narcissa loved her son.


Can we just appreciate the fact that every week he films and edits an entire 1hour+ video just for us to be entertained? Not to mention that he goes through all of the books and all the movies again and again to sort out every single difference. He needs a crown


In the book, Harry being the one who hid the Potions book made him see the diadem for the first time, which made him realized where it is in the deathly hallows


Watching these videos makes me look at the films very differently. I now fully realize just how much the filmmakers screwed over Ron in favour of Hermione, and it’s honestly maddening! While Hermione is the labelled as the brains of the trio, she is ultimately the book-smart one whereas Ron is meant to be the street-smart one from being the one of the trio to be raised in the Wizarding World. The films almost made Ron inconsequential, and I agree when you said the he the most underrepresented character when compared to his portrayal in the books.


While the scene of Harry asking a random waitress out was weird and out of place, the two of them still had better chemistry than he did with movie Ginny by a thousand miles.


"But I am the chosen one" that was actually quite a funny line and doesn't come across as arrogant at all


You seem like such a genuine person. I appreciate all the hard work and dedication
