Origin of the Asteroid Belt

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The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter formed in a similar way as the rest of the solar system. There are a couple of theories that explain how the solar system began, but the most accepted one is the nebular theory.


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While the Nebular theory USED to be the most accepted theory, scientists now think it is the Grand Tack/Nice theory.
difference: Nebular - most planets & the asteroids formed close to where they are now.
Grand Tack - most planets & the asteroids formed elsewhere and moved to their present location.
example: the Asteroid Belt falls into two general types, inner S-type asteroids, and outer other 3 types of asteroids. We have examined inner S-types, and their composition is much like Earth. So the GT theory says they were formed in the area of Venus, Mercury (in that order before their collisions), pre-Earth, Thea(pre-moon), and others - or they were a product of collisions. The S-type were pushed out into the inner asteroid Belt due to all the collisions and movement when Jupiter began to move back out linked with Saturn (after they push inwards almost to Mar's present orbit - the Grand Tack of the theory).
The outer Belt asteroids like planet Ceres, which we have examined, have a composition like the Ice Giant planets of Neptune and Uranus (in that order, forming around the area of Saturn's present orbit), and so the outer asteroids are believed to have come to the Belt during the Late Bombardment phase when ALL the Giant planets moved outward to their present orbits, scattering everything in the way, capturing Titian as Neptune moon, and pushing all the Plutonoid planets into their present orbits.
BTW, the isotopes of Mars show it was formed in the area of the present Asteroid Belt near Jupiter's origin, and is believed to have been pushed in when Jupiter went inward until Mars reached it's present orbit, the only survivor of the early Asteroid Belt area. So really you could call it the Asteroid That Got Away....
BTW2, the motions of the planet orbits are still changing, our Moon is leaving the Earth, and Mercury is moving outward again into our area.


This is super interesting!
I'm 22 years old and I always assumed the asteroid belt used to be a giant planet but was destroyed by meteors or comets and the belt was what was left over.


A lighting of information slowed down to strike with a short burst of powerful and fulfilling knowledge!
Thank you!


Ok another theory from Chicago 🙏 is that there is an “Intermediate” distance of planets from each other..in other words theres a slight pattern of 1.4-1.8 time the distance from the last planet, you can almost see that as you move from the sun the planets cores are double the distance from the sun as you move outward. The problem with the theory is that the situation is more complicated, because as you go past earth there’s Mars and the great asteroid belt and things seem to be out of place.
The second theory linked to this one is the asteroid belt was a earth-like planet 5 times bigger than ours and that our moon and Mars were moons to this massive extinct planet that for some reason exploded living one side of Mars completely chard and could possibly explain these missing puzzle pieces to this theory of intermediate positioning of the planets and the belt and possibly explains other anomalies of our system


Thanks dude. I gotta do a project abt this and google gave me some complex answer


Thanks for this video, I had want this video bcoz am not seen any content of ast belt, go ahead bro


& probably originated in the asteroid belt between Mars & Jupiter


Theres no ads at all, usually due to video bellow 5 minute ..why not create 10minutes one so we can get more detail and the video can have 2 or 3 ads ..everybody win


I think the asteroid belt was a planet that exploded and destroyed the Martian atmosphere. Fortunately the inhabitants of Mars were technologically advanced and settled on Earth where they merged their DNA to create homo sapien sapien... 😂😮😢


Who else wants to go see space irl
I reallu want to know


Can you make longer videos like 15 mins about seti


I disagree with this theory, if we assume this is correct juptier should not have moons


but maybe we came from there? Maybe we killed it?


Bruh ceres is the only one in the belt


between mars and jupiter was 1 or 2 planets ..look a bit, our solar sistem contain planets ..you must be stupid not thinking in that space wasn t a planet/s
if you look back in our history .."a battle was in the sky "..observed by terra ...in that time
you come with ...non sense info, cosmo


Learned more in 1st grade in the 50s in less time.


And that explanation my friends is what it is called the Ultimate Bullshit.


Learned more in 1st grade in the 50s in less time.
