Star Wars: Galactic Empire - Little Dark Age

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"Are you prepared to die for your Empire?"

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Rebel Soldier: How does it feel fighting for a dying Empire?

Stormtrooper: Euphoric


“Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened”- Emperor Palpatine


This inspired me to join the Empire and destroy the Rebel Scum


*Galaxy thriving under Imperial Rule*
Rebel Alliance: Hey, let’s form the new Galactic Republic with not even close to the same amount of ships as the empire and leave the outer rim planets in anarchy!


My grandpa fought in the empire with Vader. He said that he was a great leader. He died a couple of years ago.


Proof anything can be inspiring when paired with “little dark age”


I remember empire day like it was yesterday


Yo dudes the empire is pretty chill maybe you should like join it or something


This is awesome! I want to see more of what regular, normal people's lives were like in the Empire.

"Do you think any of us really cared about whatever holy war those zealots were fighting? Jedi, Sith, Light, Dark, or whatever in between, they're all the same.

You think any of them actually care about us? It's always been the powerful controlling the people. The senators of the Republic and the governors of our Empire? The Chancellor and our Grand Emperor? Same people, different names. Quite literally in some cases.

There were Separatists back then, and Rebels now. There was slavery back then, and slavery now. There was oppression back then, and it hasn't gone away. A never-ending cycle of war and peace and war again, that's how life's always been and always will be.

But do you know the one thing the Empire's done for us? The only thing that's changed in the lives of billions of people for the first time in hundreds of years...?


That is why I fight. That is why I am proud to be a Stormtrooper. Every day I put myself and my friends-in-arms at risk of death or worse for this hope. The hope that maybe, just maybe we will be able to improve the lives of ourselves and the people we care about."

And that is why I will never, ever be afraid to say: *"Long live the Empire!"*


Average star wars fan: "Empire is bad"
Galactic empire:


I didn't join the empire, I never left it! Great edit.


I honestly think I could be persuaded to die for any cause as long as they have a sick music video


Humanizing the good people within a corrupt and degrading Empire is the next step for Star Wars Storytelling. Characters like or similar to Thrawn, Pellaeon, and other silent dissidents are ridiculously important in fleshing out the Galactic Empire as a whole like how they did with the Separatists and Galactic Republic in the Clone Wars. The rebels aren’t all good and the empire isn’t all evil, and further greying the two choices deciding the fate of the galaxy would enrichen the OT even further


I wish we had a series of a stormtrooper that didn’t switch sides it would be a amazing show


It was one day like all the others in my little village. I was 11 at that time. Every day, i would go to the grocery store and everytime, i would encounter the white soldiers of the empire. When they were here, our village felt safe. I would wave at them, wanting to be just like them as a grownup. Then, they disapeared. "War effort" they said on the radio. All villages in the outside bordure were less protected and all forces have gone to the frontline. Then, that day arrived. The siege of Coruscant lasted several month but the last imperials surrendered. "The Galactic Empire has fallen. "The center of Coruscant has fallen under rebel hands." I saw my mom cry but i did not understand what it meant. The stability was gone. Crime rose and our village was ruined by looting and civil wars because the Moff of our system was no longer there. At every attack of gangsters, i would Ask my parents "where are the men in white protecting us ?
- They're not here anymore"
Today, i'm an adult and i'm going to sign in the First Order, because i want our stability back, that's what i will stand for as a stormtrooper.


I like how the video slowly transitions into pictures that follow the Destruction of the Second Death Star, showing how the Empire slowly falls


Admiral Pelean was easily one of my fav imperials. He truly loved the empire and what it stood for.


Man I hope one day we get a Star Wars show from a stormtroopers perspective


Really showing the glory of the empire here. One of the best LDA edits I've seen imo.


The Empire was composed of the true heroes of the story.
