AskProfWolff: Automation & Worker Co-ops

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A patron of Economic Update asks: "How would worker ownership work for industries that are highly automated and/or have high capital valuation per employee (i.e. Google/Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, commercial leasing / rental companies with many properties.)? Some industries have low capital value and others high capital value per employee. How would an economic system establish a general sense of equity across such differing sectors of the economy?"

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On the size of co-ops: I couldn't help but think of a similar problem that we had in enterprise application development around 15 years ago, when increasingly large and complex mounds of code made monolithic programs unsustainable. The solution was to modularize, break up those programs into smaller, more manageable, units. Today it's common for even the biggest, most expensive, web applications to be deployed as individual, redundant, microservices that work together to provide the functionality that used to be achieved with monolithic applications.


I especially liked the part about workers being able to move into another workplace, to produce something else, instead of losing their job because of a changing market situation or redundancy. That'd be wonderful! It's frustrating that the world doesn't operate like this at the moment.


I think In a big production company, the participants can assign leaders in which they give him the authority to lead the team. But still the power is in the collective when evaluating him of his capability to lead. The rules depends on what was agreed in the contract, of course.


Thank you Professor - I love the idea of small, localized worker coops everywhere. I would like to
see the end of giant corporations and hierarchies. Maybe we will wind up having very little choice if we
want to survive. I often wonder about the pursuit of happiness by the very rich. Are they happy yet?
I don't think so and I doubt that they ever will until they realize it is an endless, stressful and miserable pursuit.


Some small business operate in that sense where, each worker pivots to new tasks, projects, skills, etc. The worker is protected, but it's kinda due to out of goodwill and need from the employer, not necessarily out of any legal binding. Again, this is just some small businesses, not everyone.


Headphone Users: Ear Damage @2:20 ... ouch...


The dividing of a1 Co-Op business into coordinating subdivisions is in uses successfully at the Rainbow Grocery Co-Op in San Francisco.


The problem I see with this is that different divisions are directly responsible for differing amounts of revenue. I.E. The salesman is directly responsible for bringing in more income for the company than the janitor. They’re both important and both needed, but one is more profitable. When you break up shipping from manufacturing and sales and marketing and R&D etc etc etc then each of those coops could have differing thoughts on how they proceed as a whole. If shipping decides they make more money sending other freight than what the whole of the coop is then now it causes a problem for the rest of the operation.
So unless each coop was more of a “franchise” responsible for every aspect autonomously from lets say production to sales, beginning to end, and done on smaller scales then what we now see, then that model could work. But the desire for growth always scales up so....


Automation seems inevitable, but who directs the automation does not have to be top down and who benefits from the mechanization solely one way.


They can still form committees and set up ground rules for what this committee can and cannot do.


Even with worker co-ops, the profit motive will always be there. That is, unless we change our mindset about work. We can produce more for less without the need for so many workers. What about public utilities? We always need public utilities but we allow third-parties to own public utilities. Why do we have to pay a third-party for public utilities?


LOL 2:34 "Capitalism is giving way to worker coops"


I really think new advancements in technology will wipe out more human labor needed in the economy. Count me in on federal government jobs, in addition we need a universal basic income. Cooperatives are also extremely important. All of the above or combination of these policies must be debated and I hope enacted.


Hmmm. Utopia. I see worker-owned-business on some items I purchase. I'm wondering if there is, currently, any entity larger than a small business that operates using the principles of one-worker/one-vote and common decisions. Like a particular type of business interest (hospital/senior care center/school, etc.) or a city or town, or government, or a country. I'm wondering if there is a working example of these principles. Some place where greed has not invaded and corrupted. Just wondering and searching...


I say we change the School system so the curriculum that rules, regulates, and runs this world, country, state, city, town, government, industry and institutions taught k-12 as they're primary and sole mandate. Curriculum that covers all political science understanding, stock market knowledge, mortgages and compounding intrest rates and so forth. Shrink the intellectual divide and create an army of economists and so on boosting the country's domestic and global values. For starters.


When company get an government contract . Where does that money come from?


Who guarantees business loans and credit lines?


You know exactly what #BradHartliep stands for, because, as a US Air Force Veteran, I've been protecting and defending the Equal, Civil and Constitutional Rights of all Americans for 40 years and I am the ONLY candidate for President in 2020 who will rebuild our working and middle class [which Trump has failed to do], improve America's Economy [which Trump has failed to do], protect our Farmers [which Trump has failed to do], rebuild our Infrastructure [which Trump has failed to do], create 5 million new jobs every year [which Trump - who promised 2.5 million jobs a year - has failed to do], improve the living conditions for the poor [which Trump has failed to do], protect America's National Security [which Trump has failed to do], improve our #Military Capability [which Trump has failed to do], protect and defend the Constitutional, Civil and Equal Rights of every American [which Trump has failed to do], and ensure every single American over the age of 16 has their legal, Constitutional #RightToVote secured, throughout their entire adult life, so that no state or county or voting district or federal entity can deny them their legal, Constitutional Right to Vote - as is fully protected by the Constitution of the United States of America .. the voting crimes of the GOP and the voting crimes of the DNC will end under my Presidency .. the PEOPLE will have their RIGHT to Vote .. and the barriers - created by both the Conservatives and the Democrats over the last 60 years - that make it difficult for the people to register to vote and to actually vote will come down - including the RIGHT to Vote by Mail - which is NOT forbidden by the US Constitution .. because there will be no Voting Crimes, either by mail or in person, under my Presidency .. every vote, whether by mail or in person, will be counted and confirmed by non-partisan Judicial Experts in Voting Rights and Voting Procedures -- and everyone over the age of 16 who is a United States Citizen will be allowed to vote - there will be no Unconstitutional conditions, by the state or the federal government, that will prevent them from voting, if they so choose .. and the Electoral College Members will be required to vote according to the vote count of the state or voting district that they represent .. it will be illegal for them to vote contrary to the Vote Count [this can be easily handled by a STATE LAW in every State in the Union and requires no Constitutional Convention and ZERO change to the US Constitution's Laws] .. the States have a legal RIGHT to mandate that their Electoral College Representatives vote according to the wishes the State's Citizens and that they CANNOT vote contrary to the wishes of their citizens ..

No one will do more for the People of America over the next 4 years than #BradHartliep, the ONLY candidate for President Protecting and Defending the Rights of the American People against Trump's and Biden's Decades of Elitist Crimes .. #NeverTrump #NeverBiden -- Rapist, Pedophile and RINO Russian Stooge Donald Trump is just as Corrupt, just as Criminal and just as UnAmerican as Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama ..

The ONLY candidate for President in 2020 who will bring about the social changes America needs - the end to racism and sexism, truly affordable Healthcare for all Americans from birth to death, truly affordable College Education for all Americans, improved incomes for working class and middle class Americans, better retirement incomes, improved standards of living for all Americans, better healthcare for retirees and the elderly, Civil and Equal Rights for all Americans, including Minorities and Women, better representation for all social groups in all government offices, and a reduction in government corruption across all government agencies is #BradHartliep, the ONLY candidate for President who has been protecting and defending the Rights of Gays, Lesbians, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, Women, Children and Poor White Working Class Americans for 40 years ..

As America's 2020 President of Choice, my Administration will be the most Transparent White House in History .. Trump, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will be fully investigated for Crimes against the United States and against American Citizens and for any illegal dealings with Foreign Nations - Trump and Biden will both be investigated for their criminal dealings with Ukraine, Biden will be investigated for his criminal dealing with Communist China and Trump will be investigated for his criminal dealings with Russia. .. Bill and Hillary Clinton will be investigated for dozens of Criminal acts before, during and after their White House years .. Trump's and Obama's Senior White House Staffs will be investigated for any Violations of the US Constitution and any Crimes against US Citizens .. all employees of the CIA and NSA will be required to swear an oath to Protect and Defend the US Constitution and to Protect and Defend all US Citizens against illegal surveillance and illegal search and seizure and all operations against US Citizens will require a Search Warrant signed by an Official Federal Judge with the appropriate authority .. ~ Vote #BradHartliep #President in November and return control of America to the American People ..


Do they have to divide? Can't they grow into a single larger coop, and be profitable while still being democratic on the part of their workforce?


How would one go about starting a worker co op?
