The Three Biggest Leadership Mistakes

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A person’s character gets revealed in good and challenging times. More than having the talent or the skills, this moral compass is what often makes or breaks leadership. To become a good leader, it’s essential to build your character in a way that will bring peace and success to the people you lead. As such, you have to know which traits you must possess and which you have to work on—or completely eliminate.

In this episode, Tim delves into the three biggest leadership mistakes. He talks about the weight of character over talent in becoming a good leader. He then lays down the basic character traits a good leader must have and the mistakes they should never make. Tim highlights the foundational principle of moral compass in leading your team to peace and success.

If you’d like to learn how to lead your organization to success, tune in to this episode! 
3 Reasons to Listen:

1. Discover the three basic character traits of leadership.
2. Learn the three biggest leadership mistakes or flaws.
3. Find out what makes a good leader.

Episode Highlights
[02:34] Knowing the Three Biggest Leadership Mistakes

• These are the negative side of the characteristics that we should have.
• Our minds sometimes learn better when we hear the opposite of what we should be doing.
[03:30] Moral Compass as a Foundational Principle

• The foundational principle of leadership is moral compass and who we are as individuals.
• Some people get elevated to positions of leadership because of their talent. But it doesn’t mean they have the moral compass needed for that role.
• Leadership has nothing to do with someone’s ability or talent. Rewarding talent instead of recognizing character is what’s causing issues in leaders.
• Character gets revealed in good times and extremely challenging situations.
• Talent can only carry you so far when things get tough.

• Tim has been doing a chronological read of the Bible this year.
• Ecclesiastes is an odd book in the Bible. The first 11 chapters of the book talk about what's the point of doing all the work when it will all disappear when you die.
• Tune in to the full episode to learn the meaning of Ecclesiastes 10:10!
• Someone with a low character has to work harder to be successful. But if they have wisdom, it’s going to be more helpful in defining what success is.
• Leadership and life are harder for a low-character person. Thus, we desire to have the character traits of someone with strength and wisdom.

• When people who are not good and kind get elevated into leadership roles, the fact that they're not good people gets magnified.
• Part of Tim's mission is to get people thinking about what it means to be a kind person, so it spills over into leadership.
• It’s tough for someone who’s a jerk to implement positive traits.
• Leaders are grossly unprepared for the possible idolization that comes with leadership.
• Character is extremely important. Pride and ego typically cannot handle the pedestal people get placed on.
[12:08] The Impossibleness of Living Up to the Leadership Role

• The nature of social media results in hypercriticism of the leadership role, which is oftentimes unfair.
• An average person who’s not trying to work on character issues cannot handle the pressure of great success.
• Leaders don’t have as much control as we think they do. Many times, they’re just positioning things.
• A primary thing a leader should do is to create an atmosphere so they and others can succeed.
• Leaders must have basic foundations to handle complexities of leadership.
[14:13] Three Leadership Basic Character Traits and the Three Biggest Leadership Mistakes

• The three basic character traits are love, faith, and peace. These are the three foundational items people should have to be successful in a leadership role.
• The opposite of these basic cha...
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