Are We Witnessing the End? - Get the evidence that the Seven Year Tribulation has begun...

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Just Released... WITNESSING THE END: Daniel's Seventy Sevens and the Final Decree Everyone Missed... Another mind-blowing discovery by Christian Widener, the internationally acclaimed researcher who solved the enigma of the temple location in Jerusalem.

Regardless Of What You Know About Bible Prophecy, This Book Will Shock You…

After two thousand years, proof of Jesus Christs’ soon return is overwhelming - but if you think you’ve heard it all, believe me, these never-before-seen breakthroughs are stunning!

Beyond amazing, the insights in this book are powerful enough to make you strongly reconsider your previously held convictions. Causing an uncomfortably clear awareness, that some things in your life may need to change…

This timely & special adventure is filled with meticulously researched evidence from Dr. Christian Widener. A life-long student of the Bible and world class engineer who’s applied his multi-disciplinary approach to prophecy in a way that’s sensible, convincing, and rooted to the Scriptures.

So, if you’re looking to make sense of the world because it feels like we’re witnessing the end, this book will help you connect the dots & learn about:

- How a decree from 1537 AD is about to change your life.

- What the age of the earth means for the return of Christ.

- Where two Jubilee years are concealed in Scripture, and what they tell us about the return of the Lord.

- How dozens of prophecies (you didn’t know already happened) are telling us to look up, our redemption is drawing near.

- What you can do next and how to prepare.

CAUTION: Bible prophecy is being unsealed and major events have already happened! You’ll be more than kicking yourself if you don’t get prepared now, before it’s too late.


Witnessing the End has an urgent message for every Christian believer that they can’t afford to ignore. The case is made that the final week of Daniel’s prophesied seventy weeks has arrived, meaning that the seven-year tribulation is already underway. The evidence begins with recognizing the significance of the return of Israel as a nation and the identification of the generation that will “certainly not pass away, until all these things take place.” But the evidence that will drop everyone’s jaw is that there was a final decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem that everyone missed. The decree, which was given in 1537 started a new countdown of seventy sevens that will run out in the year 2027. The first countdown pointed to the ministry and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This second one is counting down to his return. The evidence trail doesn’t end there, though. The book also examines how the age of the earth, too, presents a countdown to the Lord’s return that lines up perfectly with Daniel’s decree. The book will also explain what the Year of Jubilee means for the return of Christ and his millennial reign. It reveals two Jubilee years hidden in the Scriptures that also indicate the timing of the Lord’s promised return. The book is packed with insights and meticulously researched evidence that will literally blow your mind. For instance, people have debated the length of Jesus’ ministry since the days of the early church but using Daniel’s prophecy and a thorough assessment of the historical evidence, the mystery has now been solved. You will also learn about dozens of prophecies that have been fulfilled in modern times. Most people will have never even heard of many of these prophecies, until they read about them in this book. The book is an amazing adventure with a message so potent, you’ll just have to hear the evidence to believe it. But once you do, you’re going to understand exactly what is going on in the world right now, and what you need to do about it.

Also check out my video based on my first book, THE TEMPLE REVEALED: The True Location of the Jewish Temple Hidden in Plain Sight.

Рекомендации по теме

Dear brother Christian, I live in Brazil, and saw the interview you gave on the Janie Duvall program on YouTube and was amazed by everything you said! I’m sure God led me to you, because everything you believe is what I have been reflecting for the past 3 years… I’m reading the PDF that you so kindly put available. Thank you! Yes, we are here! This is it! Maranata!


The world is groaning for Jesus to make everything right.


Now is time to work with Yeshua, to bring others to Him, so they are saved in His Blood.


Thank you!! The Lord seems to be revealing many things in His word every day! in Daniel 12:4 It says shut up the words, seal the book until the time of the end "knowledge will be increased" I think we are in that time! Other amazing men of God have "searched out a thing" and reveled somethings that are so clear you are amazed it could have misunderstood! thank you Holy Spirit!


Hallelujah my brother...

Well done...My faithful servant....
Keep storing treasure....


This is absolutely what I’m seeing only the remnant has eyes to see


The bible tells us all we need to know.


Dear brother, I'm sure you saw the news about the five red heifers. I know you are excited as I am to see the good book come to pass and the prophecies written in it. Blessings Brother Carlos


Today 5/24/2024, I was praying and praying for the truth. Specifically I asked God if there was a connection between the ashes of the red heifer and the abomination of desolation. Then I came home and saw the Janie Duvall interview about why Trump is not the antichrist and my question about the red heifer and the abomination of desolation was addressed. Thank you C. Widener and J. Duvall very much. I greatly appreciate both of you. Love


I wonder would you have time to come on my podcast? I would love to share an hour with you on a live stream talking about your book.


“Normal isn’t coming back, Jesus is!” 🙌🏼❤️‍🔥✝️❤️‍🔥🙌🏼


We don’t always know until after things have already happened.
In 2015, I read a prophecy from a 90 yr old Norwegian woman in 1968. Not all of it had happened yet, so I wasn’t sure if it was a true prophecy…but now, 9 years later it’s overwhelming how accurate she was! She talked about things coming in waves. According to her prophecy, we’re near the last wave-we are in the last days!


Much love and prayers from Tucson Arizona. I'm so glad I found your channel. I totally agree with you and haven't found anyone except Rob Skiba that I can say that about. Looking forward to hearing more. R.I.P. Rob Skiba, a true warrior.❤🙏


Enjoy your engineering approach and would love some direct interaction while Im here in RC. Have watched your videos good confirmation of things I was seeing. 3 hardrockers kids who are skeptics all here in Rpid. Watching and paying attention. Thanks for your faithful witness, Di Mathews


I can't say the track record for these types of predictions is good. I'll withhold judgment until I check it out


what is your opinion of people who claim to love jesus and preach wile flashing illuminati hand signs or the pyramid ill be looking for your videos.


Maybe a lesson to look up for signs; the morning of June 24, 2022 before sunrise had a rare planetary alignment over the Eastern horizon that included many planets and the moon. Later that day was the announcement of the overturning of Roe v Wade ❤


no offense, but i struggle to see any evidence of the so called 7 year tribulation period in the bible, i can see 42 months clearly there though, and the rest seems to be just distortions from old testament passages, can you help on that? thanks


Dear brother
Do you believe that the church leaders are not open to the truth of revelations that the Holy Spirit has shown some believers on what is to come?
The Lord has not lead me to share my visions and dreams to pastors and leaders where I live.
I'm not positive on why.


What about the revelation 12 sign that was seen in the stars in 2017
