This Was Me - Everybody's Talking About Jamie Scene

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Arguably the best part of the movie. I love how they included the topic of the AIDS epidemic and love John’s cameo here


this was the moment the movie went from good to GREAT. I can't believe how moving this was. I had to pause the movie so i could collect myself at the end of it, i was that touched. this movie is one big love letter to the kings and queens who came before us, who let a trans man like me be able to live openly.


Speaking as an old Queen who lived through those battles and days thank you so much to everyone involved, this scene suns up all the emotions from that era, the joy the sadness. ❤️❤️💔


This scene hit so hard - so well done. Replacing the Loco Chanelle song from the stage version with this was a great move.


For me this is definitely the best moment of the entire movie. This isn’t just history, it’s storytelling and ugh just goosebumps 🥺💔


The instrumental reprise after this scene gets me every time 😭 When Jamie tells Pritti about the warrior queens, and Hugo finds the roses in the case 🥀 I hope Richard gets an Oscar for this one


I was so upset when I realized they were replacing Legend of Loco Chanelle but by the end I was in tears. The perfect replacement. I loved the fun and whimsical story of drag queen murder but this made the Warrior Queen so much more badass while tapping into a realistic backstory of the real fight. I think it also provides a great setup for Over the Top that really sets the tone for the power of drag and performance art as a revolutionary show of protest. Also, I met John McCrea after the West End show when he was still Jamie and seeing him take up the mantle of Loco Chanelle this way just made it seem so much more powerful, knowing that even within the same story we see younger generations being inspired to join the fight.


I wouldn't say im a big fan of Queen but for whatever reason the line "Even Freddie couldn't stay" chokes me up. I've listened to this song at least a dozen times since finding it on Prime... Each time that line pops up, just a welt in my throat appears


Wow, just, wow. Didn't expect to feel all the feels during this number. Heartbreaking 💔 This number deserves all the attention it can get 👏🏽


I will never not use subtitles and this is the perfect example of why. I mean, not just cause of my audio processing disorder but because of the double meaning of lyrics. I originally thought the line in this song was "Every weekend was awake" and didn't realize the words were actually "Every weekend was a wake" and gosh does that hit hard.


When Loco hugged Jamie at the parade...knowing who was playing Loco...utterly destroyed me


This song/video gave me all the It’s A Sin feels! I’m a massive Queen/Freddie fan so when I saw the date stop at 24th November 1991 I knew what was coming. I’ll admit, I cried my eyes out so much it ruined the rest of the film for me. I just cried all the way through it. So many people senselessly and needlessly died, and still are. It’s criminal.

Holly Johnson did well singing such a touching song, but he knew, he lived it.


Thank you for posting this! I was angry that "The Legend of Loco Chanelle (and the Blood Red Dress)", my favorite song from the stage musical, wasn't in this movie adaptation, but I could not have asked for a better replacement song. It's so beautifully heartbreaking and nostalgic, especially with showing the news headlines about Freddie Mercury and the documentary clips with Princess Diana. Having Hugo's character live through the AIDs epidemic while seeing his lover and his peers die from it really gives his character a more realistic and touching motivation to mentor Jamie. ❤️


FAB, FAB, FAB! This song and scene is utterly poignant, fun, heart-breaking, high energy, emotional and getting John McCrea was a stroke of genius. And as for Richard E. Grant - outstanding. I can't put into words how much I love this and whole film equally. Having seen the show 3 times I did wonder but it's a triumph.


Wonderful song. This song should be a candidate for the Oscar for the best original song at the next edition of the Oscars. It's exciting, it's vibrant, it works perfectly in the movie, and it's the perfect context to understand the characters.


This scene just made my little queer heart burst with pride once I'd composed my self, such a beautifully shot and put together scene of such an important time in LGBTQ history, when Loco says I love you, gets you right in the feels!


Love that they added this song to the movie. And love the scene where the new Jamie dances with the original Jamie on the street.


this was so powerful and heartbreaking and the fact that they used the original jaime from the state show as young hugo was just even more special💜


This scene has me in tears every time I see it. The music perfectly captures the bittersweet nature of joy and pain, tragedy and exuberance, all the colors of the rainbow. They just nailed it.


Thanks for sharing. Best number in the film (and they don't even know it).
