Could conflict with China make taps in India run dry? | Global Eyes

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What effect could the India-China border dispute have on water resources in the region? The latest skirmishes between Indian and Chinese soldiers happened in December 2022. They are evidence of decades of conflict over a border between two nuclear armed neighbors that is more than 3,400 kilometer long.
This conflict could play out on the availability of water for millions of people, as some of India's most important rivers originate in China. Our hosts Isha Bhatia and Lewis Sanders are joined by Antara Goshal Singh, China Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation and by Farwa Aamer, Research Analyst at The Stimson Center, who shed some light on this important issue.
Editorial Team: Matthias von Hein, Nina Werkhäuser, Frank Hofmann, Akanksha Saxena

00:00 Intro
04:00 Antara Goshal Singh, China Fellow, Observer Research Foundation
04:40 The China-India border dispute and the Galwan Valley clash
05:35 Competition between China and India
09:30 Dams on the Brahmaputra River
14:15 A military conflict is possible
19:30 Farwa Aamer, Research Analyst, The Stimson Center
20:30 China and India: No agreement on sharing water resources
29:15 China's dependency on hydropower
31:20 Wrap-up: Beijing is hosting the World Water Congress in September 2023

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They showing this after india send notice to Pakistan regarding water treaty. Wonder DW trying to pull here.?


So biased

getting one side of information is always biased!


Water will be the reason for large wars, just like oil


And India is non-stop trying to bottom feed on China's issues with the US. China would appreciate a less opportunist India and would wish India finds its own path (which would also benefit China actually) instead of the zero sum game Indian nationalists like to play.


An important topic, talking about water conflict. It’s already happening in several places within Israel’s current border countries. The obvious is Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, then Jordan and the least talked about Turkeys control over dams that feed the Euphrates River within Iraq and parts of Dubai and Qatar.


Short answer
China can stop 5% of wataa coming to India but than that will effect bangladesh at 99%

However India can stop 99% wataa of pakustan


That's actually exaggeration.

I am an Indian a basic knowledge of geography and topography can explain someone about the fact if China could really stop India's waters

First of all except Brahmaputra, all rivers originate from Indian Himalayas and Brahmaputra's flow and the terrain makes it impossible for China to stop its water for a long period of time.

This topic is just a useless sensationalist topic.


So China will divert water for entire Brahmaputra?


I don’t like China’s authoritarian regime but what’s India is going through is quite a bit just dessert.

Look at how India is treating down stream neighbours and suddenly they’re no longer the victim.

Bangladesh has been subjected to a lot of abuse in this regard.


Is NATO and Anglos country trying to make India to fight a war with China lmao 😂🤣🤣🤣


Unconditional right to stop our own life medically whenever we want for all adults, my body my choice. Abortion is not my body my choice.


The solution is Tibet's independence.


indians bjp bhakts are comming to say in 2 3 1= chinese casualties 45, 60, 100 dead


Why don’t you talk about the dams India put blocking water to Bangladesh? Would like to hear you talk about it. Northern part of Bangladesh is severely effected. No resolutions in 50 years.


There are water conflicts within India between states so why the surprise if it happens between countries.


It would be better to be explain by hydrologist then a one who studied literature.


Only the Bhramaputra basin has its roots in China ...India has 5-6 major sources of water ..How will the drop in water bhramaputra basin effect the whole of india? Things should not be exzagarreted for the sake of making sensational news!


At 16:05 you listed the rivers originating in China. Out of those 7 rivers 3 flow through India.
1) Ganges: Originates in India from Gangotri Glacier. I don't know why you said it originates from china.
2) Indus: it does originate from Tibet but only a small portion of its water share and length is in Tibet. According to the Indus Water Treaty India can use 20% of the water and Pakistan can use 80% of the water.
3) Brahmaputra:Of the 2, 880km of the Brahmaputra’s length, 1, 625km is in Tibet, 918km in India, and 337km in Bangladesh. According to India’s ministry of water resources, of the total catchment area of 580, 000 sq. km, 50% lies in Tibet, 34% in India, and the balance in Bangladesh and Bhutan.
The average annual rainfall is 400mm in Tibet, and 3, 000mm on the Indian side.
According to the Central Water Commission, while 60% of the water in the Brahmaputra comes from India, 40% comes from Tibet.


Kind of hypocritical when India frequently cause droughts and floods in Bangladesh at it's own choosing.


Is this a kids' show? The silly intro (3 minutes!) and following "Gee-whiz" dialogue was a waste of time. Considering that actual wars over water are brewing in Africa and elsewhere in Asia, why not get right to the point on this serious matter?
