Unifi AI Pro - full install, review and comparison with G5 Pro and G4 Pro

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The AI Pro is the flagship camera from Unifi, so of course I compare it to the G5 Pro and G4 Pro cameras. This is interesting.

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0:00 What are we comparing?
0:45 That nice box
3:18 The plan
4:11 Install
8:34 Adoption
9:36 AI Pro features
14:20 Face/license plate recognition
17:58 G4 Pro, G5 Pro, AI Pro daytime comparison
19:16 AI detections
21:22 Two way audio
22:28 G4 Pro, G5 Pro, AI Pro night time comparison
25:40 Which should you buy?
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Thanks so much for testing the cameras for us, it helps.


Shopping for cameras for my parents right now, really appreciate in the in-depth review.


Just received my AI Pro today. Thanks for the Install guide.


Great video. I am installing some AI pros at a customer property next week. Excited to get them up and running.


Another good video Lars, thanks for putting them out.


In your video.... the G4 Pro comes out looking much clearer to my eyes


Thanks for your review. I've just started looking into Ubiquiti for the network, doorbell and security camera's for my new house. This week I bought an 8 port Flex 2.5G PoE switch and only now I realized it's power brick out of stock everywhere on earth :), so I'm planning on powering the Flex switch with POE++ adapter ( 60W ), this should be enough to power one of these cams from your review ( still need to decide ) for putting on the garden house where I will store my motorcycle) and one G4 Doorbell Pro ? Other than that, what other Ubiquiti equipment would I need for controlling all Unify devices, and what would I need for storage for all the footage ? ( could my local QNAP nas be a good storage solution ? ) or would you advise a Cloud Gateway Fiber with integrated 2TB storage ? Sorry for the noob questions, but it's a little overwhelming, Thx.


LARS, what kind of bird is sqwaking in the background at 07:00? Great video BTW. Thanks for helping all of us out here in making our decisions WRT security videocameras!


18:22 Here you mentioned you rCamera going in and out of Pixelation, any idea why that is happenening. I've had one doing it for months as well.


Hi. Great video. Does the G5 Pro and the AI Pro use the same footprint? Ie : are the screw holes the same for easy swapping?


Nice comparison, I currently have 5x G4 Pro´s + a whole bunch of G4 and G5 domes, bullets etc. I have considered replacing those G4 Pro´s with either G5 Pro or the AI but I dont really need those extra features, so I will probably go for G5 Pro´s. I cant remember if you have tested the AI 360, but I was really disappointed with the video quality when I put that up as a replacement for 2x G4 domes on an overhang (corner).


I would like to know how The AI Pro works in Home Assistant. Can license plate detection or face detection be used to trigger an automation, for example?


So I'm 10 minutes into this video, thinking to myself, "I know this dude from somewhere..." Finally hits me, A Cloud Guru AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals!!!


Hi there. I am in New Zealand where the G4 Pro is $200 less than the G5 Pro. This goes against your recommendation at the end to not buy the G4 Pro because of the price. What would you do in this situation?


Having a DIDDY license is not the best thing to have these days haha, awesome video though! very informative.


i am keen to get my hands on the G5 PTZ hopefully its a decent price in australia as currently ive got my g5 bullet setup as a traffic camera on a main road


Need to put camera in HQ at all times when comparing, it makes big difference,


You kept wondering why G5 pro pixelates time to time - the reason is the 100Mbps port in it. That may sound odd because it uses only 16Mbps stream max. However I have same G5 pro camera and bursts of data (or lack of it) cause the sudden pixelation to lower quality. Its only noticeable by few seconds.

This problem doesnt exist in any other pro cameras that have the 1000Mbps port. I assume it drops steam quality right away when another instance of the stream is started or you simply click the camera port on protect software to bigger. When port is getting saturated due to loading the data, it drops the stream quality. You can test this if you have viewport connected monitor next to you at that time, image in it goes pixelated

I noticed this because also my TV has 100Mbps port. When I start watching 4K movie, the tv stream stalls same way because its starting to buffer the data Port speed is saturated (I checked with switch port data while streaming).


Just an additional note comment (after watching this a second or third time)
Would you be able to compare the G5 pro to the G5 bullet? I am just curious in the 3 times more price tag really adds 3 times more value :)


I am shocked how bad the tree looks like on the G5 Pro during the day time. Makes the other two cameras look so much better. G5 Pro does look much better at night than the G4 Pro
