The Entire History of Space, I guess

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From the enigmatic depths of space to the cutting-edge advancements in space technology, let's explore the existential questions that space provokes. Let's ponder the infinite together in a journey that transcends time and space.

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Nothing better to fall asleep to than an Aperture video, I wake up educated and well rested.


I like the original voice. It's what makes Aperture.


My solution to the Fermi paradox is really boring, but I think every civilization just runs our of phosphorous. It's essential for biology and also for agriculture, but it's also a finite resource that doesn't replenish. It's probably really hard to get to type 1 before your planet runs out and famine ensues.


but the problem is we assume 1 second is and always has been 1 second long. Around the infinite density that would have been the "big bang" time would be running at a far different speed, 18 billion of our years could be an instant, and there would be whole new laws on stable elements, imagine if for 20 times longer than things are from our perspective, things existed with a different periodic table with different islands of stability.
My thought is that it was a supermassive black hole at one point, time and space and energy so compacted even gravity becomes unified and unable to be defined in a universe that doesnt have straight lines for even massless "photons" to travel thru

Think of a 1 lightyear cube of space and place 1 photon inside it, which direction does it travel?

without time its stopped, you wouldn’t even know where it was it would be invisible until you poked it or had some interaction with it, like the uncertainty principle says, but unify spacetime and it allows it to ripple with information

it (the photon) doesn’t move, it propagates its energy onto a field of spacetime, it plucks the fabric of space and sends out a ripple of evidence like waves on a pond. It is no real different to sound waves transmitting through a medium, the voice doesn’t send audio photons at you, it propagates waves thru a medium, air.. light does the same with spacetime

From the photons perspective it died the moment it transmitted its energy and information onto spacetime,
what we see is just an illusion of the past, remnant information of places long dead or different, one side of a galaxy a million years younger than the other as its light travels past itself

from an outside observers perspective they would see the light hit the edge of the cube about 6 months after hitting play on the experiment, to an inside observer they witness the ripple of spacetime come past them and their eyes send signals to our brain that it did indeed see something it would consider light

We trust our own eyes, ears and touch but they are all so easily fooled, we are just chemical stimulations and electrical signals processing information, if we could see every wavelength it would be blinding even with our eyes closed, we evolved to process the world visually, thinking in straight lines and cubes, but nature doesnt work like that, things are never parallel for long in a curved spacetime, we can see the evidence in the sky as we see the same supernova multiple times as its light takes different routes to us. Even in the void of empty space things aren't straight or parallel for long.

Think of a 1 mtr cube of spacetime made free from any gravity or mass, if you highlight the edges so you could see it and put it on the earth, it wouldnt look like a cube, it would be slightly distorted. If you did the same around a black hole it would be twisted and huge back here on the earth, looking more like a sheet of paper you screwed up, and if you did it around the big bang that same cube would be larger than the observable universe, and nothing like a cube.. Its weird how our local perspective can influence things but it would be completely different, time dilating so seconds last for an eternity on the inside, there maybe elements that were stable that just aren’t possible now. Or we could evolve as a universe with new fundamental forces showing up, it just needs the universe to cool off a touch more… we never know..

They always talk about the tick rate of the universe, C
The universe's tick rate depends on the scale and perspective.
A second for a human will feel different to a fly with 1 day of life.
A second around the infinite energy of the big bang would be billions of our years,

what if it is all expanding nice and orderly like a ripple through a void, space and matter and everything is just vibrating energy fields.
It expands in 3 dimensions so the expansion would be logarithmic, so looking back it seems like we accelerated hard in the beginning, but thats just an illusion of space and time

the fundamental forces stop existing at certain pressures and temperatures, at what point does gravity become moot.
If you have a supermassive black hole and turn gravity off beyond the event horizon spacetime that was infinitely wrapped around itself can pop into a void for all eternity. as long as it doesnt travel faster than light the black holes event horizon will never be reached.
it can have a big of a bang as it wants and it will still look like a black hole to an outside observer

Imagine the entire universe was once on a pinhead, all of space wrapped up so a straight line wouldnt have any meaning, time and energy and space all just one thing, energy bursting to be released, super confined and just begging to expand somewhere

its radiation constantly coming back on itself with those tidal forces, if it was a star it would cook itself, just a slither of spacetime surrounding an infinitely dense thing.. and then just like that gravity becomes unified and space is free..

thats how i see a big bang happening, and our universe was free to expand and that energy to condense out into different forms.
If you look at the speed of light as the universal tick rate it changes with scale of the board, the physics change ever so slightly until its little inputs give big outputs,

if you could shrink down between atoms it would feel like empty space, fundamental forces pulling you in equal opposite directions, even if it was in an oxygen environment your lungs wouldnt process it,
your eyes wouldnt react to the light, it would be wavelengths too big.. but would it be so different to being in space?
Zoom out, like right out and the universe looks more like an alloy or foam, a structure or web, all connected.

If E=MC2 then its also space and time and everything there is, we are just so limited with our trial and error perspective, but time and space and everything is all just energy vibrating.

We are String theory in motion, being plucked and pulled, the butterfly effect on the macro scale. Its all just scales and perspective,

from the suns perspective its only done 20 or so rotations around our galaxy, in terms of the universe thats nothing,

what kind of tick rate would it be if the universe was sentient and information had to travel from one side to the other, its tick would be well, universal/eternal, just a neuron firing between galaxies at the speed of light can take millions of years..

Everything is energy, packets existing in spacetime, from the galactic scales right down to ours there is little difference.
We all exist trying to propagate evidence of our existence, trying to hang onto just a little bit more time

All victims of the universe and its jokes,
Left with cultists thinking they know how and why it all works and that we should trust them, especially with out kids

We are packets of energy, the universe trying to understand itself on one scale and limited perspective


NEW APERTURE VIDEO, my day just got better


This was such a wonderful video to watch, I must’ve seen it at least four times by now. Can’t wait to binge the rest of your channel :)


Imagine that humanity is so rare now at .72 compared to when we are a type 3 civilization, that all of us are thoroughly studied and areas are named after us.


I laughed way too hard at 14:11 like that caught me so off guard😂


Winston Churchill was not an astronomer. The quote about a mystery wrapped in an enigma was his description of Russia, not dark matter


Bangin content as always! I enjoy listening to the different perspectives you have across all these topics.


We're making it through a 3 hour plane ride with this one🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥


Wait im confused. I thought that this was going to be a breakdown of the universe's stages in chronological order based on the title. This is a lot of great information here, but how is this the entire history of space?


Fun fact: human exploring universe is literally universe exploring itself


If we can go back to time, there is more than one universe. Physics is completely reversible in time. This is true since if you can count to two, it's completely different.


Amazing video! thanks for all you content, it's very awesome.


Still wear my fleece cap 15 years later.

Mg favorite piece of headgear was the beret. I'd shave it with a razor and get that this perfectly across my right eye.


a science channel iam not subscribed to and has already 2million subscribers ... madness! and thx for the video🎉


Looking up into the sky seeing a star that may have disappeared billions of years ago mind blowing


It says 1 hour but time travels slowly in the vacuum of a scary inflationary documentary.


I will take just one major technological discovery to change everything
