The Origins of Section 31

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Let's take a look at just how the secret Starfleet organisation of section 31 came into existence in the books, and see if it lines up with the depiction we see in Discovery and DS9, including the A.I. known as Control, or Uraei.

This video draws from the primary canon of the shows and several novels concerning Section 31 including: "Control" by David Mack, the "Romulan War" series by Michael Martin and the "Rise of the Federation" series by Christopher L.Bennett.

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Star Trek, Star Trek Enterprise/Voyager/Deep Space Nine/Discovery/Lower Decks/Picard/Prodigy and The Next Generation are all owned and distributed by CBS.
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This Video is for critical purposes with commentary.
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I prefer the "Shady Admirals" explanation than a secret Skynet origin.


"You built a shadow government? _Really?"_
"You try to build one without any hands! I think I did a fine job."


Section 31 can be summed up in two phrases:

"Sometimes to fight monsters, one must be one themselves."


"Be careful of your actions, less you become that which you hate"

Section 31: Starfleets monster in the dark. Though they may tame it, they will never control it.


I like BOTH ideas: a group of concerned admirals, wanting to maintain strict orthodoxy in their goals of "protecting the Federation at all cost", creating an AI to insure that the mission objectives are maintained, long after the founders of Section 31 have long been dead or retired. In fact, the AI should have advanced technology at its disposal, only releasing it by encouraging specific research ventures based on its need to fulfill its objectives. And, I wouldn't be at all surprised that the creation of "Control" is a direct response to the threat poised by the Romulans, since the Earth-Romulan War. And, honestly? I also wouldn't be surprised if Control didn't use technology from the episode "Dagger of the Mind" (TOS) to slowly erase its existence from the public.


"Computer... Delete that entire personal log." - The Sisko


I always felt in theory in the TNG episode, "The Pegasus". When it is mentioned Admiral Erik Pressman was asked by "interested parties" to recover the Phased Cloaking Device to Riker from the USS Pegasus. I personally felt those interested parties might have actually been Section 31. If you think about it back then in dealing with the Borg, Romulans, Cardassians, and so on. It makes a lot of sense to have an edge in intelligence gathering and surveillance.


"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell


Ever since Enterprise decided to make section 31 extant in its series I have had a headcanon telling me that, after the events that transpired during the Next Generation episode conspiracy, section 31 was revived by Starfleet command. That is why it is such a small organization when Sloan first introduces himself to Bashir


I like the idea of it being started by a bunch of concerned people rather than a rogue AI. There would be very real issues with all the new alien governments and our own history shows we have a long history of spies and assassins. I'd love to see a Section 31 vs Obsidian Order vs Tal Shiar battle with the most top secret of spy networks popping up (do Klingons have spies or do the warriors just show up and kill/break things? Can't report an infiltrate if no one is alive!)


It frustrates me SO MUCH that they killed Data. I know Brent Spiner just didn't want to play Data anymore and requested his character be killed and all, but it made no sense at all.


I like the idea of both. LIke when the Earth Gov was first being formed, all the old agents, spies, and assassins of old Earth felt that black ops was necessary and began some clandestine organization or organizations that would be the basis of Section 31 but it was when the AI also noticed that such a group was necessary, it could have contacted and unified all of these forces with offer to boost their capabilities with its recon and hacking abilities.
So it was started by concerned people and admirals but solidified into the Section 31 we know when the old intelligence and black ops groups got a boost in strength with the joining of control.


DS9 added SO MUCH richness, depth, & lore to the STU that S31 is another reason why DS-9 is the best Star Trek of all, and I argue without it the franchise would be nothing near what it is today.


“If you want to rule the darkness, you must first rule the light!” and as Starfleet ruled the daylight a organization was needed to rule the dark halls that only a few could venture.


Section 31 has to be more effective (and terrifying) than either The Obsidian Order or The Tal Shiar.


I would like to think Section 31 is a combination of all Earth's intelligence services when the United Earth government was created or new version of Majestic 12.


As much as I want to share Roddenberry's version of an idealized future....I can't help acknowledge that a sect like Section 31 may NEED to exist to protect the Federation from the most dangerous of threats out there in the universe. The galaxy is a big place, and there are species or groups that don't follow our ethics or morality, and would delight in nothing more in seeing our pain and destruction....simply because the can inflict it.
"If I have sinned, let me be judged. But it is BECAUSE I have sinned that there will be those who will judge me tomorrow."


"Section 31 is TOP SECRET!"
" it's not. "
"No, it's not."


31 is, effectively, the kinder, gentler, civilized, version of the Tal Shiar or the Obsidian Order.


I really don't like how S31 was used outside of DS9. Even DS9 only gets through me because the show argues against it so much.


And here I thought Control might have been something from Section 31 reverse engineering the Borg tech found from the crash site in Antarctica, thus its desire to improve with the Sphere Data and consume all biological life. Also thought Section 31 having access to the Borg tech is what made all their ships look far more advanced than what would have been around during that period.
With the Kelvin timeline, it made me wonder if the intrusion of the Narada Section 31 decided to use its more advanced tech to build more advanced ships which is why the Enterprise looks the way it does along with the Yorktown Star Base being as advanced as it is.
