Prevent Alzheimer’s, improve Depression, Anxiety, and Brain Fog: The Food's Power | Episode 17 of 18

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Let’s discuss the crucial relationship between glucose levels and brain health. What you eat impacts everything from daily mental clarity to long-term brain health, including risks of Alzheimer's, depression, anxiety, and brain fog. We'll explore how stabilizing glucose not only supports cognitive functions but can also improve mood and decrease irritability. Get ready!

Wearing Rabanne.

00:00 - Intro
00:59 - From Mental Health Struggles to Discovery
02:22 - Stabilizing Glucose for Mental Health
03:00 - Brain Fog
04:32 - Breakfast and Cognitive Performance
05:24 - Brain Speed
06:24 - Dopamine, Breakfast, and Brain Health
07:15 - Mood and Irritability: The Role of Glucose Levels
10:11 - Mood Swings
12:50 - Link Between Food, Glucose, and Mental Health
14:57 - Foundations for Mental Health
15:46 - Insulin Resistance and Depression
17:27 - Alzheimer’s Disease
21:15 - My top glucose hacks

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I actually took 6 months off of all sugar to test what would happen, and had drastic changes in my mood, hormones and anxiety. It was fascinating! I 1, 000 percent agree that our diet is key to helping with our mental health journey and have seen the transformation in myself and my clients. Thank you for this great information!


I want to share my story because this has changed my life. For the past almost 3 years, I have had HORRIBLE brain fog 24/7. I have had no energy all the time, regardless of sleep, rest, etc. I wasn't able to study or enjoy any activity because I felt drained and sleepy as if I had just woke up. It has been one of the most horrible parts of my life. I missed my youth and spent most of it sleeping. I was underperforming at work. Colleagues would make fun of me because I was so "slow." My mom called me a hypochondriac and never cared about it to the point that I don't think she knows what I went through. I was too afraid to go to the doctor because I had convinced myself that I was crazy.

A few days ago (2.5 to be exact), this video came up on my feed. I was like, "No way, but it wouldn't hurt to try." I cut out all sugar, and i limited my carbs, also implementing the hacks. the next day (yesterday), I went to work, and i felt focused and energetic for the first time in YEARS. It felt insanely unreal because I had forgotten what that felt like. and TODAY for the first time in, again, years I managed to wake up on my own with an alarm, which has been impossible for me in what seems like FOREVER. I even missed one of the most important exams of my life because I just couldn't wake up for it.

Now I have never been unhealthy. I am not overweight. no diabetes. but I have never restricted myself from food (i guess because I tell myself "I am healthy overall, I can afford this") I do count calories because I go to the gym a lot which also hasn't been great the past 2 years. I never thought sugar out of all things could have been causing me this much suffering. I can not express how HAPPY i am. I haven't felt alive, let alone good for YEARRSS. and in just 2 days, I see so much improvement!

THANK YOU, sooo incredibly much for this. Words can not ever come together enough to express the happiness and greatfulness and disbelief I am going through! thank you!


Friendly suggestions:
1) mention the names of the authors of the paper that are quoted.
2) include the full reference of the study and a link to read it.


This is crazy, 35 years ago my grandmother used to tell me, not to eat sugar on an empty stomach or even in the morning when waking up.


My Dad worked at for the owner of the local Pepsi plant, so he got soda cheap. We'd have 12 cases of soda in our garage always. We drank soda instead of water. I had bladder infections almost monthly as a child and into my 20s. Ended up with kidney infections. My Dad continued his high sugar diet through life (including alcohol & sugar subs like aspertame). He ended up coming down with an unknown illness that eventually took his life at age 66. His brain scan showed that his brain was dying at the cerebellum for "unknown" reasons. He was mentally there, didn't lose his memory or wit, but he slowly lost his motor skills, which eventually moved into his organs.


I find that skipping breakfast and eating at 12:00 PM (which also increases the time between dinner and the first meal of the next day, a form of intermittent fasting) makes me clearer in the head, makes me more focused.


I have had epilepsy since I was 27 yo, struggling with anxiety and depression my whole life, been recently diagnosed with ASD at 40... Just found your channel and can't be thankful enough for this "coincidence". Sometimes the algorithm works. Thank you for such intelligent and useful content. Going to try.


I never get tired of hearing her, she is incredible and he has a lot of wisdom!


She's so stylish, beautiful and intelligent, I love her voice ❤❤❤


After I cut off approximately 80% of my sugar intake in any forms (sugar, honey, carbs, fruits) my acne cleared up by itself in couple months. I still eat carbs but less. No candy, no flavored water, no junk foods, less sweets.I have a very long story to be in this point where I am now. FYI I don’t avoid 100% of sugar. I still eat carbs but very less. I get my carbs from whole foods, such as organic potato, rice, legumes, beans and try to avoid any corn products. I’m not getting carbs from processed foods like pasta or bread because I know here in US people mostly use bad bleached GMO flour to make bread which can be endocrine disruptor. I always start with veggies starter before eating the main dish (like 1 cup of sauerkraut or kimchi) and I always eat the sweets in the end (mostly fruits, sometimes a little amount of non GMO chips/ pretzel or protein bars), and I also do intermittent fasting every day to let my body recover when not digesting food. The range of fasting time are different everyday because I have my own schedules, it can be 12 hr, 16 hr or 18 hr of fasting. I only do 12 hr of fasting when I’m close to or in my period because there is many things to do with the hormonal stuff here. I watch a lot of YouTube videos from dr. Berg, Jason Fung, David Sinclair, dr. Mindy Pelz, beside this Glucose Goddess. I have no more hormonal imbalances now. I wish I knew all of this stuff much earlier so I don’t have to experience 3x of surgery of cysts removal in my ovaries. Now I feel better and healthier. I’m 39 years old but I have lots of energy like I’m 20 year old. Thanks for all the good information from these doctors/ scientists.


WOW!!! You just read me. Years ago I went through therapy due to having panic attacks. Spent 2 years in therapy with additional hypnosis and taking melaril to retrain my behavior.
The thing is in my house there was dessert at every meal. Molasses on pancakes for breakfast, as jokingly said: "a little bit of tea in my sugar" because we had SWEET tea. And of course my mother being a southern cook always made dessert whether a cake, cobbler or pie. I DO miss those days. but they are gone.
Working hard to get my counts down and it is difficult. But progressing. I need to order your book. Thank you so much for your whimsical way of teaching something that can be tech book behavior in college. You make it fun.


I like how you don't have any annoying backgorund music and stuff. Thank you for that


I reversed pre-diabetes in 3 weeks by following Jessie's tips: my fasting blood glucose went from 117/119 to 88 in the morning. My blood glucose never goes over 107 when i eat, and it goes down almost steadily after a few hours only. I added also intermittent fasting to my diet, 18/6, and when I eat take 2 hours to eat my plate. I also watch my calories intake, I do not eat more than 2 plates a day to give you an idea on how full your plates should be. The best thing for me is that I am finally out of this mental fog (sharp clarity of mind) and my brains seems to be functionning better. I also do not eat at least 6 hours before going to bed, and I only eat 2 meals a day which is enough. By keeping it simple, I also got my energy back. These few hacks worked fine. Merci du fond du coeur, les astuces marchent bien pour moi et vive la France. xD


You are 100% right. I have gone through severe depression and panic attacks but its been a year since I am avoidin sugar and feel much better


I first heard you on The diary of a CEO, I could listen to you all day. We appreciate your hard work. 🙏💪


The reason I started watching your videos, was not the content itself ( I thanked the YT algorithm since I was looking for some content related to your topics) but you!. I just got hypnotized by your beauty and couldn't even blink not even once while watching your vids.. Then I started to listen to you and put into practice your hacks and advices, they are just life-changing.


Hi Jessie-Angel,
that was a great science show with very interesting informations ... and also this show I share on Facebook for my friends and followers. Thank you so much for your work. 🙏
It's really amazing how much I learned from you in 1 year - over your books, your videos and posts, your podcasts worldwide and all this great science shows you produced for us.
It sounds pathetic but it's true: You saved my life - I'm healthy now, total fit, sleep deeper/better, all my blood values turn to normal and I'm off from the medications therfore and last but not least: I lost a lot of weight (actually = 39 kg lost in total).
Sending you so much love & hugs (from the bottom of my heart to yours) ❤🤗💋😘,
Elisabeth 🌈-still from Düsseldorf, Germany-


Beside all useful and seminal information, natural and simple form of the content which sorted from unnecessary sounds and pop ups make this video beautiful. Thanks!


My HBA1C used to be 13.5 when I was diagnosed, fasting sugar of almost 300, now its down to 5.6, I have been off meds for almost 2 years, just manage your diet. I just came across her channel, whatever she is saying is true and works well. Thats how I got better. And well I am also pursuing biochem so I know how it all works better now. Great stuff !!


Both my grandparents have Alzheimer's and it's reassuring to know I can try to prevent getting it myself. Thank you!
