The irony of Progressive Christianity

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Progressive Christianity is contradictory. Anti-colonialism. Anti-empire. It’s become all the things it decries.

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Reason why progressive Christianity is harmful

Truth is determined by the individuals emotions, feeling and experiences, nit Scripture.

The central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about oneself.

God does not need to be particularly involved in one’s life, except when God is needed to resolve a problem.

Good people go to heaven when they die.

There's no conception of sin. It is likely to be individualistic, as in one famous definition: “Being out of alignment with my values.”

There is more than one way to get to heaven

Doctrine is given short shrift. Doctrine is up to the individuals, not Scripture.

A lowered view of the Bible

Essential Christian doctrines are open for reinterpretation

Historic terms are redefined

The heart of the gospel message shifts from sin and redemption to social justice

Objective truth found in Scripture is something we’re not free to change just because we happen to “experience” it in varied ways.

There’s talk of God, Jesus, the Bible, love, and compassion. But never told what the Biblical definitions are of those words. It's up to the individuals to decide what best suits them. For example: Jesus died for you/your sins (this is “psychologically damaging”) God intended for Jesus to die (this is “confusing and jarring”) Jesus died to save them from God’s judgment (“an atonement theology of inborn corruption in need of redemption has no place in a conversation)

A quote by a progressive Christian: Our faith is a dynamic experience that shifts and evolves for us. We cannot capture that experience and box it into a set of propositions to memorize and defend—that limits and denies the realities of the human experience.”
The author is confused between the objective, unchanging truth of God and the subjective, changing experiences we have as we relate to God throughout our lives.God and the truth He has revealed do not shift and evolve. Our experiences shift and evolve, but that has nothing to do with what is true.

Another quote by a progressive Christian: there is no “orthodoxy” there is only “orthopraxy, ” the correct way to live our lives. How do we live as Christians? Living the Greatest Commandment is what makes a Christian. As one of the great Social Gospel preachers of the 19th century, Washington Gladden, put it: “you become a Christian by choosing the Christian life and beginning immediately to do the duties which belong to it.” Thus, for Progressive Christians, Christianity is a lifestyle, not a set of beliefs.

Notice no mention of having a saving faith in Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. This kind of thinking is anti-Scripture and even antichrist thinking. Anyone who denies Jesus is the Son of God, is an antichrist


Christian moral objectivism. You didn't do your homework.
