Does Matt Walsh Have Too Many Kids?

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On a recent episode of the Plan Bri Uncut podcast, Brianna LaPaglia and Grace O’Malley discussed how many kids people should or should not have. Apparently, any more than four children is too much. Matt Walsh has six kids. Is he selfish?

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I'm a mother of 2 children, 1 boy and 1 girl. I'm a firm believer in the saying "if you're friends with your kids, you raise your grandkids. When you parent your kids, you get to be friends with your grandkids."


I'm one of 12. My mom ran a day care center as well. 50 yrs later each and every life my parents touched will tell you how much they were loved and treated like the precious gift that they are!


It's no one's business how many children Matt Walsh has as long as he loves them and can take care of them.


"Love does not divide; love multiplies."
- My mom, when my dad asked her the same question 2 generations ago


My wife and I had nine children. Years ago I was applying for a bank loan. The loans officer asked me how many dependents I had. When I replied "five", she put her pen down, leaned back in her chair, and said "that's immoral". I didn't tell her we also homeschooled. Of course the older ones helped take care of the younger ones. How did it effect them? Now, as adults, my children are each other's best friends. They intentionally spend time with each other at every opportunity. And, they're all successful, productive members of society, several with graduate and post graduate degrees from prestigious universities. More importantly, they are now raising their own families, some with large numbers of happy, responsible, capable, well-adjusted children.


No parent has too many kids. But too many kids have to few parents


My mom grew up in a home with 14 siblings and she always said it taught her to look outside herself and care for others. She said her family was like a little community where everyone did there part and contributed to the family in one way or another


I'm one of 8 children and my parents treated all of us as individuals. My parents goal, which they frequently stated, was to give society productive, responsible citizens. None of us ever questioned their love, they showed us every day. Imo my parents biggest gift to all their children was siblings.


This hits home. Our daughter is a single mom with one 3 yr old. He LOVES responsibility ! He has taken ownership of feeding the dog, cleaning up his toys and getting dressed. Children need to feel needed and appreciated


I had an aunt and uncle who had 6 boys. I have a cousin who had 5 kids and another cousin who has 10 kids. None of the kids complained or currently complain that they weren’t loved or aren’t being loved enough.


Love is not finite. As you have more children you, naturally, make more love.


My grandmother had 8 kids they all were loved the same and they are older now my mom is 62 and she is thankful for all her brothers and sisters and the way they were raised.


The same woman concerned about the kids not having love, is the same woman who tells you that an abortion (Klling your child) is the answer.
Let that sink in.


as the oldest Daughter I am some what conflicted with this...I think if you have good parents this shouldn't matter, ..6 /8 /10 kids, when you have loving parents you will feel the love and I see nothing wrong with kids helping around the house...., BUT..I guess I didn't have good ones , because since I was 8 , I was cooking cleaning washing cloths, making sure my sister and brother did home work, and took baths, while they were always allow to go out and play, I couldn't because all the stuff I had to do inside the house...this went on until I finally move out at 20...I felt like I was a maid, and I was always reminded, I was the oldest one, it was my job to agree with giving kids responsibilities, but some parents asume the Oldest can handle everything...I also need it the love I guess....which is why I only had 2 they both could play with each other and help each other in everything...I gave them chores but never abuse forward they are wonderful adults now.. and still they do things together...this is just my experience..not sure if this apply..but I can understand why some people feel this way.


There's no responsibilities for only children? What...there's no dishes to be done? Trash to take out? Lawns to mow if you only have one child?


I am number 5 of 10 children, I now have 5 children of my own and it’s the same way I grew up and learn responsibilities by looking after my younger siblings, so my kids also are the same they took care of their younger siblings. It is what makes love and learning go around. We cared for each other. I guess that is why we and our children matured and able to handle things better than generations now.


My mother was the oldest of 12, she was 19 when her baby sister was born. My father was 1 of 9. I am the 3rd of 5. My maternal grandmother had 64 grandchildren. We all grew to productive, functioning, contributing to society adults because we were loved, disciplined and given responsibilities as children and young adults. I have 4 adult children. A parents love multiplies with each child, it is not divided between each child.


her saying there is a limit to her love just says more about her than anyone else


I really understand that person who describes the problem of having 10 kids or so. The oldest children do have different experience. True, they often grow to be good, responsible people but their childhood can be somber.


It is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children to be responsible. There is only one way to do that: give them responsibility. Responsible is not something you are or aren’t, it’s something that you learned or didn’t.
