Tomb Raider Legend (2006) (PC) (Crystal Dynamics)

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Since I don't like puzzle-based games in general and couldn't stand the clunky console-centric controls of the early games in the series, I've never really been a fan of Tomb Raider. The only TR game I've finished is actually Underworld; i.e. the second title developed by Crystal Dynamics after they took over from Core Design and re-launched the franchise. In my view, TR:U was an utterly forgettable action adventure characterized by dated, uninspired level design and a rather uneven, seemingly unfinished presentation.

Even so, I think it's going to be very interesting to see how the new 2013 reboot of Tomb Raider turns out when it's released later this month. If it's a more action-oriented game than previous installments in the series then that's certainly not a problem for me since what defined Lara Croft's adventures in the past obviously never appealed to me in the first place. Also, in spite of the whole attempted rape controversy surrounding the new game's supposedly "edgy" storyline I'm still curious as to whether or not lead writer Rhianna Pratchett has actually managed to put together a relatively convincing origin story/character arc for what has hitherto been video gaming's most preposterous heroine/sex symbol.

As for Tomb Raider Legend, I've had it on my Steam account for years and never played more than the first half of the tutorial level until now. It's one of those transitional 6th/7th generation console games which came out on both older platforms such as the PS2 and newer ones like the Xbox 360, and as a result it feels a bit older than it actually is.
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I agree & I'm looking forward to DmC after having played the PS3 demo. However, I didn't see much of a story in the Tomb Raider trailer & just Lara getting what I call the "Saw treatment."


Haven't played IHNM and I'm not normally a fan of the "grimdark" approach to video game design. Still, this year I find myself looking forward to no less than two attempts to raise the stakes and take some narrative risks with established franchises - Tomb Raider being the first and Devil May Cry the second. Ninja Theory have been responsible for some truly excellent video game storytelling in the past (both the underrated Heavenly Sword and Enslaved), so I guess they are more likely to succeed.


That's a bit unfair. Crystal D's intention to tell an origin story of "Lara becoming Croft" has been very clear in all the trailers since the wonderful Japanese-produced CG reveal. The question is obviously whether there's going to be a more convincing character arc than "what doesn't kill you makes you moan like a porn queen"...

As for the "Saw treatment", I'd say Baldur's Gate II's hilariously grimdark opening is still the prime example of developers trying way too hard with a "mature" style.


That "attempted rape" scene in the Tomb Raider reboot looked more like a blind guy fumbling for a door knob. I'm not buying the grimdark attempts so far.

Remember Ellen's storyline in I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (Which, incidentally, was made 28 years ago)? That's how developers handle a 'heavy' theme like rape without looking like pretentious fools.
