How To Use The Flag Review Tool in Google To Remove Negative Reviews - Sterling Sky Inc Local SEO

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Are you dealing with negative reviews on your Google listing that you feel are unjustified or inaccurate? Maybe an ex-employee is angry with you or a competitor is trying to tank your listing. There are a number of reasons that a business could be left a fake negative review but don't lose heart. There are steps that can be taken to try to deal with the review and hopefully get Google to remove it. In this video, I will give some helpful tips about how to deal with negative reviews on your GBP (formerly Google My Business) listing and the exact steps you must follow if you want to see them successfully removed (if they are breaking Google's guidelines)

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It’s sad we have to go to the extent of forums to get basics done.


Seems like they may have removed the options you discussed in step 3?


I've requested many times to remove a review and have NOT received an email from Google, as suggested/indicated would be the case.


After flagging a 1-star review from someone who I don't know, who I've never met, and who I've never done business with, the review remains. Google should force customers who give reviews to say exactly why they are giving the review. After flagging the review and waiting 3 days twice, the option to reflag it. Step 2 doesn't exist on my end.


Thank you Joy! I did everything you said, I get the emails from google but then I can’t find the status you mention on the review management tool. Any idea how to do that? It looks like I never submitted it. Thanks a lot!


Thanks but what to do if you flag as described and strictly follow the process but never get feedback from Google. Not after 3 days, 5 days, 7 days. No notification from Google at all. Do you know what I can do?


wondering if you could help. I have gone throught the 4 steps here and I believe I posted on the correct google community for the 4th but it was a bit confusing that was a month ago but i have yet to get a resoponse. Can you help? Google took this persons review down once but he posted it again. I have had no success getting it removed this time around same supposed encounter but he keeps coming at my business.


What happens if after 15 days the fake review decision says "pending" It's a 1star review with no comments, from what it looks a fake account too because it is not person name the account. can you help? TIA


what happens if there is no response from google at all?


Good vide, well and succinctly explained!


Thanks for your videos, Joy. I really enjoy them and find them very helpful. A client of mine received a 5-star review with the comment "Great people, very helpful and accommodating". The name of the person is unknown to my client and I strongly suspect that it is a fake review. I checked the reviewer's profile, but none of his 165 reviews are visible to the public. Do I follow the same procedure to get it removed?


does this work for images that are posted that youd like to report?


I was going to subscribe to your channel, but I see that you do not make content, a shame, I'm a follower of yours on twitter and your newsletter.

It would be great if you create content here on youtube....


Google my business love to suspend accounts for no reason not to mention the race buttons when you hire a business do you go of color of someone's skin I see there's no I'm a white owned business button😅😅😅
