Universe had Secret Life Before the Big Bang: Study | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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Universe had Secret Life Before the Big Bang: Study | Vantage with Palki Sharma

A new study says that the universe had a secret life before the Big Bang. According to the study, the Big Bang may not have been the beginning of the universe. Astronomers say the Big Bang birthed the universe with an explosion when, about 14 billion years ago, universe grew from a single point. But new research claims that the Big Bang was not a birthing point but a transition phase. Scientists argue that a different theory called the Big Crunch may have birthed the universe. Palki Sharma brings you the report.

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Pls dont mix Job with ur Personal relationship😂😂


Hinduism says that before this universe, there was another universe and that after this universe, there will be another universe. Humans have disappeared and reappeared in each universe.


Why did the narrator had to bring her relationship issues in the middle of the serious scientific explanation?


Ive been working on these problems for a very long time and my best idea is that time, space, heat, speed of light, they all have similar properties that could explain the universe. If you think about absolute zero, the coldest possible temp. Its like a singularity, the colder you try to make something the more energy you have to use to cool it, to get it to absolute zerro you would need an infinite amount of energy. To speed up a spacecraft in space, you have to add more energy, to get to the speed of light you would need infinite energy. The same similar concept happens inside a blackhole

The center of the black hole doesn't actually exist. Everything that falls into a black hole stays on the horizon, what happens is it shrinks relative to our perspective. you shrink as you fall towards singularity. The further you fall the more you shrink. from your perspective it seems like the universe is expanding, the distant elusive singularity is always out of reach because space expands (or you shrink, depending on your reference frame) for eternity it would take an infinite amount of time to reach the singularity. With all this said, all these aspects of the universe follow a curve, a type of curve where if you want to get closer to it, it requires more energy, more space, more time. All these things follow a rule called the inverse square law.

Its all relative, lets say perhaps you are a being who is much larger than our Universe, our Universe is just a little bunch of atoms, like a pebble. When you grab the pebble it would feel like its frozen, cold. but if you shrink yourself to our size, the Universe appears to be burning and hot, if you shrink yourself to the size of a plank length, then the material that makes up your house for example would llook like a bunch of burning hot suns (atoms) Its all about perspective and reference frames. The Universe is quite literally a paradox that changes based on your reference frame. This concept also relates to time. If you are a being who is much larger than our universe, then time flows alot faster, alot alot faster. Our little world would flash by in a picosecond. But if we had telescopes large enough to peer out and see this massive being. That being would appear to be frozen in time, not moving. our perspectives on time would be a lot different.


The narrator has serious relationship issues 😂


Hinduism - wow, intresting I have heard it somewhere...☺️


I am reminded of the Purusha suktam which says the universe has 4 parts; 1 part is visible and temporal and keeps going through endless cycles of expansion and contractions, the other 3/4ths are invisible and eternal.

What we consider to be the beginning of space time is just then end of one cycle and the beginning of the next one just our physical universe. The non physical universe which contains it but it itself is contained by nothing is eternal.


I don't find a reason to spit on Sanatan / Hinduism that the comments are so rude...

Insecure of our Vedas and Puranas???
And yes ... Hinduism/Sanatan doesn't have many gods!!!!
We worship "Paramatma/Bhagwan"...in our culture (as we don't believe in religion) we have 2 Bhakti (love to bhagwan/god) : Sagun Bhakti and Agun Bhakti...in Sagun Bhakti there are idols worship and demigods worship and in Agun Bhakti Only "Bhagean/Parmatma= The Supreme -Vishnu Bhagwan, Shivji" are worshipped through Mantras ans Sadhna(meditation for you)....

Foreign People don't know deeply about Hinduism/Sanatan and spit out like jerks...
There's a saying in our language "અડધો ઘડો છલકાય ઘણો" -"half filled pot (earthenware jar) overflows a


Hinduism had explained it thousands of years ago. Lord Brahma created the universe as a cyclic entity and it will end by Shiva while lord Vishnu is maintaining it now. Nothing new. This is not the first and will not be the last universe also there are many other universes that are there right now existing with this universe.


Who the hell wrote the script for this?

"Toxic relationships"

"T-shirt of your ex-boyfriend"

Is this for real? A news channel!!


The question about what happened before the big bang can only be answered by philosophers . The general agreement among Philosophers is that consciousness has always existed before our solar system was created by it . This consciousness is understood as God or a supernatural, intelligent mind .


Desert cults think everything was credted in days.. lol 😂


Palki, you need to research on Vedanta philosophy (esp Advaita), the most sophisticated philosophy in the universe. The western philosophers are intellectual pygmies in comparison. Every cause is in turn an effect also. Seed is the cause of a tree and also an effect of a tree. Your parents are your cause but they are effects of your grand parents. So if you tell a kid that God created the universe, it will be followed by an immediate question: Who created God? So if God is the cause then by the same law he is also an effect. Advaita says Brahman is causeless, Karya Karana Vilakshanam (free from cause and effect). How so? What about the world? Well if the world was really there, then we can talk about cause and effect. What about all this we experience? It is just an imagination, not really there. Cause and effect is an illusion, that is the reason we cannot answer which came first, seed or the tree? This paradox reveals the glitch in this so called reality. Same is the direction where Physics is heading. Space time is doomed, it is a common knowledge among scientists that space and time is not fundamental reality, already mathematical structures (Amplituhedron) have been found beyond space and time. Please look up Donald Hoffman and Nima Harkani Hamed. Please listen to lectures on Mandukya Karika by Swami Sarvapriyananda (soundcloud) for clarity on this.


Makes sense. The universe, to be all cramped up inside a tiny bubble smaller than a pin head, means previous stuff must have fallen and shrank further as it approached singularity. I have also thought about how the big crunch comes about. As the universe expands, black holes consume their own galaxies until nothing but black holes remain. Then black holes start merging, becoming super massive, giving them more energy to not only shrink things to a singularity but also gravitational ability to merge with distant black holes. It appears like there is a Constant, when there is just not sufficient energy to keep the shrinking going, so the whole shrinking reverses in a massive big bang, as the universe emerges from a primordial black hole from the previous eon, to repeat the cycle for eternity.


The problem in science is that it tries to define everything relative to the 3 dimensional framework which is observed by the humans, the whole universe has to be far more vast than that


It's eternal and requires no God or gods


🌍🤏😊 Welcome to Multiverse & our Universe (Maaya) is the Smallest comparing with other Universe....
🗿As in Micro, so in Macro. The whole exists within the minutest particle and the minutest particle contains the whole. The atom contains the universe and the universe contains the atom, and neither exists without the other. Creator exists within creation, even as creation exists within creator." ~10, 000 BC Mamuni Mayan


When we try to investigate Almighty God we are crossing boundaries. God revealed to human what he wanted us to know by providing the Holy Scriptures. If you want to receive salvation, just obey.


what was said in Hinduism, today scientists trying to prove it right without crediting this religion. Brahma creates the universe, by exhaling (expanding, big bang) and inhaling ( contraction, big crunch).


no matter how far back in time you go, there is a creator...lol
