Maybe You Shouldn't Go to Medical School

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Dr. Joseph Lee describes his unique journey toward medicine and explains the important factors to explore when considering a career as a physician. Check this out if you're thinking of becoming a doctor or going into any other healthcare field!

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Production: Nirmal R. Gosalia
Design: Prakhar Deora

Copyright © DocThoughts 2016

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It's really upsetting to know that we're probably missing out on doctors with excellent bedside manners and moral because of the fear of extreme debt..


As a undergrad considering medical school as an option, I've always heard med school is hard and the optimist in me thinks I'll be fine but this really made me think about whether the sacrifices are worth the gains.


We're all given roughly 75 years to live if you're lucky. What is the most fulfilling way to spend those 75 years? Do what ever is going to fulfill you. For me, and I'm sure many others, fulfillment will come from saving/repairing people's life's in their time of need. I saw/see the power of medicine first hand in my own life & I intend to pay it forward.


THANK YOU! People always say "become a doctor or a lawyer", but do we teach kids to really plan out their lives properly? Sure, a good career is important, but what about hours per week, scheduling, options for overtime, family planning and time devoted to raising kids? As a woman this is an even harder pill to swallow; we ladies have to have our shit together by 30 if we want a family. The most disappointing thing someone said to me about medicine was not regarding the career itself; it was about how it affects the family-- he asked me: "do you want your kids to be raised by nannies?"


People nowdays just focus on what media Its portraying which is a glamorous lifestyle. And youth had been desentized about choosing the wisest career in college for their persona


Thank you for this video. I'm a senior in high school and considering a career in medicine but I'm having some doubts and questions. This really helped me see the different aspects that nobody really talks about. I might reconsider going into medicine.


Your videos have helped me reach over $200, 000 in stocks by age 23! Thanks Doc Thoughts. Keep the videos coming. 👍🏽


Guys that last point he made hit me real hard.

I am a 19 year old currently in the 2nd year of studying Diagnostic Radiography in the UK. When I was in College as a 1st year, I was doing my A-Levels and was seriously in love with Film & Theatre / Drama, but still had a passion for one day becoming a Doctor and helping others. BEING A DOCTOR IS A LIFETIME COMMITMENT. I then asked myself, "You have 2 options, become a Doctor for the rest of your life and enjoy what you do, or do an alternative degree similar to Medicine that'll give you the opportunity to also work on another career." I took the leap of faith and went with the 2nd option.

To all College students or High School students, if you see yourself doing other potential future careers along with Medicine, DO NOT GO INTO THE COURSE. You'll waste 6-8 years for nothing. Do something that is similar to what your doing that'll be a little easier and take the chance to also balance that out with your other passion. Being a Doctor does not mean one day you can go and do this and the next day you can go on to work as a Film Director, it means that you'll have to commit you entire energy to it for the rest of your life.


That's why I never gave this a thought in my 20s. I am 35 now and ready. Many who choose this path too young feel a sense of youth lost when they reach my age. I don't.


good vid, i'm a 4th yr podiatry student and can say the hardest parts are the "checkpoints" like boards, matching, etc, as well as how you are treated as a student. They aren't just bad report cards, it can truly derail your plans or opportunities further in your career. Sometimes it's abysmal, and the stress of the checkpoints is crippling at times. Most will be obligated to have a high earning income for many years to pay off everything and prepare for retirement.

A big upside is you can go through this if you stick with it, work super hard for 15-20 years and switch to a less demanding job or just take on less obligation as a doctor. Not many people have that luxury, the problem is you will pay for it with years of your life, mental well being, and relationships.


I've watch and listened to a few similar discussions on line and most are very deficient. This was by far the best and actually conforms well to reality. I speak from experience having been through undergraduate, medical school, internship, residency, fellowship, staff specialist and sub-specialist, faculty and private practice.


I am in PA school and I think for me it was a good path and some thing pre-med undergraduates should be look into as another option. Becoming an MD or DO are not the only ways to practice medicine.


I feel blessed to hear his thoughts as a doctor who happen to be a teacher also. I am a graduating student under a teacher-education program, and I myself loves to talk, teach, and learn with children also. Due to some financial incapability, and some family responsibilities that I have such as helping my younger siblings to finish college, I think I must spend 7 years in teaching first before I can enter the med school. Hopefully by that time, when I already experienced my "other career option", I am already decided whether or not I must pursue "the lifetime commitment" of becoming a Physician.


Why is the audio so damn low... >=(


I was reconsidering if I wanna do this or not and this really helped me realise that I don't have anything else I'll rather be doing in my future. Thank you!


I really don't want to apply to med school because the application process is extremely daunting, but the only way to advance my career as Medical Technologist is to become a Pathologist MD. I guess it's time for me to roll up my sleeves and get a little dirty.


I don't know.Why I keep watching things like this, about why you shouldn't be on medical school, like choosing another career/path and anything 'realistic' about what medschool and becoming a doctor feels like and what sacrifices are there when you enter medschool but I don't get less attracted on becoming a doctor at all. I'm aware that it is hard, time consuming and you focus your time on studying everyday for almost 10 years of your life and I think that's what medschool all about, becoming stress and everything but then feeling satisfied helping other people and washing away the stress you're feeling in just a snap. I am still in SHS (Senior High School) And I really wanted to become a surgeon since I was 12. When I tell people about my "career goal" they would told me that, I'm still a kid and my goal will change just like any other kid's but it didn't and now I'm 16, then during our career guide 'talk' I told our guidance again and my parents that I really want to pursue medicine, not because I saw it on television but because whenever I see accidents I really wanna help, I just don't like sitting /watching outside my window car, the victims who suffered major injuries and just die in the road without me doing anything, I also hate just waiting for help to arrive (because I often see car accidents and road accidents whenever I'm out) I wanna give them first aid and later save them in the hospital by performing surgery, I also love hospitals, whenever I enter in hospitals, I feel comforted and I smell confidence and bravery, I always feel so alive and I'm curious about how doctors handle a person in an emergency room and surgery room. Most especially I wanna help people, I'm eager and excited about helping people/treating people. Becoming a doctor is fun, tough but fun. But then I thought about our state now, we don't have enough money for medical school. (Student loans does not exist here) Scholarships? I don't know if someone will take me in because of my grades. :( I was a straight A student in middle school, I was an honor student until I enter SHS :( I fell inlove with medicine, yes. But I chose to set aside my goal, my "life goal" because I wanted to help my parents early that's why I'm currently in Accountancy. :( When I entered accountancy, I felt lost and sad. Depressed and I just want to give up, my grades are wreck, my lifestyle become unorganized and I just don't care anymore about my grades. The hardship on becoming a doctor is what excites me and I know going into medschool is not just an interest for me. I know I fell inlove with my "life goal" already but i don't know how to get out. :(( HELP


This was helpful, thank you! I was just concerned about one thing - I do want to be a doctor, but I'm introverted and shy and I was wondering if that would hurt my performance as a doctor or prevent me from excelling compared to more outgoing people in the same field.


This doctor of 40 years finds this to be a very realistic and worthwhile starting-point-video if one is considering becoming a doctor. But it is just a beginning for one's research into the matter---which should continue exhaustively: too much depends on getting a career choice correct! Start a list of all the best and worst aspects of your career choice; ask doctors--lots of them--about the goods and the bads. Become the expert. Know the TEN worst things about ANY career you consider.


So basically it will be harder if you have friends cause you will see your friends live normal lives in their 20s while you are in school or residency, and they will try to get you have fun with them and that would lead to hurt because you wont be able to. Well all I need in my life if my girlfriend and this career path so luckily i wont have to deal with the “friend burden”
