Amaze everyone with this Easy DIY Invisible Fire Magic 🪄 and Science Trick!

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Looking for a fun and engaging way to impress your friends and family? Look no further than this easy DIY magic and science trick!

Hand sanitizer contains alcohol, typically in the form of ethanol or isopropyl alcohol, which is a highly flammable substance.

Hand sanitizer has an invisible flame because the burning of alcohol is not always visible to the naked eye. This is because the flame may be blue in color, which can be difficult to see in certain lighting conditions.

The invisible flame occurs because the alcohol in hand sanitizer burns cleanly and completely, which means that there is little to no soot or smoke produced during combustion. This lack of visible particulate matter can make the flame appear invisible, especially in bright light or when viewed from a distance.

Though it burns with an invisible flame, its hot and can burn your fingers. So, perform this trick with caution!

Don't forget to share your results in the comments below and let us know what you think of the trick.

Music: Tropical House
Musician: AleXZavesa

#diy #shorts #magic #science #fire #magictrick #cool
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