Calculate Linux QuickLook

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This video looks at Calculate Linux again that it is properly running and updating. I was able to fix the previous issues by disabling the screensaver for the update.

#CalculateLinux #Gentoo #KDEPlasma

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Calculate offers a nightly build that requires next to zero updates immediately after install. The Current releases are underneath the stable downloads here:

The command line tool cl-update can safely be run whenever you need and is not affected by the screensaver kicking in.

Using emerge should include the switches -p for pretend and -v for verbose as a dry-run to see if you need to make any pre-install changes before installing the software.


Hello Tom,
If you wish to get the latest version of a package you'll need to edit some config files.
media-tv/kodi ~amd64
Save the file and then do: sudo emerge -av kodi and see if you get the version you expected. If it is the case you might get a warning that you have to enable some USE flags.
If that is the case then as root edit the file and put this line in it:
media-tv/kodi flag1 flag2 ... (replacing flag1 with a real USE flag; if there are several USE flags there must be a space between them on the same line; there must be a space between media-tv/kodi and flag1)
If the version is not the one you want then do this: sudo emerge -av =media-tv/kodi-18.0_rc5 if you want that specific version (so the trick here is to put an = sign before the full name of a package without a space after the =; on Gentoo the full name is category/package). How to find which category? Type in a terminal: eix (replacing with a few letters without the <>). You have to put -av as options of emerge. Otherwise you install the package and all its dependencies even if you don't want it. With -av you'll see what will be installed and then you can say no if there are too many packages to install!
Sometimes you'll get a warning after an update that you MUST edit some config files. Don't ever miss that step. How to do it? As root either through etc-update or dispatch-conf:
If you are unsure on how to do it send me an email and we'll get in touch. If you miss that step you might not be able to boot under certain circumstances.
EB had that scenario.
For instance at 15:18 you had a warning you didn't read: if you want to use the roboto font you'll need to enable it through eselect fontconfig Here is how to do it:
For a font if you miss it no problem but if the config file is your display manager and you don't edit it you won't boot the next time!!!


If I can't get it right the first, or 2nd time at most (if it's my fault) then it's a distro I won't mess with.


Switched to Linux, can you check out Refracta 9.0 (recently released)? It's based on Devuan and I want to know what you think about it =)


Gotta love all these people “teaching” and saying “oh I don’t know”.

You either had the latest release, or not.
I don’t have the time for imprecise information. I’ll research Calculate Linux myself and it will not take 5 installs...


Too many options to download. There should be one, with all the various bits available via an install menu. Tailor it to suit needs at the point of install.


*installs a gentoo based distro* next *I haven't done anything except install a gui package manager...* lol. If you want the latest version of Kodi, don't need to install fedora... simply "#echo media-tv/kodi ** >> and re-emerge


Long ago is used Kororaa, and it was great, but then a creepy distro called "ubuntu" came to me and end of story :)


Use the daily/weekly builds, far easier


How do I uninstall Wine from Zorin OS 12.4 Lite?


Just curious, I'm not implying anything (or I dont mean to) but any concerns about this being a Russian build?

After you factor in all the rhetoric in today's media...


Stop encouraging distro hopping. It's harmful for the future of Linux.
