Grouping Likert scale items for correlation and regression tests with interpretation

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Likert scale and ordinal data analysis
Pearson correlation
Spearman correlation
Simple linear regression
Multiple linear regression
Mean score
Composite score
Composite variable
Latent construct
How to reduce multiple Likert scale items or variables into one variable using data transformation and compute variable on SPSS
Should we use the mean or median?

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Thank you so much. This is exactly what I was looking for.


Hello thank for the tutorial
I have a problem Please
I try to evaluate thé motivation of Drinking on some participant and for it a use thé « DMQR-SF » which is a questionnary of 12 questions and each questions hav 5 items with point ( never = 1 pt, somestimzs =2 pt, half of times =3 pt, much of times =4 pt, everytimes =5 pt), and each questions Belong to one of the 4 main reason Why thé participant drink alcohol ( expl: questions 1, 5, 8>social reason; question 3, 6, 10>Forget problem….etc at the end of questionnary we sum the point of participant in each main reason and thé main reason which has thé Highest score its thé reason Why thé participant drink alcool
Now i try to do it on SPSS, i Créate variable for each main reason, i sum, i create another variable who show me the highest score between thé 4 with command » Max «  but thé way is that this last variable dont show me Where thé highest score come from…i am force to go and see thé other 4 variable to see where it comme from it really not good because i have more than 1000 participant… it will be well if you have a solution who show me where thé highest score Côme from so that injust make a fréquency table

I Hope you can help me
Thank you in advance !
