Will the Housing Market Crash? Mortgage Concerns For Millions

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Will the Housing Market Crash? Mortgage Concerns For Millions. In the midst of a recession and the UK economy struggling to tame inflation we are seeing mortgage rates rise at incredible speeds causing major concerns for millions of households. Those on variable rates will significantly feel the increased impact of prices on their payments along with those looking to refinance now having to pay much more for their overall loans. But one thing that is apparent, is that nobody truly knows whether the housing market will indeed crash. There are always mixed opinions each with their own bias towards why they feel a particular way. As things stand right now, I make my viewpoint clear in this video, although as I always say, I am just a normal guy and please don't take my advice as financial advice.

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I was fortunate enough to escape plague island in time, sold my property, sold my deceased parents property and cleared off with the profit, now live in a small house in a small town with my Canarian neighbours, small life with warm folk, love from Gran Canaria.


I don't think lack of supply will be doing much cushioning. People will be loosing their homes for all kinds of reasons, particularly the 3 D's (divorce, death and debt) but there are lots of 'buy to let' landlords who will be selling up at below market value and boomers approaching pension age with second homes who are going to be selling below market value. These reduced prices are then going to reduce lenders calculations about what they are prepared to grant mortgages on in future, which will accelerate market decline. In the past, people have championed the magic of the market as something which responds really quickly and by that logic prices will drop like a stone. It's not a view that's popular with estate agents or lenders but that's a market economy for you. 😞


Estate agent opinions…turkeys don’t usually vote for Christmas!


I reckon there will be a house price drop there soon, great video mate keep it up always love the content, hope your good bro 👊🏾


At this rate im moving back in with my moms


Hi are the commercial lenders giving money i’ve been waiting three months for my mortgage


Great video mate. I'm currently in the process of buying a flat to rent out as an investment. I've worked hard to save up enough that I am a cash buyer. However, due to the recent rise in interest rates I'm starting to worry that it could be a mistake and that my money might be better off staying in a savings account gaining interest. What do you think? Cheers!


Mortgages looking less and less appealing day by day 😮‍💨


In light of the breaking news today with the BOE raising rates to 3% it's going to be an interesting end to the year and 2023!

Also friends, do you agree with any of the opinions "experts" have made about the Property Market Possibly Crashing?


Great videos and appreciate the education
Might be better to move in with parents and put the house on rent during this challenging period

Thanks to Liz and her mini-budget for making living that much more harder


With interest rates rising we’re moving into a buyers market, I think the demand in major cities will still be there because of growing population along with decades of conservative governments failure to build enough homes, which leads me to believe we are heading for higher prices in major cities and a sharp downturn in higher unemployed areas. What’s interesting is wages, if that don’t increase (+ addiction cost of living) people ability to get mortgages will become harder could result in increasing rents as more and more people will be forced have to tread water @ the local leisure centre then own a house with a swimming pool.

Looking at this from a global view: Should governments across the world continue to make poor economic and social decisions (war, conflicts, breakdown in supply chain, inflate essential commodities) we could see G7 nations slipping into not just recession but dare I say a depression.


As a young first time buyer who just bought a year ago on a 2 year fixed 2% mortgage... how fucked am I?


Love the headlines that paint a recession as the end of the world 😂. Ebbs and flows are totally normal in absolutely everything in life


20-30% drop by 2024. Rates should be 11 %


Those economists forecasted 30% price crash during Brexit vote result and during the worse crippling covid restrictions and lockdowns worse recession since 1930 ..they forecasted the end of everything not just the property market..

what happened then Prices of everything including properties gone up and up..some slow down and drops in some areas but after few months all gone up....

In a natter of months will see the UK property market rising again....

Properties these days specially a house with a garden are the most important assets people could have. They will do anything they can to buy them..The prices aren't going to be a bargain specially in big cities no a wishful thinking. Also many forecasters out there need properties themselves and they can't afford them..Do by exaggerating the economy difficulties and forecasting the end for the market ...this attitude is wrong and they are hopping to scare buyers and to affect the property market activities in hope to buy a cheap properties....No this tactics don't work with the property market i these days .things changed so much...and having place of your own becoming one of the most important asset in life...Rent is hurting people much and it is just going up and up...There will never be enough properties for the increasing population..

..There are cash buyers and parents banks will keep the property market going no matter what....


Garys economics says that the house prices won’t drop in next five years unless we tax the rich, what are your thoughts?
