A UFO sighting and the creatures seen by one man in the summer of 1945: 'They walk like us'

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Nearly 80 years later, Jose Padilla shares a story from when he was 9 years old and growing up in a rural part of New Mexico just 13 miles from where the U.S. tested the world's first nuclear bomb in 1945. The Trinity detonation was part of the Manhattan Project led by famed physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer.

Now a resident of LA County, Padilla explains exactly what he saw one day in the summer of 1945, not long after the Trinity bomb testing. The incident will be investigated by the U.S. Department of Defense as part of an expansion of probes into UFO and extraterrestrial sightings.

"That object — it is not from this world," he tells KCAL's Chris Holstrom in a recent interview.
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Kids from that zimbabwe school sighting describe children with big eyes.


Even less common is a "one of the 3 major networks covering a UAP story".


Believe that man. He's willing to take what he saw to his grave. No need to think he's lying. I believe him. America covers up a lot of actual events.


He seems a sincere and honest person. Who can tell what actually happened and what the object really was? I totally respect him


What a badass!
Riding horses 🐎 with his friend and finding a crashed ufo 🛸 with survivors.


Jose rules.
i dig this old dude.
u just know he’s be awesome to hang with for an afternoon.. hearing stories from his life, not just about UFOs.


Not all 🐠fish believe in boats. Only those who have seen them.


The aliens 👽 are pretty unhappy that humans were messing around with nuclear bombs. That’s why they will not let us into the greater neighborhood.


In all the UFO stories, this one was new to me. Thank you KCAL news for bringing the conversation forward. It’s time.


The only Wild Story is the Federal Government.


Thank you for covering this case! I have had the honor of spending time with both Paola Harris and Jose Padilla. I know the trail of clues she has carefully followed, and the really compelling story Jose tells. Having him tell it while driving around town is compelling. Having him tell it while we are standing at the crash site..well that is life changing. I know that there are flaws in this case. I really lived and breathed it for a coujple of years. There are flaws in all cases. This is a non-sensical and unexplainable phenomenon. We need to figure out how to study it now, not debunk every historic encounter. There is something to learn from Jose.


My wife and I saw a UFO close up just after Christmas 1980 crossing Mylor Creek right by our cottage in Cornwall UK.


Damn the past is nothing but buried reality


That’s wild that he stole a part from the ship and kept it in his garage all these years


I like his ET description, " Fire ants standing up."


they failed to mention those 3 metals were they commonly mixed together in 1945


Why is that news anchor lady laughing about the idea how rude?


Thanks for covering this important topic!


I just recently learned that at that time, the US Army Air Corp.(Pre-USAF) was patrolling the sky's over and around Roswell, NM with the only Radar equipped night fighters in the world at the time, the Northrup P-61 Black Widows. These advanced fighters were piloted by seasoned WWII fighter crews of 3 and had orders to shoot down anything unidentified flying over NM at the time (Soviet or Alien) as all (100%) of the US's Nuclear Bombs/arsenal were stored at Roswell Army Airfield. The P-61's had a powerful targeting radar in the nose, quad 20 mm cannons underneath with additional 50 cal. machine guns on the wings. But the secret of how they were shooting down the UFO's was not the radar...it was their tactics. These aircraft crews would only use their radar and ground based radar up to about 5 nm from their intended target, at which point they switched them off and transitioned over to another very specialized targeting device(s), sets of Targeting binoculars that were also early night vision devices. So that is what brought down several saucers over NM in 1947 with holes in them and chunks missing. The P-61's pounced on, and chewed up a few of them. Rumor has it however, that we lost a few of our own P-61's & crews attempting these shootdowns as the UFO's certainly could/can defend themselves. Yes, the Grays were/are not our friends!


Incredible! But why didn’t anyone ask what happened to the beings? Where did they go after he saw them running around - what did they do next? Go back inside the craft? Run away? Disappear into thin air?
Give us more detail on exactly what they looked like. Were they wearing anything? How close was he from them? What else was inside the craft. Endless amount of significant questions and yet no one has asked??
