Ancient Egypt: The 18th Dynasty - A Historical Exodus

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The Hyksos ruled Egypt during the 15th - 17th dynasties (2100 b.c.e. to 1500 b.c.e.) and were expelled in the 18th dynasty under Ahmosis I. I talk about the events that occurred during the 18th dynasty. Who is Akhenaten, the first mono-theist? Why did his people hate him? Who is King Tut? Why was his reign so short. Also what lead up to Ramses & Seti taking control of Egypt and starting the 19th Dynasty.

#Egypt #18thDynasty #Akhenaten #Ahmosis #Thutmosis #tutankhamun #Hyksos #Expulsion #Ramses #BookoftheDead #Osiris #Thoth #Horus #Set #Isis #Ra #Amun #aten #monotheism #GnosticInformant #Gnostic
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it's amazing all sorts of theories one can come up with when one leaves biblical facts


It's called Upper and Lower Egypt because of the elevation not because they did not know the difference between North and South.


The hebrews of the bible weren't carrying only the clothes on their backs.. that is not what the bible says. I had to stop watching at that point because I could tell we were moving forward on a false premise. They were heavily leaden with their belongings.. they left with everything they owned. They wandered for 40 years.


Where’s the video on the 19th dynasty? This topic def deserves a revisit


Ahmed Osman wrote a series of books about Moses and Akanaken being the same person. I read a few of his books. Very interesting read!


Upper and lower Egypt has to do with the flow of the Nile from the upper Nile to the Mediterranean


Actually the Old Testament gives a date for the exodus which is found in 1 Kings 6:1 which states

“And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month Zif, which is the second month, that he began to build the house of the Lord.”

It is commonly accepted that the building of the temple of Solomon was around 960BC. If you used 480 lunar years you will get 465 solar or Gregorian years which makes the exodus happening around 1425BC. If you use the commonly accepted Shaw Egyptian chronology, this will be at the end of the reign of Thutmose iii, one of the most powerful pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. The Hyksos expulsion occurred during the time of Thutmose iii which is smack in line with the chronology suggested by the Old Testament. To me the exodus is synonymous with the Hyksos expulsion and the pharaoh who died chasing after Moses was Thutmose iii.

The likely candidate for the queen of pharaoh who discovered Moses is Hatshepsut and a mysterious character who has parallel to Mose is Senenmut who was the main advisor to Hatshepsut when she ruled Egypt.

The notion that Ramses ii was the pharaoh of the exodus is an anachronism because the city of Pi Ramses what’s built on top of the capital of the Hyksos called Avaris.


The historical possibility that Akhenaten originated our traditions of monotheism is explored in the opera by Philip Glass, Akhenaten, which depicts the priests and leaders of the old tradition, having been displaced, conspiring to return to power after the demise of Akhenaten.

The possibility that early monotheists in Canaan had some connection to followers of Akhenaten's religion, who had been displaced from Egypt after the return of Egypt's traditional religion is worthy of historical study.


An interesting ancient Egyptian Sage named "Ipuwer" tells quite a bit more on this subject, so you might check him out on the internet.


The DNA of Tutankhamen was taken in the 90's and the closest modern match was found with the men of the British Isles. There was a link between Ireland and the city of Ebla and Egypt (The Hyksos were kin). The Irish controlled the bronze, with the tin from Britain and copper from America. Look up the book by Lucius Ferris called Lebor Clann Glas (Book of the Green Race). An ancient city located near Dublin was named Eblana (New Ebla). The Irish set up the city of Ebla. They had to escape Ebla after Sargon the great conquered it. When relocated back in Ireland they were called the Hibiru (Hebrew) after King Ibbi who settled their and intermarried into the Cuilleain bloodline (The Holly Druids). The Torah is the Tara. The Phoenicians were also a colony of the Irish.


Atum is sunrise amun is sunset, but Aten/ is noon day sun when the sun us highest in the sky, so ENKI/Adon was just saying, i am the Aten meaning what? iam the highest god thats it, when you are a half-blood dragon/serpent prince these are really simple concepts that you humans complicate🤦🏾‍♂️


why isnt Canaan as a colonie of Egypt in the Bibile? seems odd


At 5:50 you paint a false narative, the Torah says the Israelites left with large amounts of livestock, flocks & cattle, gold, silver, garments and the erav rav (mixed multitude of people). The Torah says they emptied out Egypt (Exodus 12:32-38)


3:59 Ahmose is a better candidate for the Pharoah who knew not Joseph. I would suggest that Moses was given a royal name by the daughter of Pharoah (Ahmose, Thutmose, Moses).


Egyptian are descended from the ancient sumerians and they are the dragon/serpent kings they are descended from the dragon/serpent God ENKI who is also RA as well as the GOD of Israel, Thutmoses III is your biblical king David who is the greatest warrior the world ever known who is also a direct descendent of the god ENKI, Akhenaten and biblical moses are one in the same, Akhenaten was expelled and came back 40 years later to save his people Israel, so yes moses mother was queen tye who was the biblical joseph daughter, josef told his brothers that, god has made him father to pharaoh Genesis 45:8, father in law, the story is alot deeper then what you can imagine, this bloodline goes all the way back to the garden if eden, we are still here mostly hiding in plain sight, Aten was originally Adon which is another name for the god ENKI


Homage to thee o thou art adored YahSerApis


The term Erev Rav found anywhere in the Hebrew Scriptures is referring to an army


They did know north from south. They were first . Everything is inverted now


You diddnt even mention the Biblical timeline


Ahmosis 1st = Musa of the Quran

Akhenaton (Tuthmosis IV) = Interpolated into Moses Of the Bible & Joseph of the New Testament (father of King tut - Yshu Joshua)

King Tut = messianic son born of immaculate conception in the temple of Luxor (Mutemwia giving birth to Amenhotep III) born to save the 18th dynasty Tut-Ankh-Amen (living image of God) translation.
He is the JOSHUA of the Old Testament son of Mary (Hatshepsut) who was the sister of Ahmosis (moses) & Kamosis (Aaron) Numbers 26:59 Quran 3:33

- Lost pages of Islam by Dr Ali Muhammad

- Jesus in the house of Pharaohs by Egyptologist Ahmed Osman

- The history of Jesus birth, life & Death by Elijah Muhammad

- Immaculate conception by Colin Campbell temple of Luxor

- Complete Tutankhamen by A.G Reeves

Don’t let white people teach you about your history they are confused & inclined to deception
