Golden Age of Ancient Egypt - New Kingdom - Ancient Civilizations DOCUMENTARY

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Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on the ancient civilizations and bronze age continues with the video on Egypt's New Kingdom, which is often touted as the golden age of Kemet, as we discuss the political, military, cultural, economic and religious events surrounding the rules of Thutmosis, Hatshepsut, Amenhotep, Thutmose, Akhenaten, Sety, Ramesses and other pharaohs and the campaigns in Syria, Canaan, Nubia, Palestine and against the Hittites and others.

Script: Christos Nicolaou

#Documentary #GoldenAge #Egypt #NewKingdom #AncientHistory #Pharaohs #Archaeology #historyunearthed
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There's a reason Tutankhamun's tomb was able to remain undisturbed for over 3000 years. This was because during the reign of Horemheb, a lot of angry priests and nobles who were around during Akhenaten's reign did everything in their power to erase his hated legacy. Not only did they ransack his tomb and deface his statues, but also had any mention of him erased from the records. As a result, all trace of Akhenaten's life and history was expunged from the records, and this extended to his family, which included his son Tutankhamun. Fortunately for Tutankhamun, although some of the contents of his tomb had been stolen by early grave-robbers, much of the treasure he was buried with remained intact. Due to all record of him being destroyed, nobody would try to look for his tomb. Thus leaving him to rest peacefully in the afterlife for the next three millennium, that was until his tomb was discovered in 1922.


Give whoever wrote this script a raise. I love the perspective. I love how you criticize the problematic modern view of the ancient Egyptians. Simply a brilliant video.


Wow, the animations for this video reach a new height in this channel´s history! All the work really adds to the immersive experience, fantastic you guys :-)


I love it when you cover ancient history. Looking foreward to more on Egypt.


I cant recall you guys making pop culture references or much humor, but the Austin Powers bit made me giggle


Don't preorder TW:Pharao. If you absolutely think you must have it, wait for the release and read the user reviews first. The studio making these has been engaging in predatory marketing schemes and the release of broken and unfinished games lately, while the Total War community expects this game to be as boring as Thrones of Britannia or Troy.
Thanks for the video though, I hope we get an extended series on Egypt from start until the conquest by Arabs someday.


Definitely my favorite era in Ancient Egypt, you have everything that the old world can throw at you hitting Egypt within a few centuries. Invasions, famine, the collapse of the Bronze Age, female pharaohs and an artistic renaissance that also saw Minoan artists decorating temples.


I've Loved ancient Egypt for so long and I watch so many videos on it, but there is such a long time span of history that it's always amazing when there's something new that I didn't know before like this.


This channel is by far #1 history channel on YouTube. Hands down no competition. !!!! Thank you for your hard work


This series of videos on Egypt are quite well done. I wonder if there could be a video on the entire history of the Ptolemaic Kingdom to cap off this series?


as someone who plays total war a lot, this video is the perfect intro for someone who would want to play Total War Pharaoh. there is nothing more fun than playing total war while knowing some of the historical facts of the era you're playing in.


I don't know how long have I been waiting for this. But this is worth the wait! Thank you, Kings and Generals, I am always a fan of Ancient Egypt! After all, this is what brought me into learning about history.


This video is amazing love from egypt 🇪🇬 ❤


Julius Caesar and Ramesses II have one thing in common: they created a legacy with their names on whoever sat on the throne for generations.


Great Video Kings & Generals. I love that you are releasing these informative broad historical overview videos like this one on the Egyptian New Kingdom.


Ramses also set up numerous public gyms from the looks of it. Everyone is shredded with 6 packs 😂


I love ancient Egypt since I was a kid! With the new kingdom being my favourite era!


Love the color visuals of this video. Great work!


Love the video!
I always enjoy these deeper dives into ancient cultures, and the New Kingdom of Egypt has always been particularly fascinating.


Kemet literally means "Black Land" ("Kem" meaning black in ancient Egyptian). The name referred to how the soil would appear with the flooding of the Nile, which was great for farming, as well as the fact that dark soil is some of the best soil for farming. So Kemet was essentially the strip of cultivated area along the Nile valley, the place where the Ancient Egyptian civilization prospered for over three thousand years.
