What does it mean when you get a friend suggestion notification on Facebook?

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What does it mean when you get a friend suggestion notification on Facebook? • Here you will find the answer to all of your questions.


“Are you attracted to the world of glamor and celebrities too? Dig into the topic and find out more!”

✋ We believe that EDUCATION is essential for everyone. This video was created under this goal. In order to FULLY PRESENT the topic, it may be necessary in some cases to include details that may be upsetting.
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If you ask me its people who've looked you up. I switched jobs a year or so ago. I only changed my job title on my indeed and linkedin profile. Then a few months later people from my job started appearing on my suggestions list..


My friend suggestions are people in India and countries that can't read my post in english. I post info on how marijuana laws are illegal form of fraud. And I post what to say to a judge if convicted. It is racial discrimination for a judge to speak spanish in American courts so they can not call it marijuana. They have to call it hemp because all US laws must be clearly defined in english. So this means all marijuana laws are automatically nule and void for not defining the substance in english. Anyways, all cannabis and marijuana laws are automatically nule and void for FRAUD. They don't want Americans reading this stuff. So they only show my page to foreigners.


Why are 99% of FB friend suggestions Caucasian?
