Launching My Book Look And Analyze: Learn Complete Signature Analysis #shorts

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Look And Analyze: Learn Complete Signature Analysis

Let Me Tell You More About The Book…

Look And Analyze (252 Pages Book) helps you learn complete signature analysis from basic to advanced level. Here I have introduced PNC method of doing analysis which is a systematic method, PNC means First Positive Then Negative And At Last Changes To Be Done. Now since there is no complete book on signature analysis I decided to write one.

Normally we have been told told to do journaling or write our emotions down. And whenever we write down our emotions we automatically feel calm. You know why? Because your brain transfers all those emotions into handwriting, signature.

In handwriting you write sentences, words which are about different topics yet in sign you only write names. Those words and sentences communicate your feelings for others directly like word “happy”, “sad”, “love” etc. help you know what you are really feeling yet in sign just names cannot tell what are you feeling the reason signature shows public personality or the personality which you want others to see you as.

If you are getting started in Graphology then signature analysis is the key as you will learn complete signature analysis more faster as core concepts here are less. After signature analysis you can move to handwriting

“I am impressed”, “You are a magician”, “How can you get to know so much about me?”, “Whatever you said is so trueee!”, I get feedbacks like this whenever I do the analysis and now you will get same after you do analysis. The book has been written in a such a way that you can start doing analysis from first page. Just look at sample and then find the trait related to that sample. For eg- If you observe first name in sample then find first name trait in the book and explain it to the client.

"Technology, Medical Science get updated regularly so old books cannot work yet Alphabets, Graphology, Psychology concepts always remain same so concept taught here will remain same for next 100+ Years. Your future generations will also be able to learn from same book"

Akhilesh Bhagwat, Graphology Expert, Founder Graphologymadesimple, Allin1hub

Learn By Doing:

1. Real samples are being used for explanations.
2. Learn step by step how to find someone's public personality
3. You will also be able to find if someone is faking their personality! (Interesting right?)
4. Start to do sign analysis from 2nd Chapter Itself

4 Books into 1:

1. Basic Sign Analysis
2. Advanced Sign Analysis
3. Negative Traits In Sign
4. Advanced Conditions

From Graphologymadesimple written by Akhilesh Bhagwat
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