How to launch a book: An interview with Nikki Nash

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Have you been wondering how you should launch your book? Or maybe your book is already published and you’re wondering how you can drive more sales. You want as many people as possible to read your book, but you’re just not sure how to make it happen. In this video, I interviewed Hay House author and marketing expert Nikki Nash on how to launch a book and what her book launch plan looked like for Market Your Genius.

Watch and Enjoy!

Key Moments in this Episode

02:55 What is a book launch?
4:10 The 3 phases of book launching
5:20 How long is a book launch?
6:59 The launching difference between self-publishing and traditional publishing
08:20 Your first step in planning your launch
9:40 How to get early reviews and endorsements
10:17 How to set a book launch date when you self publish
11:25 What does success look like with a book launch?
15:37 The difference between PR and Marketing
17:35 The average number of books sold from a Today Show appearance
18:26 What the media is looking for
19:56 How to market your book
20:30 What is word of mouth marketing and why you need it
22:50 Final thoughts on book launching

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Great info! Thanks Kelly and Nikki!
Brian Nash


Thank you so much! This is great info! We are 90 days out from our release date, and this is so very helpful! Also, shout out to kn literary arts for the Developmental Editing help!! You guys did an amazing job helping us get a solid manuscript!


Kelly, this is a very timely video for me, as I have just launched my new book. Thank you and Nikki for these helpful insights! And for anyone who is wondering if KN Literary is right for them, let me say that they provided me with the best book editor an author could ever ask for. If you're thinking of self-publishing your book, do yourself a favor and have KN Literary match you up with an editor. Having an editor will make a HUGE difference in the quality of your finished manuscript, no matter how good you think you are as a writer.


Thank you, Kelly! Nikki is a warm and gracious presenter and I learned so much during her workshop...what a gift of information! Also, ditto what Ken said about KN Literary's editor has been fabulous.


Kelly, I appreciate what you say and what Nikki offers, too. Today is the day I begin to upload the first in a very unique series of 6 books in the self-help genre onto KDP, so the timing of your video reached this target, me, with bulls-eye style!Thanks so much! I like Nikki's final point that boils down to that old adage, if at first you don't succeed, try and try again. I like what you said about how the publicity moguls choose from those who have already established their platform and not necessarily the other way way around.My question for you is - as you review what I just wrote above, what do you think of the idea that I stated a sentence phrase using 4 prepositional phrases in a row? Is that readable? As I build out my platform, your input is 5-star stuff. Thanks again for what you do.


I don't feel clear about whether a book launch is an actual event in real life that you invite people to or if it is an online thing. My book has strong connections with a particular town. This town has an annual event. I was wondering whether to dovetail my book launch with this event in order to attract more visitors or to separate it and have a stall at the event and do the book launch previously.
