The GOLD PLATES Weighed HOW MUCH!?! - Now You Know

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A response to the video "What are The Book of Mormon Gold Plates"

Video Sources:

Original Video:What are The Book of Mormon Gold Plates


Joseph's Flight with The Plates

Joseph Smith Pictures

'Caractors' of The Gold Plates

Adamic Language

4 Nephi 1

1830 Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 3 (Pg25-36)

1837 Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 3 (Pg26-35)

1 Nephi 11 (Modern)

1 Nephi 13 (Modern)

Mosiah 15

The original video is included under 'Fair Use' law for the purpose of critique.

#BookOfMormon #JosephSmith #GoldPlates
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FAIR Mormon seems to point out two examples: the Pyrgi Gold Plates and the Byblos Syllabic inscriptions. Both are much smaller than the BoM, consisting of just a few plates. They are more like plaques than plates, some of them are triangles referred to as spatulas. There are a couple of other examples, but they are all very limited in scope, they are decorations, inscriptions, ornaments, etc. There is nothing like the entire book concept of the Golden Plates that exists.

Its not surprising to find writings on any flat surface, including metal. The Egyptians put writings on any and everything metal, stone, alabaster, papyrus, wood etc. Writing on tablets and plates is also mentioned in the bible as well. Job 19, Jeremiah 17, Habakuk 2, Kings 7. Exodus 39:30 mentions an inscription on gold specifically. God wrote on stone in the stone age, why not have him write on bronze or gold in the bronze age. This isn't Joseph Smith being prophetic, its him being pragmatic.


Wait until that apologist finds out that the witnesses only saw the plates with their “spiritual eyes” meaning they imagined it. It’s essentially what we now call “guided imagery.”


When I left the church over 3 years ago I began to devour anything I could to learn the truth, both in and outside of the church. I shared information with my immediate family to the point that they would avoid me and roll their eyes. I couldn't figure out why they weren't interested in all that I was learning, after all, they left the church with me. It took me longer to get to where the arguments are so clear that there isn't any argument any longer. For example, I watch the video put out by the church and it has become such utter nonsense as to exhaust me by the time I get to the end of it. There is no longer any justified reason to believe the story that is put out by the church. It is like arguing with a 2 year old and trying to explain complex reasoning, they just can't get it. Perhaps it means I am near the end, or at least turning a page in my healing.
I would like to say that I would likely not be to this point without people such as you who have helped me heal with truth. Thanks for your efforts.


Weird that Smith ran into three armed attackers on the way home. All three seem to have acted independently (e.g. they didn't seem to coordinate their effort into a 3 on 1 situation). Moreover, all three failed to understand the intrinsic tactical advantage of a having a gun against an unarmed person but instead used their guns as clubs.


"multiple people saw and touched the gold plates"
Well... They only saw the plates with "spiritual eyes".
And they only touched the plates through a cloth...
Nobody, save Joseph, saw and touched the plates without any coverings.


What I find interesting is that a 4 by 6 by 7 inch block of solid gold would weigh approximately 117 pounds. Even if you suppose that the air between the plates removed up to 30 pounds from the overall weight, that would place it in the approximately 90 pounds range which is about twice the estimate of those that lifted. However, do you know how much a 4 by 6 by 7 inch block of common tin would weigh? A solid block of tin in those demensions would be about 45 pounds. In fact, if the plates were made of gold, they would range from the 4x6x7 inches (117 pounds) to 6x7x8 inches (about 234 pounds). Removing some of the volume due to air would put the range somewhere from 90 to 180 pounds for gold plates in the dimensions given. But for common tin, it would be in the range of 30 to 60 pounds (a solid block of tin at the low range would be about 44 pounds to a high range of 88 pounds). So, from the information given, whatever the "witnesses" handled or weighed was not gold. It was most likely tin. I find it interesting how the Church shared this information and that within it is the information needed to disprove their own claim. The math and chemistry here do not back up the church's claims of golden plates.


Ive seen the light, with my spiritual eyes . thanks for spreading the truth NEMO


It just occurred to me, what did it matter if a portion of the plates was sealed, if Joseph Smith wasn't even looking at them?


I love how everything is a matter of fact. And I thought the witnesses didn’t actually touch or handle the plates.


Why are we allowed to find ancient artifacts that build our faith but are banned from seeing the real gold plates?


From the Protestant Trinity to separate beings godhead. If the Book of Mormon was a direct translation from God (as LDS claim), why the need for ten-years of editing (from 1832-1842)? Why the changes in doctrine?
As always, NEMO you’ve done great work!


Great as always!
A documentary on Netflix came out today called "Murder Among the Mormons". I highly recommend it.


Here is how to tell the real prophets from the false prophets, they are ALL false prophets.


Great job! Love your videos. I think it's important to mention that none of witnesses ever handled the plates except in a box or under a cloth... also nobody ever saw the plates with there real eyes, they saw them subconsciously with their "spiritual eyes." And "reformed Egyptian" isn't a real language, it doesn't matter what they call it.


Most of those lifted the plates covered in a sack felt that they were about 50lbs, there is an account of Emma Smith holding the plates in a sack, she makes no comment about the weight of the plates and that they made a metallic sound. Joseph may of have different sets of plates which he kept in a sack due Emma not commenting that they were heavy. I have read that if the plates were gold that they would have weighted over 200 pounds. Even at 50 lbs it be hard to run with and fend off 3 attackers. I would like to see someone try to recreate this on YouTube.


"The Book of Mormon was written on the plates..." Was it? We already know that the original papyri for The Book of Abraham didn't contain The Book of Abraham, so what guarantees that the text of The Book of Mormon was on those plates? What if it was another "inspired translation" and the original plates contained Yzma's recipes for potions that turn spoiled emperors into lamas and other animals?


I listened to John Larson’s podcast about why people do NOT leave the church it also applies to why members will fail to respond to this obvious serious situation.
Fight or
Flee…. The normal behavior of a human or animal, when confronted with a frightening situation .
Most members IF they even read or heard of it will Freeze and not act
Or Fight meaning demanding it is not real and is false
Or Run the other way and not want to address it!
Nemo I appreciate your commitment to this issue.
The only way it MAY become address is if the IRS follows through on the laws the church leaders failed to follow.


Fun Fact: the "witnesses" never even signed the witness statement, and some asked about it years after it has been published literally had never heard of it.

On the original documents, all the names are in Oliver Cowdrey's handwriting with blank spaces next to them where the actual witness would presumably sign (just like your name is printed next to the signature line in a modern document).

To the casual observer though, it looks like a bunch of signatures and the church still prints the witness statements to make it look like this is the case.

But yeah, none of the witnesses actually signed their names to it.


Oh my gosh! I can’t believe I used to believe this story!!


How much deceptive an organization can be with their devotees money is mind boggling how to answer for it is yet to be witnessed.
