Never Neglect Discipline | Brian Tracy

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Brian Tracy is going to discuss the process of discipline, how it is mandatory for you to succeed in life. Even hard things you dislike to do. you still must start doing them. Brian Tracy believes in the law of cause and effect meaning for every effect you do there is a specific cause.

Brian Tracy

Watch more videos of Brian Tracy for more motivation:
How To Master The Art of Effective Communication | Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy's Life Advice Will Change Your Future (LISTEN TO THIS EVERY DAY)
Brian Tracy's Speech Will Change Your Mindset To Become A Millionaire | Best Motivational speech

World-renowned author, speaker, and author on self-help, Brian Tracy has authored more than 70 books on success, time management, leadership, and sales. Brian Tracy has also trained millions of people and companies around the world. Brian Tracy's best books are Earn What You're Really Worth, Eat That Frog!, and No Excuses!

Our mission:
The goal of the Wealth Mindset is to teach and motivate you to become a better and more successful person in self-development. discipline and mindset.
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Mr. Tracy, words will never express the gratitude I feel for your wisdom. logic, common sense and motivation that you have unselfishly made a life long priority. I have listened to you for decades. You are nothing short of a gift to mankind.


I see veryone trying to make something out of themselves. I'm proud of y'all


I am now a very very disciplined person I am.


Thank you brian tracy being part of my journey giving me wisdom


I love that mix of best collections! Well done! Thank you Brian, love your work and your personality. You got special place in my heart❤ Thank you ❤❤❤


Great of being successful


Deferred gratification fits nicely into what Brian Tracy is saying here if we can discipline ourselves to invest in future greatness this is all about discipline . Avoiding taking immediatly or enjoying something immediatly is self discipline. Love this guy


the proof of your advancement is to stay litening till it ends
if you could finish listening this one then i congratulate you on your consistency success...
deal or no deal


I like the sound of Mr Tracy's voice. He reminds me of a trusted father figure. My goal is to save $600. every month, so can contribute $10, 000. to my GIC by May 2025. : )


Hi Brian, I am dadul from east sikkim sumin lingzey, india. I love your job❤. You and Jem Ron are my favorite. I like voice of you two sir. I wish you could live 500 years in healthy and tell me this way every day❤ Thank you. Well, I am depending on charity but I am earning little right now. For me my reputation is identity n it is get from other people n also it's hard to control them.


Thank you for collecting the best speeches! Thanks for the work 👍🏻


Great message, but what is the unnecessary distracting clicking noises about ??


The clicking is a bit tough to get through 😢


pay attention to the words not the music... it's part of discipline


The music turned me off so I had to find another video. Very distracting


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation - My time stamps are approximate.

00:00 🎯 *Self-discipline and persistence*
- Self-discipline and persistence are closely linked and contribute to self-esteem.
- Persistence builds self-discipline, and self-discipline increases persistence.
- Self-discipline is a learnable quality that can be developed through hard work and repetition.

01:08 💪 *Immediate rewards of self-discipline*
- Practicing self-discipline leads to immediate rewards, such as increased self-respect and self-esteem.
- Self-discipline improves your attitude and reactions towards others.
- Disciplining yourself to do what you know you should do enhances your self-image and performance.

03:25 📝 *Discipline of planning*
- Planning is essential for success and saves time in execution.
- Investing time in planning yields a high return on time investment.
- Clear specific written goals serve as a roadmap for success.

04:05 📚 *Developing a single discipline*
- Focus and concentrate on developing one discipline at a time.
- Visualize yourself acting with the desired discipline and create positive affirmations.
- Continuous practice and repetition will help develop self-discipline as a habit.

05:14 🔑 *Endorphins and future impact of self-discipline*
- Practicing self-discipline releases endorphins, leading to happiness and improved self-image.
- Self-discipline allows you to achieve any goal and complete any task.
- Developing self-discipline as a habit is a key characteristic of successful individuals.

06:24 🚀 *Launching strongly on a new discipline*
- Launching strongly and avoiding exceptions helps develop a new discipline.
- Restating affirmations and continuous effort are necessary to develop the habit of discipline.
- Persistence in practicing chosen disciplines contributes to self-discipline and self-confidence.

08:02 🔑 *Developing qualities and shaping character*
- Each person has the ability to shape their character and develop desirable qualities through determination.
- Developing self-discipline is a continuous battle with setbacks, but it leads to personal growth.
- Successful individuals possess high personal discipline and achieve long-term focused goals.

09:51 📋 *Importance of focus and concentration*
- Focus and concentration are essential for success and cannot be replaced by other skills.
- The ability to focus and concentrate can be developed through practice and discipline.

11:02 📒 *Benefits of daily goal setting and planning*
- Writing down goals daily and planning your day thoroughly can transform your life.
- Planning saves time and increases productivity significantly.

12:51 🛠️ *The key to supercharging your life*
- Starting and completing your most important task first thing in the morning can supercharge your life.
- This discipline releases endorphins in your brain, making you feel great and motivated.

14:15 🚧 *Overcoming the fear of failure*
- The fear of failure is a major obstacle to success and can be overcome by developing the habit of Courage.
- Courage is developed through practice and confronting fears rather than avoiding them.

16:32 🏋️‍♀️ *Disciplining yourself to exercise daily*
- Exercising in the morning not only improves your physical health but also releases endorphins that enhance your mood and productivity.
- Morning exercise develops the discipline of starting on tasks you may not want to do and getting them done.

18:42 ⏰ *The importance of hard work and time management*
- Hard work is the key to creating opportunities and achieving success.
- Working diligently and avoiding time-wasting activities can significantly increase productivity.

18:55 💼 *The importance of hard work and time management*
- Working diligently and avoiding time-wasting activities can significantly increase productivity.
- Maximizing your work time and staying focused throughout the day can lead to success and fulfillment.

20:16 🛠️ *The key to supercharging your life*
- Starting and completing your most important task first thing in the morning can supercharge your life.
- Demonstrating self-control and self-discipline in completing your major task boosts your self-confidence.

21:42 🚧 *Overcoming the fear of failure*
- Developing the habit of courage can help overcome the fear of failure.
- Overriding the fear of failure by repeatedly telling yourself "I can do it" is an effective strategy.

22:23 🏋️‍♀️ *Disciplining yourself to exercise daily*
- Exercising in the morning not only improves your physical health but also releases endorphins that enhance your mood and productivity.
- Morning exercise develops the discipline of starting on tasks you may not want to do and getting them done.

23:32 🗝️ *Improving self-concept for personal growth*
- Changing your self-concept to align with your ideal self can boost self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Visualizing and acting as if you already possess the desired qualities can lead to better performance and personal growth.

26:59 🔍 *The importance of role models and dynamic tension*
- Admiring people who continuously strive for improvement can inspire personal growth.
- Having role models who embody qualities you aspire to can positively influence your mindset.

28:20 🌟 *Guarding your integrity and peace of mind*
- Maintaining and valuing your integrity helps build self-respect and the respect of others.
- Compromising your peace of mind can lead to unhappiness and should be avoided.

30:00 🖼️ *Visualization for self-improvement*
- Visualizing yourself performing at your best can shape your subconscious mind and lead to behavioral consistency.
- Clear, vivid, and exciting mental images help manifest desired outcomes in reality.

32:17 🎭 *Assuming the role of your ideal self*
- Acting as if you already possess the qualities you desire can generate the feelings and behaviors associated with those qualities.
- Pretending to have certain qualities can eventually lead to actually feeling and embodying them.

34:39 🗝️ *The power of affirmations*
- Using personal, positive, and present tense affirmations can program your subconscious mind and help manifest desired outcomes.
- Consistently repeating affirmations can influence your thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

35:49 🌱 *The power of hard work and seed planting*
- Only a small percentage of the population truly succeeds in life, and it is often those who work hard and go the extra mile.
- Working beyond the standard eight hours a day is necessary for success, as each additional hour invested is an investment in your future.

40:18 🧠 *The importance of self-discipline for success*
- Self-discipline is the key quality that makes all other qualities and achievements possible.
- Learning and cultivating self-discipline through continuous practice is crucial for achieving goals.

41:42 📝 *The value of focused effort and time management*
- Successful individuals dedicate their time to high-value tasks and avoid wasting it on low-value activities.
- The crowding out principle states that by focusing on productive tasks, unproductive activities are naturally eliminated from your day.

43:32 📚 *Developing disciplines for achieving potential*
- Creating a written list of short and long-term goals in various areas of life helps clarify objectives and increases the chances of success.
- Clearing mental clutter and maintaining clarity and focus is crucial for effective thinking, decision-making, and goal achievement.

45:37 🔍 *Understanding the power of positive thoughts*
- The average person has 40, 000 to 60, 000 thoughts per day.
- Negative thoughts can be replaced with positive ones by feeding the mind with positive thoughts.

46:31 ⏰ *Overcoming procrastination*
- Most people procrastinate when faced with tasks they don't enjoy or feel overwhelmed by.
- Diving into challenging tasks first thing in the morning can help overcome procrastination.

50:09 🌟 *Rediscovering motivation*
- Lack of motivation can be caused by various factors, such as stress, personal issues, or feeling unfulfilled.
- Finding personal inspiration can help reignite motivation.

52:16 ⚙️ *Increasing productivity*
- Clear goals and a written action plan are essential for boosting productivity.

54:43 👥 *Leveraging accountability*
- Having an accountability partner can help build self-discipline and achieve goals.
- Sharing goals with others increases the social consequence of giving up.

56:35 📝 *Setting clear, specific goals*
- Setting clear, specific, and written goals is crucial for success.
- Goals provide direction and act as a roadmap for achieving desired outcomes.

57:43 🐸 *Prioritizing tasks with self-discipline*
- "Eating the frog" refers to tackling the most challenging tasks first to increase productivity.
- Prioritizing tasks based on value and difficulty can help stay on track.

57:55 🔄 *Streamlining activities for efficiency*
- Grouping similar activities together promotes speed and skill development.
- Leveraging skills and experience leads to higher productivity.


Is that a drum beat? I thought something was wrong with my car


Im very strict with myself with everything i do because if i dont i become lazy


Amazing music! Just need it to be slightly louder and more annoying :p
