Do Daily Affirmations Work?

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About Valuetainment: Founded in 2012 by Patrick Bet-David, our goal is to impact entrepreneurs around the world through value and entertainment. We are the #1 channel for entrepreneurs because of the best interviews, best how to videos, because we defend capitalism and educate entrepreneurs.

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I found that writing down my goals everyday, helps me to remind why every morning I wake up to work


I never believed that affirmations worked until one day i sat down and realized i been affirming my whole life and they all came true, good and bad.


5 most painful moments
5 most successful moments
5 most painful statements
5 moments you felt untouchable
Tie your affirmations with emotions from your past to increase their weigth

1. Fate
2. Faith
3. Clarity of vision and casting of it
4. Luck
Record affirmations


My most "Untouchable" moment was pulling the family through when our dad died 2 years ago. I knew my dad would be proud.

Pssshhh... Now I'm tearing up. I miss him.


Tie your affirmations with emotions, you win.


The secret to affirmations is to state them as if they're already true today. Often times, we discover negative self beliefs in the process. The quicker you can come into a state of *being* as your future self, the quicker you can achieve your goals. This has been an incredibly important part of my morning routine. (I do Transcendental Meditation for 20 minutes, state an affirmation, and then visualize for 5 minutes)


I’m speechless over how amazing you are Patrick. I save almost all of your videos and re-visit them religiously. I can’t believe this is free info. I’m going buy your books ASAP! God bless you and your family bruh💪🏽🌹💯❤️


Okay... I've paid people a couple hundred bucks for info I just got here for free!
Pat covered what others do in an all day seminar... in 18 minutes... damn!
PLUS... This was more concise, actionable now, and included additional links/topics
to drill all this in.... I guess at least I should support by buying some merch!!!
In our microwave society of "give it to me now" .. I can direct my team to this and
change all of our lives. Thanks Pat!!!!


Man, I NEEDED To HEAR THIS... Exactly THIS...Today. I dragged myself into the gym this morning. Feeling like a fraud, failure, coward, and weakling over past few days. But I'm pushing through this morning, and I'm listening and learning. And I'm seeing a glimpse of the light ahead again. I can do anything... Just Need to keep driving forward and never quit. Thank you my I look forward to shaking your hand and meeting you one day.


Been subbed since 10k, so happy to see the quality is still consistent thank you valuetainment team 👊


To change our lives we MUST Change our PRIORITIES🤔📈 We must prioritise Self Growth!!🔐 we MUST learn that our competition isn’t other people.. our competition is: Our Ego.. Procrastination and the knowledge We Neglect to learn 🤔💡 So my challenge to you is to Focus on getting 1 BIG thing done every single day! Set that as a priority, Write it down and get it DONE ✅
This will help you start your day feeling motivated and end your day feeling Accomplished!!📈❤️


Humility is looking at other people’s talents, capabilities, potentials with cheers and everyone is important !


*Affirmations work best when you think about the times you won* 💪

I.e: past achievements


I have to be honest. The value you keep on putting out is amazing


Patrick, I have watched all of your videos and I have to admit that this video is the one that spoke the loudest to me. I reminded myself today that life has not given me many things, but I've always known how to go get what I want and need. This video was right on time. I've struggled with affirmations, but my realities are proof that no matter what I know how to hunt, kill, and eat. Thank you for always sharing your greatness. I can effectively write affirmations that work for me.


My husband and I book a weekly "dream meeting, " to keep the dream alive for the big picture. It can be easy to lose sight of the big picture in the day to day, and it's fun to elaborate the big picture and future vision. That way, the big dream is always growing and developing while our business grows too.


It's teachers day today here in India, and I'd like to thank you for all the things I've learnt from here. Keep going, lots of love!!


Super keen for this!! I find affirmations weird sometimes but i know the power of telling your mind the right things. It gives focus and clarity and guidance, as well as a positive start/end to the day!


What I like about PBD videos is they are 98% pure content. There are a lot of people out there where the good content are only at 30% of the time, and the rest is just a lot of pointless self promotion or ads. Keep the good work Pat !


This might be the best and most powerful valuetainment video.
