Catching Up On All The Try Guys Drama I Missed

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I missed all the Try Guys drama after the Ned Fulmer cheating stuff came out. SNL made a terrible skit about and the Try Guys themselves have started speaking out now that it seems safe.
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Thanks for filling us in on things we didn't know or got wrong!
After reading though a lot of the comments and getting filled in, I don't really think my commentary on what we watched would have changed all that much. I would have talked more about them already trying to remove Ned from the company before the news broke and him being a higher up in the HR department. But I would still be sus of the whole thing.
They control the narrative and have controlled the situation masterfully. There is no real way to prove to me that the possibility of someone knew before the threat of it going public happened and that it was better to leave it under wraps for the safety of the brand and the money coming in doesnt exist. Maybe its all the truth maybe its not. That's just how I think about it.

Seems most of the frustration that I'm reading is coming from fans that are angry that I'm speculative and not taking everything they have said as absolute truths and am not on a nonstop Ned witch hunt the entire video. Fair enough. Screw Ned.


Mary is the most trustworthy source for drama


Eugene was so pissed off because he's been best friends with Ned's wife for a decade. So I'd imagine that's why he's so extra upset about it.


I like to imagine that Mary just has this sense for things that would make amazing content. The amount of times Ken says "Mary's been telling me-" supports my theory


I watched the podcast episode and here's a better explanation. They found out about it a month or so before the news and immediately started working overtime to get Ned out of the company. They were going through HR and lawyers to get everything done right. They were planning to break the news, already had their announcement written up, they were just waiting for the right time. They were constantly checking reddit and things just to see if some one figured it out yet. They were already editing Ned out of stuff and knew their fans were too smart not to notice something was up. When the news got out, they didn't expect it to get so big. They knew their fans would tall, but they didn't expect big news sites to reach out. If Ned and Alex weren't caught, they still would tell the world and remove Ned from the company, they just would announce it at a different time. They talked about why they removed Ned and their feelings, and they said they felt betrayed by this and that it didn't fit the TryGuy brand, that's why they removed him. He was already removed before the news broke. Believe what you want, you have your own opinions- but I personally think these guys are good guys who just didn't agree with Ned's actions and so stopped working with him, what the media said before and after the news broke had no effect on their decision and actions, only when they posted their announcement.


“My wife”
“My friend writes for SNL”
Everyone in Neds life is infinitely more interesting and talented than he is.


Guys... no. The other three guys were initially keeping things under wraps because 1.) they were dealing with a legal mess behind the scenes (Ned was the co-owner of their company, was dating an employee, and was the head of HR, so surely you can see what a clusterfuck that was; it's a miracle that they were able to get rid of him within a month of them finding out about this scandal); 2.) the guys + their SOs are friends with Ariel, who likely needed some time prepare herself for the public fallout and having such private pain aired to strangers. Oh, and they found out and got rid of him before the story broke, not afterwards (I don't even know if that'd be possible to do off the cuff, since he was a co-owner of the company so would likely need to be bought out, and an internal investigation would need to be done for, well, legal reasons).

They're also grieving the loss of a nearly decade-long friendship, with said friendship being with someone who basically fucked them and their livelihoods over (and cost them A LOT of money, since they've had to scrap a ton of videos they filmed in advance, and their show on the Food Network has now been shifted to a terrible day + time slot) for selfish reasons - would you not be hurting, too? Not to mention the fact that Eugene has opened up about how his own father would frequently cheat on his mother, so this situation is extra personal for him.

And let's not assume that they knew about the affair when there's no proof that they did, yeah? Especially since that'd be a massive liability (both legal + social) that they'd be stupid to allow.


I know the podcast is long but I'd recommend watching just that part about the situation. I'm gullible as hell, but it seems like they're good guys just wanting to handle everything the best they can. They mentioned that they knew for a month about Ned and had to do a whole hr thing to remove him from the company to make sure they weren't liable for wrongful termination. People started noticing something when Ned stopped showing up in videos or they could see that the wallpaper looked fuckedup. When you listen to the podcast it becomes clear what a mental toll this took on them. Zach was alone at the company when they found out about Ned


I think Buff and Ken should watch the full podcast, and the multiple videos breaking down the situation. They have the overall story, but don't know the details.

According to the podcast, Ned was removed from the company weeks before it was trending on the internet. A few fans from reddit knew of the situation because one of these fans was the one who photographed Ned and Alex, who then shared it to Ariel, Will, and of course reddit (through this reveal, it's assumed the Try Guys were then informed as well). Again, all of this occurred before it was trending all over the internet.

And the removal of Ned wasn't just a "....yea, you're fired Ned Fulmer for cheating". Again, as the podcast mentioned, the guys contacted lawyers and the relevant HR representatives to determine the appropriate legal actions needed to deal with Ned's actions (this legal action was as the podcast implied: the conducting of a thorough internal review). Note: Ned's offence wasn't cheating (even though it completely goes against his brand within the company), his actual offence was engaging in a workplace relationship with an employee as a co-owner. Which could become a great liability to the overall company. This all occurred before the entire internet knew, so to say that they only fired Ned after the news blew up is undoubtedly false. So yes, Ned would've been removed even if the situation remained private, futhermore as I outlined before, he WAS removed before the situation went viral.

They brought up the font of Ned's statement because to some people it seemed that his statement and the official company's statement were coordinated. This couldn't have been the case, because by then Ned was long removed from the company. So Keith and Zach mentioned this to clarify that.


The thing about no one knowing is 1:guys get good at hiding cheating. From experience, he probably had friends early on encouraging him to do this shit because Ariel and a couple others have talked in the past about Ned being a player. And 2: he was with an employee. His friends aren't JUST his friends. They are his business partners. They have a very BIG business. And he was basically HR for them anyway, because before this they didn't have a real HR department. So it makes sense to me that his "best friends" didn't know because he was going against his and their entire brand. They probably got too comfy in public because they got away with it before. He feels more relaxed "alone" with her, so they got stupid and screwed everything up. Loved the vid so far, I'm about halfway through.


The person who "watched the whole episode so you don't have to" did a terrible job🤣 the episode was about them explaining how they were careful to do everything by law, and they didn't want to make a public statement about him cheating, but because Neds affair was with an employee (illegal, even Ned said it himself on one episode), they would have fired him and not told the public the reasoning.


Eugene is a child of divorce so the betrayal from Ned to Ariel (who Eugene is close with) is way more hurtful when you’ve seen it in your own family…..


You guys have to remember, NEDS WIFE WAS PART OF THE COMPANY TOO. That is why they were waiting to announce it. For HER sake. Arial was preparing for the droves of attention on her broken marriage. That's a lot. And her being best friends with Eugene and we'll as both the other guys wife's, was probably one of the reasons they were slower to thrust her into the spot light. Not to mention Ned owning 1/4 of the company, the reddit thread on Ned and Alex's drunken night out. They had to have some time to do damage control. They gave everyone a week and then made the announcement. It's not as devious as you guys might paint it.


Eugene is more affected by this because he is genuinely Ariel's friend and he's really upset about ned cheating on her


Petition to have Mary every single time Ken talks about internet tea. I know she'll hit all the spots and never miss a thing 🙃


Don't forget; Ned wasn't just her boss, he was also HR.


They actually removed ned like a week before the situation went viral. They themselves have addressed everything that you were wondering about in their podcast and their video, about when they found out, all the action they took immediately, HR ect…


Ned also mentioned having a group of close friends from Yale that he valued over the other try guys (in the video with lie detection) who more likely knew about the cheating while the Try Guys did not since it was a work place relationship.


If you actually watch the video they mention suspending him in early September when they found out, went through their internal review process with an outside HR professional and their lawyers, and after that concluded they let him go mid-September… before it even went viral. They were just waiting for the bomb to drop and enjoying their last days of peace, lol. They had to go through all the correct processes to avoid lawsuits. It wasn’t that they kept him employed until the news broke.


Kieth was on a stage tour when a fan messaged him about the evidence of Ned cheating, Eugene has been working on side projects and a script or something like that. Eugene hasn't been in videos for about a year with some stuff here and there so he probably truly didn't know as with Kieth. Zach has been launching his tea company and planning his wedding, so he was probably not fully in the office, plus they just made a TV show and the employee was not part of that, so I think it is highly plausible that no one knew. One of their employees kinda pieced it together after a vague statement they made about Ned "leaving" the company but knowing Ned showing manipulative tendencies on podcasts before and clearly denying some videos they wanted to do that he is very calculated and probably had a very good "character" built up when they were all together
