This Train I Ride (2020) | Documentary Trailer

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This Train I Ride (2020) | Documentary Trailer
Director: Arno Bitschy
France, Finland
2020 | 77 min.

Language: English

Riding freight trains as a nomadic lifestyle, a negation of contemporary society or an escape from the family. Against the background of the passing landscape, the documentary presents a portrait of women who have completely fallen into this (in)dependence.

Freight trains wind through the vast American landscape like giant steel snakes. Just wait until dark, squeeze in between the wagons and then huddle in your sleeping bag to welcome the dawn and enjoy views unconstrained by window frames. A journey on which the destination is not as important for the protagonists as the attainment of freedom, even though at the same time they are living on the edge of the law. From this perspective, the film reflects on human identity and the search for one's place in a rapidly changing world. The resulting melancholy atmosphere of the film is underscored by the music of Warren Ellis.

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