Why Do Cats Hate Water So Much? The Real Answer

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How does your cat feel about water? Do they hate it just as much as most other cats, or do they enjoy it?


I gave my late cat named Puddy a bath, ONCE. Being a Siamese the neighbors heard her screaming across the street!! She grabbed the soap dish for dear life and my arms were quite bloody. After I took her out she looked so tiny all wet. She got out of the bathroom and disappeared before I could dry her off and did not appear until her coat was all dry and fluffed up. It was the last time we tried that!!


Two of mine hate water, but the third likes to go outdoors in the rain, get wet and then come back indoors, at which point he demands to be dried with his personal fluffy towel. I don’t think he particularly likes water, but he really loves the Fluffy Towel of Bliss❣️ 😂😂


I'm not sure if I accidentally trained my cat to like showers or if he genuinely thinks he has to watch me shower to make sure I don't drown lol but he's 15 now and enjoys me using the pulse on the shower head on him when I'm clean lol he also is infatuated with getting his ears cleaned he jumps on the bathroom counter when I clean my ears every 3 days haha we have a whole pampering routine. He's the sweetest big boy, his little sister panics when you turn a sink faucet on HAHA.


Mt cat likes to drink in the bathroom sinks faucet. She also likes to chase the water going down the drain during a shower. And yes she has to be in the bathroom when I'm in the bathroom.


When I think of how sensitive my cats are to being petted in certain areas, I can only assume that a full-body bath would be overstimulating in the extreme!
I never bathe my cats.


I have two young cats who are OBSESSED with water. They will come running into the bathroom any time they hear running water, and stand on their back legs side by side at the tub, playing with the water that they can reach. One of them is particularly interested in showers and will perch on the edge of the tub between the shower curtain liner and the shower curtain. They have both tried to join me in the bath on numerous occasions, it's pretty hilarious. They play with the flushing toilet water, and they are always in the sink to bat around a stream of water with their paws when I'm trying to brush my teeth. It's very entertaining; and they'll probably grow out of it at some point, but it give me a lot of laughs now.


LOL, so funny how Wessie said, "don't cuddle me"! My cat is the same. I tried doing the "shoulder cat" thing with him and he thought I was trying to kill him!!


I love the way my void plays in the water. Any faucet is a play toy for him. I would never do anything to stop him from playing in the bathroom sink. (Except turn off the water)


The only time I've ever bathed any of our cats were two of the rescues who were found as kittens. They had fleas and so were carefully lowered in a sink of warm soapy water. This forced many fleas up to the head and neck area where they could more easily be removed. This took about two or three sessions before they were flea free. Baths were never needed after that.


Dad had a fish pond in the yard. It had 1 " mesh over it to keep the birds and cats out. But he noticed that there were fewer and fewer fish in it. Then he also noticed that the cat was quite often wet, legs and belly, sometimes on the back and face... And one day he saw the cat sitting on the netting, pushing it below the surface of the water, waiting for a fish to swim through the netting ready for snack time!


My pal Guapo liked to go fishing in the pond in the park. His fur seemed more like an otter's that the water rolled right off. He would go for a swim and 5 minutes later you would not know he had gotten wet.


Actually, cats used to like being in water. But then, after the invention of photography, they saw images of themselves and realized how ridiculous they look when they're wet. Now, with the growth of social media, this fear of water has escalated because they never know when someone might be around with a camera to post their dripping faces all over YouTube. It's hard to see a way out of this lol


I use a plastic brush with the sponge backing, i use warm water and brush her, she seems to love it.
It makes her very relaxed.


A quick side note (and kudos) to the creator of this video - VERY well made video, without any silly dramatisation, excessive make-up (or any other such superfluous nonsense), AND without any of those awful background noises some folks call "music" and feel it just HAS to be added to the video. Which only distracts like a hell and drowns out the narrative.
Instead, just simple facts and explanations, delivered at reasonable pace and in concise way. I wish more "content creators" on YT had as much commons sense as yourself.


Cats with their hearing, and other senses are are extremely sensitive. Its part of what i love about them.


My previous cat, Roxy, liked to sit out in the rain. One of my current cats, Colbie, likes to swat at and drink water from the faucet when I wash dishes. She gets pretty wet but keeps playing.


Great insight to see it from their perspective. Thanks 😸


Good points. I think a big one mentioned is control. Take a cat in the car without it's carrier or a leash. It will cling probably to your neck or shoulders because "why are you so calm?" Water is a big random mess. Loud noises etc all add to this as well. Makes sense.


My gf said she wants me to start bathing my cats like they were dogs lololol I told her good luck with that! But one of my cats did legitimately need a bath after my other cat puked on her during a car ride. My cat isla smelled like half digested tuna for like 2 days before I put her in the bathtub; I had been trying wipes, but it wasn’t enough. She had been trying to groom it out of her fur, poor thing. Isla was VERY displeased with taking a bath, but she cooperated. I was very impressed tbh. I’d have EMS on standby if I tried to bathe my other cat lol
